Eat Green Today – 不要以為素食就等於清淡與平平無奇
BRIAN 是 Eat Green Today 的創辦人. 他覺得現代人越來越注重健康,而對抗三高 ,甚至需要Keep Fit 減肥的話,就要改變一般飲食習慣。改吃低升糖食物,如蔬菜、糙米等原型食物,減少攝取醣類,穩定血糖。Read More →
BRIAN 是 Eat Green Today 的創辦人. 他覺得現代人越來越注重健康,而對抗三高 ,甚至需要Keep Fit 減肥的話,就要改變一般飲食習慣。改吃低升糖食物,如蔬菜、糙米等原型食物,減少攝取醣類,穩定血糖。Read More →
來自台灣的 Annanbel 自從吃素以後,開始在 IG分享自己的素食料理食譜。 她也會推薦台中的異國蔬食餐館, 如泰國, 義式風味和日式的料理等等。 Purchase Pet Products, Promote the Meatless Movement!Read More →
Nicola converted to a vegan about 2 years ago after realising that dairy is worse than meat for the environment. Meatless Movement recently had a chance to chat with Nicola. She told Meatless Movement that giving up animal products like cheese or milk is not as hard as it seems.Read More →
Stef Stevens is a Certified Nutritionist and vegan since 2009. The idea of animal rights has significant meaning to her. She believes that the best thing we can do to protect the most field mice, groundhogs, rabbits and bugs is to stick with plants! The more meat that’s consumed, theRead More →
AMBEE is based in Singapore. She is a Plant-based Influencer, a Social Entrepreneur Speaker Educator and a Vegan Mom Raising Vegan Kids. She strongly believes in “You are what you eat.”. She is also certified in Plant based Nutrition and Food Sustainability from eCornell. Meatless Movement recently had a chatRead More →
Montana is a University student living in England. She loves it most when she visits a vegan restaurant where the vegetables were the star of the show, rather than being junk food, or with lots of fake meats. She loves cooking and baking and enjoys sharing her recipes to inspireRead More →
Julie is a vegan and loves adding some life to her little piece of desert. She is host to an amazing getaway “The Omstead at Twentynine Palms”, a high desert retreat stay offering 360 degree views of the open desert on expansive acreage conveniently located near Joshua Tree National Park.Read More →
Jenn is a Real Estate agent serving sellers, buyers and investors in The San Fernando Valley, Conejo Valley and parts of the Greater Los Angeles areas. She has been vegan for more than 10 years now. Meatless Movement recently had the opportunity to chat with her. Jenn told Meatless MovementRead More →
Priscilla is from Singapore. A true nature lover, she would find beauty everywhere. She loves biking and hiking on Sundays. Meatless Movement recently had a chance to chat with her. She said that finding joy is that simple. Enjoy the things you like and grow and embrace more with whatRead More →
an initiative by meatlessmovement @2025