Ann is a very sensual and emotional photographer from Russia. Her photography reflects emotions and aesthetics in people, the world around her, and events.

Meatless Movement recently had a chance to chat with her. Ann told Meatless Movement that according to the philosophy of Ikigai, you should not forget to enjoy the little things that come across you during the day. Pay attention around, see the beauty and notice the unusual.

Please tell us more about yourself

Hello everyone! My name is Ann, I’m a photographer from Russia.

I dream of opening my vegan cafe

Аня アーニャ 🐼
Аня アーニャ 🐼

I became a vegan a year ago, and before that I was a vegetarian for about 10 years. I have loved animals since childhood and have never understood what makes people kill and eat these intelligent creatures. I believe that in the modern world people can do without animal products and refuse to exploit animals for humane and ethical reasons.

In fact, plant-based diets can be very balanced, diverse, and wholesome

Аня アーニャ 🐼
Аня アーニャ 🐼

People are constantly asking why I became a vegan, and how can I live without meat. Answering all these questions is tedious, and I come up with an original answer every time. For example, that I was bitten by a barbecue or that I’m a fan of “weed”)).

In fact, despite the fact that there are very few vegans in my environment, people are quite positive about this. They are interested, and if I see in them a sincere desire to learn about my choice, then I am happy to tell you the details.

Pasta with minced soy and fried onions
Pasta with minced soy and fried onions .
The simplest bowl I've ever done. Vegetables and chickpeas
The simplest bowl I’ve ever done. Vegetables and chickpeas
Easy yogurt with strawberries and chocolate cookies
Easy yogurt with strawberries and chocolate cookies

In the modern world and conditions, this is just a habit that many people simply do not want to give up

Аня アーニャ 🐼

Many people say that I’m great, but they can’t give up animal products. Often people help me if I get into a difficult situation. For example, this summer I went to St. Petersburg for a few days. The program included excursions, a hotel and meals.

However, vegan meals were not provided. Then I turned to the manager of the restaurant, who was sympathetic to the problem and even became very attentive to me! Every time everyone sat down at the table, she called me and we went to choose something which are vegan friendly for me, whereas my friends did not have the opportunity to choose a dish.

Falafel with hummus at «Terrazza» Cafe​​​​​​​
Falafel with hummus at «Terrazza» Cafe
Pasta pesto with dried tomatoes at «Mamma Mia» restaurant
Pasta pesto with dried tomatoes at «Mamma Mia» restaurant
Delicious burger with seitan at «Fa la fellow» in Chelyabinsk
Delicious burger with seitan at «Fa la fellow» in Chelyabinsk
A hearty lunch at «Tulasi» in Tyumen. There is the most delicious cuisine! Tofu and nori sprats, kutab with herbs and sweet waffles
A hearty lunch at «Tulasi» in Tyumen. There is the most delicious cuisine! Tofu and nori sprats, kutab with herbs and sweet waffles

Let’s live in harmony with the world around us 🐄👭🐏

Аня アーニャ 🐼

Sometimes there are awkward situations related to my type of food. For example, birthdays or corporate parties are often celebrated at work, and colleagues often forget that I don’t eat their “normal” food.

Homemade oatmeal cookies with peanut paste and sunflower seeds
Homemade oatmeal cookies with peanut paste and sunflower seeds
Fresh breakfast porridge with fruits seeds and nuts​​​​​​​
My coconut yogurt with probiotics LactoBif
My coconut yogurt with probiotics LactoBif

Relatives and friends are already used to it, but acquaintances can sometimes bring non-Vegan sweets for tea or gifts containing animal ingredients. I don’t live in a big city, so our supermarkets don’t have a wide variety of vegan food. But I noticed that during the year of my veganism, some interesting novelties appeared on the shelves.

Products of the company Healthy Innovation
Products of the company Healthy Innovation
Oatmeal yoghurts of the Russian company Nemoloko
Oatmeal yoghurts of the Russian company Nemoloko
My coconut delight
My coconut delight
My coconut delight
My coconut delight

I always carefully check the ingredients on the packages of products in stores to be sure that there are no non-Vegan ingredients. In addition, you can always buy fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables, cereals, nuts, dried fruits, spaghetti, mushrooms and other products in stores. In establishments like cafes and restaurants in my city, it is almost impossible to find vegan positions.

See also  Plant based eating inspires a certain mindfulness about what you are consuming

This is amazing! I feel moral and physical satisfaction from the realization that no one should suffer for the sake of cooking my food.

Аня アーニャ 🐼

If you feel that you want to switch to veganism, first you need to understand your motivation. You will not be able to maintain a vegan diet for a long time just to improve your health or for the sake of fashion. I believe that you can truly be a vegan only when you have unconditional love and empathy for animals and the planet in your heart.

Watch films about the life of animals on farms, read scientific articles and research to make sure of the damage caused by animal husbandry to the environment. After that, it’s easy to give up meat. The taste of meat and milk is exactly what we are used to. But there are many alternative products in the world. Vegetable cutlets, yoghurts, pastries, soy minced meat and so on. Try ordering falafel at a cafe or buy vegetable nuggets. Find out what a balanced vegan diet should be and start sticking to it. And your life will change.

In my city there are only a couple of vegan shops and only one vegetarian cafe, which is currently working only for delivery. That’s why I mostly cook by myself. When I get the opportunity to visit another city, I definitely visit local establishments and buy something home.

Own waffles with dark chocolate
Own waffles with dark chocolate
Own waffles with dark chocolate
Own waffles with dark chocolate

My dishes are often very easy to prepare, as I am not a fan of cooking. I try to make them balanced and nutritious. I would not say that I eat very healthy food, as I like to treat myself to delicious treats. However, lately I have been trying to monitor my diet and take more vitamins.

This is a simple raw cake made by me from oatmea coconut milk chocolate and walnuts

When we care about what we eat, we are also taking care of our well-being, appearance and mood.

Аня アーニャ 🐼

One of the common misconceptions about vegans is their thinness and poor health. It is also widely believed that vegans are aggressive, although according to research it is animal products, especially meat, that make us angry. They think we’re freaks ;D

I made scrambled eggs from tofu, tomatoes, coconut milk, onions, sprouts, curry and other spices
I made scrambled eggs from tofu, tomatoes, coconut milk, onions, sprouts, curry and other spices
Homemade tofu russians cheesecakes (sirniki)
Homemade tofu russians cheesecakes (sirniki)
Baked pumpkin
Baked pumpkin

With non-Vegans, you need to communicate calmly, patiently. We need to try to interest them and dispel all fears, myths and stereotypes about vegans and vegetarians. It is important to be an informed, open and active vegan, so that people see a good example of a person with a kind heart in front of them. And over time, you will notice that even inveterate skeptics will begin to listen to your words and even ask for advice.

See also  If it’s perfectly possible to live a healthy, happy life without killing animals, then why would you want to?
Аня アーニャ 🐼
Аня アーニャ 🐼

Thanks to global progress in the 21st century, there are many opportunities to properly and fully eat solely plant-based food 

Learn as much information about veganism as possible. I haven’t thought about switching to veganism for 10 years, because I thought I wouldn’t be able to be healthy on veganism. But it’s not! I just wasn’t interested in this topic. But in recent years, many studies have been conducted proving that a balanced plant-based diet is the best thing you can do for your body and your planet.

Homemade thin Russian rice flour pancakes
Homemade thin Russian rice flour pancakes
Homemade chebureks with soy minced meat
Homemade chebureks with soy minced meat
Homemade tofu russians cheesecakes (sirniki)
Homemade tofu russians cheesecakes (sirniki)

There are many websites, articles, YouTube channels, blogs and communities on the Internet that will help you quickly and safely switch to veganism. The better you prepare for your future veganism, the easier it will be to maintain a plant-based diet for life. The main thing is to understand why or for whom you are doing this. It is important, if possible, to adhere to a vegan lifestyle not only in food, but also in clothing, cosmetics, household chemicals, etc.

Homemade Vegan Bounty Bars
Homemade Vegan Bounty Bars
Homemade Vegan Bounty Bars
Homemade Vegan Bounty Bars
Homemade granola with dried fruits, seeds and banana
Homemade granola with dried fruits, seeds and banana

The only and most humane option for human and animal coexistence is veganism

Veganism is about the love for animals

Аня アーニャ 🐼
Аня アーニャ 🐼

Being a vegan in a megalopolis is much easier than in the provinces. That’s partly why I’ve always been drawn to big cities. Next year I will finally realize my dream and move to a big city abroad. I’m so looking forward to it!

Becoming a vegan, you will inevitably have to face difficulties: constantly reading the ingredients of products, studying a lot of information, feeling misunderstandings or even condemnation from others.

See also  We need protein, but not meat. We need calcium, but not milk, and we need omegas, but not fish

This is a thorny path, but all great things begin with a small one – with each of us who took responsibility and began to consciously relate to lives.

Аня アーニャ 🐼
Аня アーニャ 🐼

Seeds and beans are your best friends
Fruits and nuts are your cool bros
Vegetables and cereals are very important guys
Eat them every day, fellow vegans

Аня アーニャ 🐼

Аня アーニャ 🐼

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all images courtesy of Аня アーニャ 🐼