Lynn is a UK resident who was born and raised in the vibrant city of Liverpool. Growing up, Lynn had a deep love for music and sports and was an incredibly active child. However, in the 1980s, Lynn moved to a more rural area and saw the connection between animals and food. This realization led her to become a vegetarian in 1988, and since then, Lynn has never looked back.

Lynn’s journey towards veganism began when they discovered that the dairy and egg industries were just as cruel as the meat industry. Lynn kept some chickens, and upon seeing the abandoned eggs with half-formed chicks, realized the harsh reality of the chicken industry. Lynn also discovered the horrors of the dairy industry, where calves were taken away from their mothers every year. As a mother, this saddened Lynn deeply.

Lynn’s love for fitness and healthy living led them to discover the benefits of a plant-based diet. They found that it was excellent for their health to eat more vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts. Lynn didn’t miss meat at all and found that being vegan was the best decision they ever made. Today, Lynn is passionate about being vegan for the animals and for their own wellbeing.

Please tell us more about yourself

Humans are really the most destructive species on this beautiful planet … we can all make a difference.

fit for life_vegan

I live in UK was born and grew up in Liverpool a big beautiful city .. I loved music and sports and was a very active child!

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I moved to a more rural area in the 1980s and saw fields with cows, sheep etc .. that’s when I made the connection and stopped eating meat! I became vegetarian in 1988. There was a butchers van that came round the neibourhood .. I remember asking him to get some vegetarian meat for me!

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fit for life_vegan

I was happily vegetarian for some years and didn’t realise that the dairy and egg industries were just as bad. In fact we kept some chickens and they often had chicks .. the eggs that were abandoned were sometimes half formed chicks .. our chickens were happy roaming around fields & woodland but that made me realise that most chickens have a horrible life confined in small spaces.

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I also discovered the horrors of the dairy industry .. calves taken from their mothers every year. Being a mum myself this was really saddening. So I became vegan for the animals. Also as a lifelong fitness freak, I found it was great for my health to eat more vegetables and fruit seeds and nuts. I didn’t miss meat at all! Now I love being vegan!

One person not eating meat or fish could save upto 365 x 3 lives per year 💚 Think about it!

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Initially it was hard to eat out, there were limited choices and it was quite frustrating. In UK things are better now and there are completely vegan restaurants and cafes which I always choose to go to .. I like to support these places.

Initially my family were sceptical! My Mum used to say .. come for dinner .. but what will I give you! I always said just make what you’re making and leave the meat off my plate! I’d sometimes take something with me too.

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When anyone came to dinner at my house they ate vegetarian or vegan .. I refused to cook meat it fish in the house! I have never had a friend complain about the food, and they always love the vegan meals and desserts .. my daughter bakes delicious vegan cakes!

To be honest, I generally prefer eating at home, unless for a special occasion!
Being vegan has made me so much more thoughtful about everything I use and buy, I always look for cruelty free vegan options in toiletries, cleaning products, clothing, accessories .. everything as far as possible is vegan.

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fit for life_vegan

Billions of animals are created simply to die for a meal … it makes no sense 😢

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I believe the world would be much better and people healthier and happier if everyone was vegan! It’s great for the animals, for health and for the planet in my opinion.

See also  I take sooo many pictures of my vegan meals/snacks/drinks etc., so I figured why not post them?

When people first hear about vegan food they tend to think of just the processed meat substitutes, and they say things like ‘they taste like cardboard!’ Or they’re full of chemicals! What they forget is that farm animals are often fed an unnatural diet and are given antibiotics regularly .. so ‘real meat’ is full of chemicals! Also when they cook ‘real meat’ they add flavorings and spices to give it a an acceptable flavour .. they don’t eat it raw!

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if you truly love animals, you don’t eat them!

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However, there are hundreds of thousands of edible plants to choose many can be eaten raw .. they have such a variation of flavours and textures, eating plants is never boring!
I try to show by example, sharing my love of health and fitness, and my love of vegan food .. I’m well over 60 years old, and believe that being vegan keeps me younger, healthier and fitter! I do eat some of the meat substitutes, like seitan tofu and tempeh but I don’t eat so many vegan ‘junk food’ options like burgers or pizza.

I am aware of my health and keep a check on my macros generally trying to eat more protein as I get older, I also check in with a blood test to check my levels of micronutrients vitamins and minerals .. I take a B12 supplement and a vegan multivitamin.

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fit for life_vegan
fit for life_vegan

Eating whole plant foods can be very good for your health

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I’d love to live in a peaceful fair world where everyone can thrive .. I think being vegan is definitely a step towards that ideal world, less suffering has to be a good thing.

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I’d urge everyone to become vegan .. sign up to a Veganuary of other type of support programme, watch documentaries, read books and let your conscience be your guide.

See also  Veganism can improve your physical and even mental health, and best of all, you won’t be contributing to animal suffering

Keep busy .. sing dance and have fun at every opportunity!
Love people, love what you do and be grateful for every day! So many people don’t get old .. only the fortunate ones do so embrace it and live every day the best you can xxx

I am completely vegan about 6 years now .. and wish I’d changed sooner from vegetarian to vegan! Every vegan I know says the same .. wish I’d done it sooner! 😊

Thank you xxx


Vegan, fitness, health, music, teacher, food, travel, art, people, life, dance 🌱🍓🎶
Age? Never grow up!

all images courtesy of fitforlife_vegan