Back in her school days, Mona had a sudden change of heart regarding her beloved tuna pizza when Greenpeace activists educated her about the impact on dolphins.
Interestingly, Mona’s desire to go vegan had surfaced a year earlier, but her rheumatism treatment at a rehabilitation clinic led doctors to advise against it due to concerns about nutrient deficiencies. She initially heeded their advice, albeit with some disappointment.
However, Mona didn’t give up on exploring vegan alternatives and began delving deeper into information about the mistreatment and exploitation of animals for various purposes, including food, clothing, and entertainment.
Ultimately, her conviction grew stronger, and she made the conscious decision to adopt a vegan lifestyle. She no longer wanted to be complicit in the suffering and death of animals for her food, even though she had previously been a vegetarian for many years, believing it was enough to protect animals.
Please tell us more about yourself
Vegan 🌱 is an enrichment and not a sacrifice!!
Mona Rahms-Eldessouky
My name is Mona, I’m 57 years old, and I’ve been living a vegan lifestyle since September 2019.

Back when I was in school, I stopped eating my beloved tuna pizza overnight after Greenpeace activists
explained to me that dolphins had to die for it.

Actually, I wanted to go vegan a year earlier, but the doctors at the rehab clinic where I was being treated
for my rheumatism strongly advised against it. They believed it wouldn’t be beneficial for my body as I
wouldn’t get all the necessary nutrients, vitamins, and so on. I was disappointed, but I initially accepted
their advice.

Then, I started to try a few vegan alternatives.

I also began receiving more and more information about how animals are mistreated, tormented,
exploited, and abused for food, clothing, entertainment, etc.

I made the decision to live vegan because I no longer wanted to be responsible for animals dying for my
food. Before that, I had lived vegetarian for many years. Naturally, like many others, I thought that was
enough to protect animals.

I then started trying various cheese recipes from the wonderful book by Miyoko Schinner. Like so many, I
was addicted to cheese and couldn’t imagine a diet without it.

But I had reached a point, triggered by so many horrifying revelations about the immense suffering animals endure for cheese, milk, and yogurt, that I put my personal pleasure aside.

It then became truly fun to experiment with these amazing recipes. Friends were always surprised at how
delicious my vegan dishes were and would ask for recipes to replicate them, which of course brought me
great joy.
I began veganizing our favorite recipes, and my family had to taste-test everything. After a year of
experimenting, testing, tweaking, and creating new recipes, my youngest sister said to me, “Mona, you
really need to share your fantastic tips with the public. There are many people who would be interested.”

My son was immediately willing to help me with everything.
He set up an Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube profile for me (monasveganworld).

We then started creating cooking videos and posted the accompanying recipes on IG and FB.
In addition, I shared tips about natural body care, interesting platforms like Crowdfarming, information
from Peta, my latest cooking and baking creations, vacations in vegan hotels, and recommendations for
vegan restaurants in various cities.
Yet, I always wanted to actively advocate for animals and raise my voice. This came to fruition at the
beginning of 2023. On January 5th, 2023, I uploaded my first activist video on Instagram. From there,
things took off rapidly. I got in touch with Activists for the Victims and started to participate in the Cube of
Truths (now called Cube of Justice) and attend demonstrations.
Mona Rahms-Eldessouky
Since then, I’ve regularly posted Reels and Stories about animal suffering and work to educate on the
mistreatment of animals for food, clothing, entertainment, and everyday life.
I plan my days off around attending demonstrations, vigils, and the Cube of Justice. I’m also willing to
travel long distances within Germany. For instance, I went to Stuttgart (a 7-hour train ride) and took part
in a large Cube of Truth with over 50 activists from all over Germany!

My mission is to raise my voice for the animals whose voices go unheard; to give my voice to the
voiceless; to stand up for animals and make people aware of what they inflict upon them when they
choose not to live vegan. I want to help people recognize that they have the power every single day to
choose life or death when they shop at the supermarket.

For 6 months, I worked 1-2 days on the weekends as a vegan cook in a vegan bistro. Cooking and
baking have always been my hobbies, so I was able to make them a part of my professional life too.
I love salads, fruits, crispy vegetables, and legumes. Hummus and tahini are my absolute passions. I
prefer them homemade. I especially enjoy cooking from the cookbook of the wonderful Serayi, “Orient
Meets Vegan.”
I like to start my day with fresh fruit. Salad also has to make its appearance at some point during the day.
I’m also a big fan of smoked tofu. I prefer it with mustard – it’s so simple and even delicious cold.
I kick off my workday with “Overnight Oats”. I prepare them on Sundays for the next 4 days and store
them in the fridge. In the mornings, all I have to do is grab a jar.
My Vegan Highlights are:
- Overnight Oats with hearty oat flakes, nuts, protein powder, fresh fruits, linseed oil, flax seeds,
sunflower seeds, rosehip powder (sometimes with cacao nibs, dates) topped up with water. - Goulash with bread dumplings and red cabbage
- Creamed herring with boiled potatoes (Cooked by Alex)
- Boiled potatoes with herb quark (A family favorite)
- Tomato quiche
- Greek potato pot
- Apple crumble cake
- Fruit yeast cake (especially with plums)
- Lemon cake
I highly recommend my Keese (vegan cheese) Tips as well.
It’s truly worth trying multiple recipes.

I don’t need to be liked by everyone! I draw attention to the suffering of animals. Only a vegan lifestyle is
a salvation for the animals!
Warm vegan regards –
Mona Rahms-Eldessouky
✊ Animal rights activist ✊
🌱Vegan for the animals🕊
Facebook: MonasveganeWelt
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all images courtesy of Mona Rahms-Eldessouky