Meet Rosie! She’s a passionate advocate for diverse diets and sustainable living. On her Instagram page, Rosie shares her journey towards a raw vegan lifestyle and invites you to join her in the #rawforaugust challenge.

Rosie believes that raw veganism not only addresses the climate change crisis but also offers a solution for vegans who may be struggling with their health. Through her posts, she aims to educate and inspire others to embrace raw whole foods, emphasizing the importance of soil biodiversity and regenerative agriculture.

Follow Rosie‘s Instagram to learn about the incredible benefits of raw food, get practical tips on incorporating more raw meals into your diet, and gain insights into sustainable agricultural practices. Get ready to explore a world of vibrant, nourishing, and environmentally-friendly food choices with Rosie as your guide!

Please tell us more about yourself

So much vitality. Powered by plants 🥕🥒🍅🫑🍆🥝🍌🍊🍉

raw for august

Hey I’m Rose! I host the new vegan campaign RawForAugust which launches next month.

raw for august

I am encouraging raw veganism as the answer to aspects of the climate change crisis, but also the answer to addressing vegans with ill health who are not yet thriving.

raw for august

Further to the focus on raw whole foods, I hope to give education on the importance of soil biodiversity and regenerative agriculture.

All the ethics of RawForAugust, offer a full circle solution to health problems, animal welfare, spirituality and the health of the planet.

August 1st to August 6th Shopping list hand-out + Breakfast Idea’s Swap up 1 of your usual 3 meals a day with a Raw Vegan Meal. August 7th to August 13th Kitchen Prep hand-out + Lunch Idea’s Swap up a dif

The Drama Of Disease /
The liberation of healing x

raw for august

I am a 29 year old musician from Yorkshire, UK. I spent 22 years of my life poorly with debilitating skin conditions and worsening bone health. I would soothe myself by writing and performing melancholy songs.

See also  Emily made a life-changing choice: to part ways with meat indefinitely

Clearly I was a shell of a woman, lacking self-love, lacking nutrition and yearning for passion to occupy my soul again. The only thing left in my being after this stage of life, was a seed of hope.

my plight with ill health

That seed was fertilised 10 months ago, when as a last resort I began eating only raw fruits, vegetables, nuts & seeds. I stopped drinking alcohol and began withdrawing from refined sugars.

I have now incorporated Tofu and Tempeh into my diet too, and I feel this complete protein of all 9 essential amino acids gives me tons of energy when my schedule is busy.

22 years in the western medical system, brought me no answers or solutions. Yet ingrained in my brain was the falsehood that meat is essential in my diet.

Not so miraculously, on a raw vegan diet I experienced full disease reversal and the delicious bonus of spiritual enlightenment, something many raw vegans have reported world-wide.

I hope to bring this new lease of life to anyone who is lost, disconnected and longing for change.

I would love to share my
*Yummy Healing Raw Food!*
With you!

raw for august
Converting my boyfriend into a vegan one saucy dip at a time!

It’s no miracle, it’s just science. It’s simple biochemistry. Fiber feeds and nourishes our microbiome, creating short chain fatty acids that lead to increased microbial diversity in our guts.
A strong gut lining of beneficial bacteria is crucial for resistance to disease and better overall health. Moreover, fiber adds bulk to stool which means improved digestion, nutrient absorption and quicker bowel transit time.
I am a ‘high’ raw vegan because I want my foods to be rich in enzymes, I want all that goodness to reach my cells. Fruits and vegetables are so hydrating too! Have you ever juiced a beetroot?

See also  Embracing Compassion and Awareness: My Journey from Vegetarianism to Veganism on Long Island
raw for august – live your truth

I have been thinking about my purpose here, making sure I am contributing to a good cause and encouraging progress with your health and our earths

raw for august

My advice is to eat as intuitively as possible, once you’ve transitioned to veganism, have rid your cupboards of the junk and detoxed the stimulants, what is your body actually asking for?
I’ve noticed that when I’m with my friends and I pull out a clementine from my bag, everyone always wants a segment of juicy, activating orange in their mouth!

Vegan nutrition has to be tailored to an individual, but the universally connected and undeniably wonderful thing that comes with it, is compassion.

raw for august

Your heart will break open
Your rage will melt away
You will have so much energy to give back, and help the world progress to find those benevolent and fair solutions.
Veganism is for every person, including the hairy ones with snouts, beaks or udders!
Veganism is a global healer.

raw for august

Thanks! Keep your eyes peeled for the launching of my campaign next month,
Where families can get involved to create inspiring salad meals, or join me one on one for a more personalised transformation.


Vegan for the planet
Raw Vegan for health 📍Wakefield West Yorkshire, UK
🍉🍇🌽🍊🍌get in touch if you are local to me!🥑🥒🫒🌎🍏🥗🥥🍋🍍🥝🫐

all images courtesy of rawforaugust🌍