Lea is someone who prioritizes her physical and mental well-being above everything else. She believes that our bodies are like temples, and we should treat them with love and care. She’s a firm believer in the idea that a healthy lifestyle leads to a happier life.

Lea finds solace in nature and enjoys spending hours wandering amongst the old trees, listening to the sounds of nature, and taking in all the magic that surrounds her. She’s also an avid animal lover and enjoys taking her furry friends along with her on her adventures.

Lea incorporates running, swimming, and working out into her daily routine, which not only brings her happiness but also empowers her as she challenges herself.

Meatless Movement recently had the opportunity to chat with her.

Please tell us more about yourself

My name is Leanne and I live in Toronto, Ontario with my 2 daughters, and 3 pups.

To take time to listen to my body and to fill it with gratitude. 


I’ve been vegan for 7 years and was vegetarian for 4 years. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I love being vegan. I’ve always loved animals and never wanted to eat meat as a child but was raised with the mentality we need meat to be healthy and strong. I also love spending time in nature and live a very holistic life.

It was my oldest daughter who gave me the push to turn vegetarian. She was 9 and no longer wanted to eat meat. She would cry and get so upset when I gave her meat. I did my research about how to eat healthy as a vegetarian and the two of us stopped eating meat. 11 years later myself and two daughters are all vegan. It is truly a way of life.


My daughters and I enjoy cooking and baking together, we try new recipes from all over the world. We enjoy going to vegan festivals and restaurants. I also make my own vegan skin care products with all natural ingredients. My daughters and I feel we are doing our part to make this world a kinder and more loving place.

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If we nourish our bodies with love, healthy food, and exercise we will live happier lives, as our mind body and souls will be strong and one 


The biggest challenge I faced going vegan was from family, they worried that my daughters and I would become protein deficient and get sick.

I travel between Toronto, Canada and the Uk, where my partner lives, and both countries have a great selection of vegan foods and restaurants. My favourite restaurant is Fresh. They have several locations in Toronto. There are so many great vegan recipes . The internet is full of amazing recipes ideas.

The biggest misconception about vegetarians and vegans is that our food is limited and we eat only plants. Also that vegans can’t be strong and gain muscle.


My advice to anyone interested in becoming a vegetarian or vegan is do your research. Understand how awful the factory farms are and how cruel the dairy industry is. Put yourself in the animals shoes, would you want to be treated that way. Research the health benefits of vegans. There are so many health benefits if you have a healthy and well balanced diet. Lastly go easy on yourself and give yourself time to adopt a plant based diet.


It’s the simplest things in life that can bring the most peace and gratitude


Being vegan, I live a healthy clean lifestyle. I run, swim and workout. I am not bringing harm to any sentient being. I am reducing my carbon footprint by helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from cows, conserving energy consumption and water.

See also  I’ve found treating others with kindness and tolerance makes them consider veganism more seriously in the long run

Those are just a few benefits that veganism does for our earth. Being vegan also has amazing health benefits it promotes weight loss, reduces your risk for heart disease, and lowers your cholesterol. It can also reduce your chances of getting cancer. Again I love being vegan and can’t imagine any other lifestyle.


Healthy aging through natural living 🌱vegan 🌱exercise 🌱DIY skin care 🌱gratitude 🌱mom 🌸Do small things with great love

all images courtesy of Lealea