Andie, a self-proclaimed cheese enthusiast and devoted foodie, once reveled in her love for all things cheese. Her passion knew no bounds, and she would eagerly wake up early on weekends to indulge in her favorite cheeses and cold cuts from the San Juan Market. The vendors there knew her preferences so well that they could prepare her order without a single word from her.

However, Andie’s perspective took a drastic turn one day when she stumbled upon a PETA video shedding light on the dairy industry. Though she may not have watched the entire video, a particular scene left an indelible mark on her conscience — a mother cow desperately chasing after her calf, forcibly separated from her. The heart-wrenching cries of the cow became a catalyst for a profound change in Andie.

Unable to shake off the emotional impact, Andie closed her laptop, allowing herself a moment to grieve. In a decisive act, she rose from her chair, emptied her fridge of all cheeses and animal-related products, and tossed them in the trash. From that poignant day forward, Andie embraced a new chapter in her life, one where she never looked back on her former cheese-loving self.

Please tell us more about yourself

My name is Andrea, I was born and raised in the suburbs near Mexico City. 

me gusta comer plantas

Andie || Vegan Queen
Andie || Vegan Queen
Andie || Vegan Queen

I went vegan the day I saw footage of a dairy farm, and I am sure that I didn’t finish watching the entire video, but the little bit that I saw was enough for me to shut down my computer and cry for a while. I felt awful and guilty and just knew in my heart that I couldn’t continue to support an industry that did that. 
I had already stopped eating meat but I still consumed dairy every day.  But that day, after I was done crying, after I made the connection, I walked over to my fridge and took every single dairy item I had and threw it in the trash.

I haven’t looked back since. 

Andie || Vegan Queen
Andie || Vegan Queen

I wish I could remember the exact date this was in but I only remember it was several years ago. Details are foggy because at the time I was involved in the toxic relationship. However, one of the things that I do remember and I hold very dear in my heart is that my transitioning sort of created a tidal wave within my family and close friend circle. 

See also  The only regret is that I didn’t become vegan sooner

I went vegan from one day to the other, a few months later my sister started her transition, and a few months after that my best friend did too, my mom ended up going plant based and several years after my dad started his transition too. 

Andie || Vegan Queen
Andie || Vegan Queen

My extended family has been, for the most part, incredibly supportive. To the point that during important family reunions plant-based food is the normal.  

At the beginning, I remember I had no idea what I was doing and everything was challenging. I started reading ingredients lists, digging through Pinterest to find recipes, and researching as much as I could. But, a lot of the food inspiration that I was finding was very “american” and I do not have anything against that, but there came a point where I missed the foods that I grew up eating. 

To my relief, Mexico City is and has become very vegan friendly, there are a lot of vegan restaurants and even though it is usually a 45min commute from where I live to the city, the trip is always worthwhile. But I still yearned for the homemade meals my mom used to make when I was younger. 

Andie || Vegan Queen

During this learning curve I started losing a lot of weight. I have always been skinny so there came a point where I embodied every myth and stereotype of an unhealthy vegan and I remember this day when I looked at myself in the mirror and I did not look healthy. I looked skinny and pale and it sort of just hit me how I was that vegan person a lot of people knew and that by not being aware of my diet I was being a terrible representation of what being vegan looked like. 

So, I started reading more about nutrition, started doing exercise, took two plant based nutrition diplomas and started learning more about food in general. 
Aside from going vegan, learning about plant-based nutrition was probably one of the best decisions I ever made. 

Andie || Vegan Queen
Andie || Vegan Queen

I had always loved to cook and I never realized just how limited you are on an omnivore diet and it is crazy to me how people think that being vegan is restrictive when you have all this variety of plants you can use and the omnivore really just centers their entire attention in 4 different animal corpses. 
So, fast forward a few years and I am 33 years old, look way younger than I should, I went from doing crossfit (which I still miss at times) to Pole Fitness and my performance on the sport keeps getting better, my tofu based strength allows me to do things that might’ve taken a couple more years to do if I wasn’t vegan, every couple of weekends I do trail running with my family. And go to the gym whenever I get the chance. 

Andie || Vegan Queen
Andie || Vegan Queen

For me, going vegan was the beginning of a healthy lifestyle that has allowed me to connect with myself to a level I never even imagined possible. 

See also  Personally, I love being vegan. I think that it makes me more compassionate and helps me to build empathy with animals and humans alike

I get to eat delicious food without hurting anyone and that to me is beautiful

Andie || Vegan Queen

One of the things I am always telling people who might want to go vegan or are interested in a plant-based diet is that there are so many options available now. Not just in the amount of restaurants or products you can now get at your local supermarket but the amount of information and resources out there now is amazing. I understand that it can also be overwhelming at times but there are a lot of people (myself included) that can guide you to live your best vegan life if that is something you’d be interested in. Like, I am still to meet the vegan person who will say no to showing and sharing either recipes or products or restaurants that we like. 

Lemon tart by Iquitt bakery - Andie || Vegan Queen
Lemon tart by Iquitt bakery – Andie || Vegan Queen

Although there are many vegan restaurants in Mexico City that deserve to be mentioned here I do want to first give credit to the places that made the decision to start their business in the suburbs. Which was brave, daring and the best thing to have happened to me and my family. 

I am ever grateful to Mariana and Olga from Yoyu who remain one of the only vegan restaurants near my home and have amazing delicious food. They have the best soy and lentil burger and the most delicious pizzas. Period. 

And I also have to mention Brenda from Vaina Vegana who opened up the first vegan bakery in Satélite (near my home) and delights my days with their chocolate chip cookies and cinnamon rolls. 

And el Monchis Vegano, opened up their stall in a Uni but still have antirestaurant project with the best view. Their empanadas and aguachile have always been dear to my heart. 

Andie || Vegan Queen

Having said that, if you are ever in Mexico City these restaurants should be on your list:
Madlab, their burritos are the most delicious thing ever to have graced the planet. And their tacos are something out of this world. Julio is an amazing chef, entrepreneur and personal friend who will actually create things for you on the spot if you need him to. Also his strawberry habanero sauce is insane. 

Amor brujo Rolls by el caldero vegano - Andie || Vegan Queen
Amor brujo Rolls by el caldero vegano – Andie || Vegan Queen

La Plantisqueria, definitely the best place to get plant-based seafood. Their empanadas are out of this world and their tacos a la diabla, although spicy as hell are incredibly delicious. They never disappoint. 

See also  Every bite of my food makes me happy, NOT guilty

Muff, Aldo and Luciana are probably two of the most creative and talented people that I know. Artist’s in their craft, their sorrentinos are the most delicious pasta dish in Mexico, no questions asked. Their butter and nogoat cheese are something out of this world and they make the prettiest cakes and cookies. 

Iquitt Bakery, has this beautiful concept of good, healthy, clean desserts and delicious food that deserves a lot of praise. Their lemon tart is extraordinary. 

Burger and Fries by Yoyu café - Andie || Vegan Queen
Burger and Fries by Yoyu café – Andie || Vegan Queen

El jardin de Lilith, is a beautiful little spot with delicious food, it is a self-managed project that catered my Christmas dinner last year. Their pasta was really good and so were their romeritos and mashed potatoes. 

 X siempre Vegana Taquería, has the best choriqueso in Mexico. 

And finally, Fat Vegan, although they closed earlier last year will forever remain the single best place to get milkshakes that were out of this world and their buffalo wings were a culinary gift and a revelation. 

Andie || Vegan Queen
Andie || Vegan Queen

In conclusion, to anyone who lives in Mexico City and wants to go vegan, I say, you’ve never had more options available to you. And you can still eat everything you used to eat without hurting anyone. 

To those who live elsewhere in the world, just as I was able to find my way back to the foods I grew up eating, so can you. Leaning your way around new flavours and textures and ingredients is a beautiful and creative exercise, do not be intimidated by it. It’s a journey, so enjoy it. 

Places mentioned: 


Andie || Vegan Queen

all images courtesy of Andie || Vegan Queen