For the past seven years, Alicia has embraced a vegan lifestyle, a choice driven not only by her health and metabolism but also by her profound love for animals. Growing up in a sprawling preserve teeming with wildlife, Alicia’s childhood was unlike any other. She shared her days with a unique and diverse group of creatures, including five wolves. This experience left an indelible mark on her soul, shaping her perspective and instilling a profound appreciation for the beauty and complexity of nature.

Alicia’s life took a transformative turn when she recognized the signs that her path was leading her in a different direction. These signs, as she believes, were a call from life itself to align her actions with her values. As she embarked on her journey of change, Alicia’s story serves as a testament to the power of personal conviction and the profound impact one individual can have on the world by living in harmony with their beliefs.

Meatless Movement recently had the opportunity to chat with her.

Please tell us more about yourself

My name is Alicia and I am Andalusian, I live on the coast of Huelva.

I made a tutifruti ice cream it is my breakfast
I made a tutifruti ice cream it is my breakfast

I have been vegan for seven years, my body and metabolism began to reject what animal things are. Apart from the fact that I have always liked animals very much, in fact I grew up in a large preserve full of animals everywhere, I was raising five wolves, For me it was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life and the truth is that I believe that life was giving me many signs that I was leading my life in a place that it was not and as a result of that my change began on the day.

See also  Wonderful! I would never change, there's no going back for us. Our entire family is vegan.

Today I am a different woman, my body is different, my skin is different, my hair is different and my quality of life is much better.

Important and interesting story since I am vegan

Alicia Domingez

Sensitivity. And the way you see life you see it in a totally different way when you empathize with all sentient life you feel an accumulation of different sensations when it comes to treating people it is even different, sensitivity It increases and makes you have another human quality, living differently with animals is an experience that if I loved animals before, now I love them much more. In fact, I have two dogs and four cats and I would not live without them, they are my life, they are my family,

The truth is that I have never encountered a challenge with vegan food because there is a huge variety of vegan food, luckily already 🙏. The vegetable meats are very delicious, their texture is like that of meat, and the vegan fish is wonderful 👌. Vegetable meat has much more protein than animal meat. There are many studies, thank God.

I would tell a non-vegan person to be very well informed

Alicia Domingez
today I made a fideuá with textured soy for my family that came out exquisite
today I made a fideuá with textured soy for my family that came out exquisite

To watch all the videos that there are unfortunately about how animals are killed in slaughterhouses, and then to reflect carefully. I would ask him if he would eat his children. I would also ask him how he would feel if, upon having his children, he would let them take them away from him and never have them again. I would ask him if he liked to be respected.

See also  There really is no reason for people to kill animals for food

Luckily, vegans already have many places where we can go to eat. There is already an incredible variety, there are pizzerias and hamburgers, there are restaurants of all kinds, there are even places where they serve vegan seafood, that is incredible. The truth is that I have tried some of that and it is wonderful. I loved animal seafood and I had to give it up because I get incredible ulcers in my throat. I had meals with friends who, when they tried my food, told me that it was vegan 😂😂 luckily, vegans eat very well 👍

The misconceptions of veganism, I’ll tell you some

Alicia Domingez
It’s Sunday my husband made this soy protein empanada for the family..,
  1. being vegan is not expensive
  2. people become vegans just to act better than others
  3. being vegan is not a trend, it is not to be thinner.
  4. vegans and vegetarians are not the same (vegetarians eat dairy and eggs and some fish; the lazy person does not eat anything other than animal foods)

Being vegan is respecting all sentient life, our planet (Mother Earth) 🌎 for me being vegan is something very personal, not an ethic

I would tell people who stop eating meat to eat more quantities of lentils, peas, and of course soy and vegetable meat derivatives. I would tell them that every day that passes you save lives. I would thank them for respect all sentient life….

Friends from all over the world, today I bring you…..

Alicia Domingez

This dish is very complete, it has proteins and carbohydrates (vegetable meat and potatoes)

another clear example, we all love it (gluten-free pasta with vegetable sausages)

See also  Some people think vegan is a religion and vegan eats just salad

The vegetable fish bothers us is wonderful, made of soy beans and spices 😁😜🤤🤤🤤

Alicia Domingez

MEDUSA VEGANA🥀⛮ cuenta personal protegida por la centrar de play store‼️

all images courtesy of Alicia Domingez