Robin is the creative force behind the enchanting world of the Vegan Dollhouse. If you’re drawn to all things cute, have a passion for cooking and baking, and share a deep commitment to animal welfare, you’ve stumbled upon the perfect haven. Here, Robin invites you on a culinary journey that not only tantalizes your taste buds but also awakens your inner artist.

But there’s more to Robin’s story than just delectable vegan delights. It’s a tale of transformation, sparked by an unexpected source – her love for music. Robin’s musical journey began in her early teens, initially entranced by the heavy sounds of metal. She spent countless nights attending metal shows with her closest friends, Cheri and Nicole. Yet, her musical path soon led her to the vibrant world of pop punk, igniting a change that would resonate far beyond the realms of music.

At that time, Robin’s mom, a dedicated chef working night shifts, often brought home sumptuous meals, including cold filet mignon that Robin would find waiting for her at breakfast. However, an eye-opening moment came during an unconventional encounter at a Denny’s while Robin and Cheri were on an acid trip. It was there, in the midst of their surreal experience, that Robin gazed upon Cheri’s chicken breast sandwich and, in a moment of surreal clarity, saw more than just a sandwich. She saw a vivid image of a living chicken with legs and wings, leading her to question the origins of the meat on her plate.

This marked the beginning of Robin’s gradual transition to a meat-free diet, with each step taken without a full understanding of the meat and dairy industry. She started by eliminating hot dogs and hamburgers, disturbed by the idea of consuming ground-up animal parts. Her journey continued, becoming increasingly selective until she would only consume eggs after meticulously removing the yolk’s umbilical cord, as it felt too reminiscent of human life.

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In the late ’90s, the term “vegan” was not yet mainstream, and various forms of vegetarianism prevailed. It was during this period, around 1996, that Robin recalls a pivotal encounter. She baked a batch of m&m cookies and shared them with a group of friends in Sacramento, including a fellow named Crusty, who had distinctive dreadlocks. To Robin’s surprise, Crusty inquired if the cookies were vegan, introducing her to the unfamiliar term.

However, it wasn’t until a fateful day at Warped Tour in the summer of 1999 that Robin’s life would change forever. At the event, she wandered into the PETA booth, where she picked up a pamphlet from Vegan Outreach. As she delved into its pages, Robin uncovered the harsh realities of the dairy industry and its horrific treatment of animals. This eye-opening moment marked the final step in her journey toward a vegan lifestyle, a pivotal turning point that would eventually lead her to create the Vegan Dollhouse.

As we embark on this culinary adventure with Robin, we not only savor her delectable vegan recipes but also celebrate the profound journey that brought her here—a journey fueled by compassion, curiosity, and a profound love for music.

Tell us more about yourself, please

I’m Robin. I was born in California and still live here.

I have been vegan for 24 years and vegetarian for 29. As soon as I started making the connection that meat came from animals, I stopped eating it. When I learned about the horrors of the dairy industry, I went vegan.

Me & Macchiato: Robin Means 🎀 Vegan Dollhouse
Me & Macchiato: Robin Means 🎀 Vegan Dollhouse

The vegan dairy substitutes back then were super limited and what did exist tasted so bad that I didn’t want it. And the internet was barely a thing so I had to learn about what ingredients to avoid from zines. Most restaurants didn’t know the word vegan unless they were specifically vegan or vegetarian restaurants, so I didn’t really eat out.

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Hobee’s had tofu pancakes on their kids menu, and we always used fruit to make a face on them before bringing them to the table: Robin Means 🎀 Vegan Dollhouse
Hobee’s had tofu pancakes on their kids menu, and we always used fruit to make a face on them before bringing them to the table: Robin Means 🎀 Vegan Dollhouse
Mori-Nu Silken Tofu is shelf-stable, so it’s a great staple to have in your cupboard for days when you haven’t gone grocery shopping. Since Mori-Nu Tofu is a complete protein, you could make extra pancakes on the weekend to save for busy weekday morning breakfasts.: Robin Means 🎀 Vegan Dollhouse
Mori-Nu Silken Tofu is shelf-stable, so it’s a great staple to have in your cupboard for days when you haven’t gone grocery shopping. Since Mori-Nu Tofu is a complete protein, you could make extra pancakes on the weekend to save for busy weekday morning breakfasts.: Robin Means 🎀 Vegan Dollhouse

For the whole story about how I went vegan, I talk about it on episode 1 of my podcast: 

Recipes Detroit Pizza: Robin Means 🎀 Vegan Dollhouse

I have always been into sharing food with people as a way to express my affection

Robin Means 🎀 Vegan Dollhouse

Nowadays, the only challenge I experience is wondering how so many people aren’t vegan yet and feeling the heartache of knowing that people care more about their taste buds than a life.

Robin Means 🎀 Vegan Dollhouse
Robin Means 🎀 Vegan Dollhouse

I’m lucky that my friends and family who aren’t yet vegan only eat vegan around me since they understand how important it is to me.

I would just cook for them. If they lived too far away for that, I would ask them what their favorite foods are and then suggest vegan versions of those foods for them to try.

Robin Means 🎀 Vegan Dollhouse
Robin Means 🎀 Vegan Dollhouse

Lately, my favorite food is vegan Detroit style pizza. 

I make it every Friday night or if I’m too busy to cook, I get take out from pizzasaurus rex (they’re an omni pizzeria in Sacramento but their vegan Detroit pepperoni pizza is SO GOOD). 

What advice do you have for beginners starting a meatless diet?

Make dinner plans with vegan and vegetarian friends. Join vegan discord, Reddit, or Facebook groups to learn more and get advice on what products are good. I’ve met some of my closest friends at vegan meetups and events. Most vegans are super nice and genuinely want to help and answer questions.

Kawaii Teddy Bear Hat: Robin Means 🎀 Vegan Dollhouse
Kawaii Teddy Bear Hat: Robin Means 🎀 Vegan Dollhouse
Here’s a pic of me with Juliette Lewis from Warped Tour that year when she played with her band Juliette and the Licks.: Robin Means 🎀 Vegan Dollhouse
Here’s a pic of me with Juliette Lewis from Warped Tour that year when she played with her band Juliette and the Licks.: Robin Means 🎀 Vegan Dollhouse

I posted some vegan cookies with song lyrics I like on my instagram and some bands reposted them. One of my favorite bands of all time, Jawbreaker, even requested my treats so when they came here on tour, I got to bring them homemade vegan treats and meet them.

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Holding the Heart Cookie: Robin Means 🎀 Vegan Dollhouse
Holding the Heart Cookie: Robin Means 🎀 Vegan Dollhouse

Shop Sustainable Kids’ Apparel: Support the Meatless Movement!

Robin Means 🎀 Vegan Dollhouse

✨ Creator of cute vegan food
💖: ☕️🍫🍰🐶
🏠: ☀️ California ☀️

all images courtesy of Robin Means 🎀 Vegan Dollhouse