Your Vegan Friend 你的走肉朋友-CATHY

Enjoys tasting life to its full and is an arts enthusiast and also an author of 5 cook books to her name. She respects life and consequently stopped eating meat (as an ovo-lacto vegetarian). She looks for a quality of life, not losing her sensation as a Chinese zombie “GoengRead More →

Kelsey Riley | Vegan Recipes

Kelsey is a registered nurse & food blogger. She loves using fruits and vegetables that bring bright, bold, and beautiful colors into her recipes 🌈🌱💕. Meatless Movement recently had an opportunity to chat with her. Please tell us more about yourself My name is Kelsey Riley, I am a registeredRead More →

Plant Based Livin

Jessica is always searching for the best of everything vegan/plant based and sharing it all on her IG @plant_based_livin. To her, being vegan is so much more than not eating animal byproducts, but more of a lifestyle choice that she wants to share with others. Meatless Movement recently had aRead More →


Jo has never felt happier and healthier since she went vegan. Meatless Movement recently had a chance to chat with her. She shared with us that being plant based is one of the best ways to ensure a healthy gut and therefore significantly reduce the likelihood of disease, inflammation and aging.Read More →


Reva posts her vegan/ plant based food (mostly Indonesian cuisines) on Instagram. She shared with Meatless Movement recently why and how she became a vegan because of her baby. Tell us about yourself, please Hi I’m Reva Pernandan from Indonesia, and I have two boys. One is a 5-month oldRead More →

The Hungry Chickpea

Eliza is a food photographer & blogger. She is a lover of snacks, travel, and [mostly] plant-based food. Meatless Movement recently had a chance to chat with her. She told Meatless Movement that one of the easiest ways to help the planet is to consume less or altogether stop eatingRead More →

💚草食.男女🌿 香港素食日誌|vegetarianhk

veggie.couple 是一對來自香港的 💚草食.男女🌿 。自一年前茹素以後, 開始在 IG,佛系分享無肉之旅的樂趣🌱. 無肉更歡 Meatless Movement 最近和他們聊起吃素的緣由 。在專訪中,他們也提到堅持吃素應有的心態,以及當價值觀與行為出現矛盾時,如何有效的應對 。 請介紹一下你們自己 我們是來自香港的情侶,茹素快一年的時候,決定開設@veggiecouple ,紀錄及分享一下無肉飲食(蛋奶素)的樂趣,並希望推廣素食文化。 能夠有意識地選擇放進肚子的食物,言行一致,感覺很棒 💚草食.男女🌿 香港素食日誌|vegetarianhk 我們在紐西蘭Working Holiday時候認識,為了省錢,基本上每一餐都自己煮。有一天吃晚飯時,M分享他正在看的一本書,書名是Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows (很推薦大家看看!),內容是關於根深蒂固的吃肉文化以及可反思的地方。這令我們重新審視吃肉這個話題,反思我們自稱愛護動物者的行為 ,並建議一起試一下無肉飲食(襯著三餐都可以自己完全控制),怎知一試就到現在了。 剛開始茹素因為是在紐西蘭,並沒有我們想像之中辛苦,一來我們沒有太多閒錢外出吃飯(香噴噴的菜式最大誘惑),二來西餐、印度餐,泰國菜等一般都非常veggie friendly 。 回香港之後,身邊的朋友和家人大都抱著質疑、不解、諷刺、”睇死”的眼光去看待我們這個決定,頗一面倒是偏向負面的comments ,家人亦會擔心我們茹素不夠營養。最後我們用行動證明這並不是三分鐘熱度的決定,同時連以前不喜歡的蔬果都嘗試放入嘴巴去確保吃得均衡,而且也會吃一些supplements去補充營養,更一直運動保持健康! 看到自己能夠有意識地選擇放進肚子的食物,而且言行可以一致地減少動物因我們而受的苦,感覺很棒,跟動物和環境的連繫也更緊密了。另外,吃素的好處,還不止於個人層面,對減輕地球的負擔也很有作用。 茹素期間 ,有什麼特別的故事嗎? 我們茹素兩年多了。其中一件印象深刻的事是在紐西蘭中途去了一間海邊的西餐廳慶祝茹素一百天。餐廳非常veggie friendly 但同時主打非常新鮮的生蠔,心裏面的小野獸終於有點按捺不住。我特意在google查詢貝殼類生物到底能否感受到痛楚,不過結論還是待定。 糾結了很久被打敗了,但吃完回家覺得好後悔,雖然好吃,但心裏面的內疚感一點也不好受。那次之後也就再沒有任何動搖了! 近期我們一起為M媽媽煮的一頓生日飯,也是第一次做素菜給家人們吃,這個初初茹素的願望終於達成了,我們都覺得非常有意義。 我們比較傾向以堅持一致的行動去慢慢感染別人 💚草食.男女🌿 香港素食日誌|vegetarianhk 吃素的好處,網上隨便找也有很多資訊,我們就不多說了。我們很樂意解答茹素有關的問題,亦希望分享較”人性化”的無肉生活,讓人明白更多茹素並不會令生活變得沉悶。 我們相信茹素的念頭需要自發性的覺醒,並不是簡單的說教就能推動。再者,能否堅持很取決於嘗試吃素者的原因及動力。因此,我們從不直接鼓勵身邊的人放棄吃動物。反之,我們希望繼續在網絡平台散播素食的種子,或許該萌芽的就會萌芽。 所以, 相比起說教 ,我們比較傾向以堅持一致的行動去慢慢感染別人,並耐心解答別人有關素食的好奇和問題。而Veggie CoupleRead More →