Mya is a 17-year-old with a deeply-rooted commitment to a vegan lifestyle. Having embarked on her plant-based journey at the tender age of 10, Mya’s dedication to ethical eating has spanned seven years. But her story begins even earlier, as she grew up in a household where vegetarianism was the norm. This upbringing instilled in her a unique perspective on dietary choices, fostering a profound awareness of the stark contrast between her lifestyle and conventional dietary preferences.

Mya’s awakening to the true nature of the food industry came at the astonishingly young age of 4 when she stumbled upon a video that depicted the gruesome act of a chicken losing its life at the hands of a farmer. The shock and horror of that moment left an indelible mark on her consciousness, shaping her moral compass for years to come. Her decision to remain a vegetarian was driven by a simple, yet profound motivation – to avoid causing harm to innocent creatures.

Growing up surrounded by animals and raised in a family of vegetarians, Mya developed a genuine love and empathy for all living beings. She saw firsthand what it meant to be an animal lover, an empathy that, she believes, is innate in every child. However, as she observed, society often steers young minds away from this natural empathy, teaching them that it is possible to love animals while simultaneously consuming their flesh.

Mya’s transformative moment arrived at age 10 when she made the conscious choice to embrace a vegan lifestyle, following in the footsteps of her brother. With this decision, she no longer viewed dairy products as a necessary part of her diet. As time passed, she delved deeper into the dark underbelly of the dairy and egg industries, solidifying her commitment to veganism. Being educated about the hidden horrors of these industries only reinforced her conviction, providing her with all the more reasons to remain steadfast in her ethical choices.

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Mya’s journey is a testament to the power of compassion, knowledge, and unwavering dedication. Her story serves as an inspiration to others who seek to align their values with their lifestyle choices, all while advocating for a more compassionate world.

Please tell us more about yourself

oh, to be the ocean — mysterious, wild & free. 🦋🌊

mya ♱

Hi, my name is Mya, I’m 17 years old and have been vegan for 7 years.

mya ♱
mya ♱

Growing up as a vegetarian, I’ve always been aware how different my lifestyle was from everybody’s dietary preferences. I’ve always been conscious of what meat actually was – the flesh of an animal that once lived.

At age 4, I witnessed a video of a chicken getting its head cut off by a farmer. Being in complete utter shock, I knew my moral reasons to stay a vegetarian—not cause any harm to innocent creatures. Growing up, I’ve always kept that memory engraved.

mya ♱
mya ♱

To live is to learn & adapt
and overcome challenges that are constantly thrown at us.
without them would we ever grow to be the best versions of ourselves?

mya ♱

As a child being raised with animals, by a family of vegetarians, I saw the true meaning of what is was to be an animal lover. We’re born into a world where we’re naturally empathetic towards all animals, until society instills our minds at a young age, that makes us believe we can love animals and yet, kill them to consume their flesh.

The moment my values became fully aligned, I stopped consuming all dairy products and went vegan at age 10, alongside my brother. By then, I no longer saw dairy products as a necessity to continue to have in my lifestyle.

See also  I can go to sleep at night knowing my food choices did not contribute to the senseless suffering of innocents. That is an amazing feeling

Years later, I finally discovered the horrors of the dairy and egg industry and I became relieved I was never a part of it since I became vegan years prior, and being educated gave me all the more reasons to stay a vegan..

mya ♱
mya ♱

What is it to gain the world & lose your soul?

mya ♱

As a vegan athlete, I continue to strive powered solely by plants, with a clear conscious, and the power to use my voice to speak up for the silenced, the voiceless.

mya ♱
mya ♱

As people adopt a vegan lifestyle, the rise in demand increases, making plant based products more accessible to consumers. I kindly urge you to take on a journey, a path that will forever change your life, the animals, and the planet, all for the greater good.

Empowering Creativity, Embracing Sustainability

mya ♱


all images courtesy of mya ♱
