Introducing Ana Calvo, a beacon of inspiration within the realm of ethical living and veganism. Her previous feature resonated deeply with audiences, showcasing the transformative power of her journey towards a meatless lifestyle.

Ana’s insights and experiences carry the potential to inspire countless individuals to embrace compassion towards animals and adopt sustainable dietary choices. With a fervent commitment to spreading awareness about veganism/vegetarianism,

Ana’s ongoing journey serves as a testament to the positive impact of conscious consumption.

We are thrilled to extend this invitation to Ana once again, recognizing her invaluable contributions to our platform and the broader community. Together, we can continue to ignite passion and curiosity, fostering a more compassionate and sustainable world for all.

Thank you for helping me celebrate one more birthday, for inspiring me to follow my dream, for reading and listening, for taking care of your health and for taking care of our world in the process

Ana Calvo Nutrition & Yoga

Hello to everyone reading! Here is my vegan journey update! It is amazing to think it will soon be 8 years since I made the choice to stop supporting animal cruelty and it has been an incredible journey and one I’m so happy I made.

Ana Calvo Nutrition & Yoga
Ana Calvo Nutrition & Yoga

As a nutritionist I was always passionate about finding what was the best diet but there was so much contradiction between which foods were the best and so I always felt bittersweet about this line of work as I needed to make sure I was giving the best possible advice to my clients.

See also  I feel great and my mind is in peace with the fact that I'm not consuming parts of a living individual that wanted to live as much as I do

That is until I discover veganism, not only the ethic aspect, which prompted my transition, but also the health aspect… and suddenly everything clicked: I realised this was the best decision I could make to help the planet, to be aligned with my heart values and to be healthy!

Ana Calvo Nutrition & Yoga
Ana Calvo Nutrition & Yoga

And so I decided to quit my job, move back from Ireland to my hometown in Spain to open a nutrition business and help people transition to a wholefoods plant-based diet.

This journey has been as challenging as it has been rewarding. It makes me so happy to see more and more people deciding to choose kindness and it is so gratifying to accompany them during their journey.

Ana Calvo Nutrition & Yoga
Ana Calvo Nutrition & Yoga

We still have a long way to go to fight stereotypes and make it the default choice in catering and public health recommendations, but it is our way of life so the passion to spread the word never really ends.

On a personal level I am happier than ever with my health, veganism helped be shed the extra weight I was carrying for years without even planning for it, the energy slumps I had after lunch were gone and my skin issues are also under total control (as long I do not overindulge on the processed sweetie stuff :D).

cupcakes small - Ana Calvo Nutrition & Yoga
cupcakes small – Ana Calvo Nutrition & Yoga

Forever grateful, stay healthy and namaste 🙏💖✨

cupcakes small – Ana Calvo Nutrition & Yoga

And yoga was the other huge stepping stone which helped with the anxiety, mood swings and the movement side of my health journey. Together they make the perfect synergistic combination for
wellness for your body, mind and soul.

See also  The question would not be why I am vegan, the question is why aren’t you yet ?

The main principle of traditional yoga is ahimsa which translates to avoiding the suffering of others with your thoughts and actions, hence when you embark on this path you realise again how our day-to-day choices affect others (for good and bad). You can choose to be kind to someone instead of rude, you can choose to eat a chickpea curry instead of a chicken curry… It is really that simple!

Ana Calvo Nutrition & Yoga
Ana Calvo Nutrition & Yoga

And like so bit by bit, we are making a better world. I have also found that keeping a community is another key aspect. When you feel understood and supported it is so much easier to be happier, we are social beings and we need that connection.

Ana Calvo Nutrition & Yoga
Ana Calvo Nutrition & Yoga

Because it takes nothing to be kind, thank you for making this your choice every day

Ana Calvo Nutrition & Yoga

So, if you ever feel lonely or that you are being misunderstood, I encourage you to reach to a community of vegans near you, or online, or even myself. Let’s write each other encouraging words, share our knowledge and experiences and keep learning and growing knowing that we are doing our best
for the future of the planet.

To say goodbye I would like to say a huge thank you to those who already made the transition and to those how are thinking about it. Little or big, every action counts, so I encourage you to take action today! Be one of the proud and brave souls who decided to take responsibility for their actions and actively chose to create a better world.

See also  The world needs peace, and we as human beings need to learn a bit about compassion to our fellow humans and other sentient beings

Stay healthy,
PD: if you are still unsure about any aspects of nutrition, health, environment, ethics, please feel free to reach out with any questions @sosnutriyoga I do consultations in English and Spanish but we can also just have a friendly chat.

Ana Calvo Nutrition&Yoga

Medical & health
Plant-based nutrition 🌱 Yoga teacher 500h🧘‍♀️ World traveler 🇮🇪🇬🇧🇦🇺🇸🇪🇪🇸
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