



直到大學階段,因緣際會參加一些社團和蔬食相關網路社群活動,認識了不少也是在吃素的素友,每個人吃素的原因和歷程也都有所不同,透過分享素食以及聚餐活動認識了更多素食者,也很感謝有這些社群平台讓蔬食者凝聚在一起,也意外的擔任蔬食社群平台的管理員,蔬食哀居社群的帳號為vv.people 蔬食者聯盟,不定期舉辦蔬食活動或聚餐凝聚大家。



去年也決定開始經營instagram 素食帳號vv.circle0916,分享自己吃過的素食分享給更多人知道,讓許多葷食者願意嘗試多多品嚐素食的美味,進而成為蔬食者!


My name is Hanson, and I have been a vegetarian since I was a child. At the beginning, because of family environment and religious factors, understanding the benefits of being a vegetarian and watching the video of animal slaughter was a bit unbearable, which made me more convinced that I want to go vegetarian. way.

However, the path of becoming a vegetarian is indeed a bit lonely at the beginning, and there may not be many friends who are vegetarians together, but there are religious friends in Buddhist temples to accompany and support us to be vegetarians together.

From kindergarten, elementary school, high school to university, there are only a handful of friends who can find vegetarians in the class, and because of this, they are often labeled as vegetarians. The addition and subtraction of self-confidence has been affected, but I still don’t regret it. Go vegetarian this way!

Until the university stage, I participated in some clubs and online community activities related to vegetarian food by chance. I met many vegetarian friends who are also vegetarians. I am very grateful to have these social platforms that allow vegetarians to gather together. I also accidentally serve as the administrator of the vegetarian community platform. The account of the vegetarian community is vv.people The alliance organizes vegetarian events or dinners from time to time to unite everyone.

The university also did some research and surveys on environmental protection products for graduation thesis. The surveys also aroused my interest in environmental protection, and I also understood the benefits of being a vegetarian for the environment. After graduation, I decided to embark on the road of research in the field of environmental protection. After graduating from the research institute, by chance, I went to work in a public environmental protection agency to study, hoping that my own interests can contribute to environmental protection!

See also  有人說; 選擇比努力更重要。不再吃動物,就是我人生中做的最正確選擇。

Last year, I also decided to start the instagram vegetarian account vv.circle0916, share the vegetarian food I have eaten and share it with more people, so that many meat eaters are willing to try more delicious vegetarian food, and then become vegetarians!


#vegetarian 蛋奶素 蔬食生活
#合作 #開箱 #試吃 #抽獎 #贊助
#蔬食者聯盟 管管《實際行動走訪各地蔬食》

all images courtesy of 跳脫蔬試圈(食記/實際品嚐)