Corrine has conquered eczema after struggling with chronic flare ups for over two decades.

Corrine’s battle with eczema that truly began in 1995, a condition that plagued her skin to the
point where she once, in sheer frustration, rubbed both her eyebrows off due to the
unbearable itchiness. Undeterred by these afflictions, Corrine embarked on a relentless quest
for answers. She explored various diets, tirelessly searching for a hidden food allergen,
convinced that eliminating this elusive culprit would restore her skin to its former glory. But
eczema persisted, affecting her eyes and becoming a chronic, daily ordeal.

Corrine’s health struggles extended beyond her skin. Cystic acne and chronic eczema were joined by the predictable arrival of hormonal headaches, like clockwork with the ebb and flow of estrogen. Exhaustion sometimes overtook her to the point of daytime naps, rendering even the simplest tasks, like preparing supper, a draining challenge.

Fast forward to today, and Corrine stands as a testament to the power of determination and self-discovery. Her face boasts clear skin, free from the trace of eczema, and she no longer succumbs to daytime drowsiness. Her energy levels are high, and she easily finds joy in each day. Headaches have become rare, anxiety has abated, and her once-aching knee joints have enjoyed years of respite. The transformation she achieved was not through medication or magic, but through deliberate changes in her diet and lifestyle.

Corrine believes in the profound connection between nutrition and well-being, recognizing that it extends far beyond the mere consumption of nutrients. A healthy relationship with food, she believes, is an integral part of the healing process. Hailing from Alberta, Canada, she proudly holds the title of a Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant. She is also the driving force behind Food 4 Thought Holistic Nutrition & Wellness, serving as its founder and CEO.

See also  It is my wish that more people will recognize the importance of a plant based diet, not only for our health, but also for animals and the planet earth

Her journey towards vibrant health began when she discovered the numerous benefits associated with a plant-based diet. Driven by her quest for wellness, she ordered her first vegan cookbook and decided to take a leap of faith.

Corrine’s story is a testament to resilience, self-discovery, and the transformative power of dietary and lifestyle choices. She stands as a beacon of hope for those facing similar health challenges, demonstrating that they are not alone, they are not crazy, and they do not have to endure their struggles indefinitely.

Please tell us more about yourself

I created Food 4 Thought Holistic Nutrition and Wellness to empower women through nutrition

Candida | Plant Based Nutritionist | Corrine

I am a Cer/fied Holis/c Nutri/onal Consultant from Alberta, Canada, and the founder and CEO of Food 4 Thought Holis/c Nutri/on & Wellness.

Candida | Plant Based Nutritionist | Corrine
Candida | Plant Based Nutritionist | Corrine

I went whole food plant based about eight years ago.

I focus on a plant-based approach to candida

Candida | Plant Based Nutritionist | Corrine

I was struggling with cys/c acne, as well as eczema on my face, and mul/ple hormonal issues. I had been learning about all of the health benefits associated with a plant-based diet. I ordered my first vegan cook book, and decided to give it a try.

Candida | Plant Based Nutritionist | Corrine
Candida | Plant Based Nutritionist | Corrine

I felt beKer, I slept beKer, I had much more energy and my skin cleared up. It took about three years for my eczema to go away completely. I had to embrace a lifestyle and not just a diet for this to work. This transforma/on was so powerful for me that I decided to go back to school at 46 years old, and change careers from hairstylist to nutri/onist.

Candida | Plant Based Nutritionist | Corrine
Candida | Plant Based Nutritionist | Corrine

I don’t just know nutrition, I know food

Candida | Plant Based Nutritionist | Corrine

I would tell anyone looking to transi/on their diet to focus on whole foods, and to not feel like they have to go all in overnight. This isn’t just a dietary change; it changes the way you view your food.
Being whole foods plant based can definitely come with its challenges when ea/ng out or at someone’s house. Many will not understand that a plant-based diet, for me is not just about what I am not ea/ng, what I am ea/ng is just as important.

See also  I do it because I love animals. That is what keeps me vegan
Candida | Plant Based Nutritionist | Corrine
Candida | Plant Based Nutritionist | Corrine

We need to stop telling vegans they need to ensure that they are getting enough protein

Candida | Plant Based Nutritionist | Corrine

Now that I have my Cer/fica/on in Holis/c Nutri/on, I am looking to change the way we approach vegan or plant-based nutri/on. I help women who struggle with chronic candida symptoms with a plant-based approach. Our standard dietary advice for candida is not made for vegans.

Candida | Plant Based Nutritionist | Corrine
Candida | Plant Based Nutritionist | Corrine

This means we are offered alterna/ve recipes or meal plans to the standard advice, which can oRen feel like an aRerthought. This can leave you feeling like your diet is lacking and it just might be, because many healthy whole foods are oRen needlessly eliminated on these types of diets.

When you are vegan your choices will be even more limited, and I am here to change that.

Now that I see it all together,
I can touch on the protein aspect

Candida | Plant Based Nutritionist | Corrine

Our standard dietary advice for candida is not made for vegans, and quite frankly eliminates too
many healthy foods. People are more likely to have an issue diges;ng proteins rather than simply not ge<ng enough protein in their diet.

When I started searching vegan or plant-based candida diets I could not find any. What I did find
was a list of vegan subs;tu;ons that could be made. To me, as someone who struggled with these diets, as someone who eats plant based, and as someone who is Cer;fied in Holis;c Nutri;on, these subs;tu;ons did not make sense. We need to focus on adding in an;- inflammatory foods, put plant based proteins first, and work on crea;ng a healthy rela;onship with these foods.

See also  By living vegan, you will experience true peace and wellbeing by acknowledging your body is not meant to be a graveyard

Embrace the Meatless Movement: Your Support Fuels a Sustainable Future!

Candida | Plant Based Nutritionist | Corrine

I specialize in using plant based nutrition to empower women struggling with symptoms of candida including eczema. ⬇️

all images courtesy of Candida | Plant Based Nutritionist | Corrine