Charlotte is a passionate traveler, nature lover, and plant-based advocate. She loves exploring the outdoors and discovering new places, be it in her own backyard or halfway around the world. She’s a firm believer in living a mindful lifestyle and being kind to the environment, and she has a deep appreciation for the beauty of nature. She enjoys capturing her travels and nature visits in photos and sharing them on her Instagram account.

Meatless Movement recently had a chat with her.

She told us that from setting goals to eating a plant-based diet and getting more active, the possibilities for a healthier lifestyle are endless.

Tell us more about yourself, please

My name is Charlotte and I am originally from the UK but have lived in Australia for nearly 9 years now. I am a huge animal lover which prompted the changes in my lifestyle.

All good things come from gratitude

Charlotte 💚🌿
Charlotte 💚🌿

I always did find it hypocritical that we love and care for our pets so well, but other animals are exploited and treated so cruelly. All animals are sentient beings capable of experiencing emotions – just like your pet dog.

Your daily habits have the power to change your life.

Charlotte 💚🌿

I had been vegetarian for a while but decided to try Veganuary in 2022. I always thought cutting out dairy and other non-vegan foods would be a huge challenge, but I was so surprised how many delicious vegan alternatives and recipes are around. I decided to further educate myself about the horrors of the meat and dairy industry and decided I could no longer support such cruel practices. I now fully believe you can’t call yourself an animal lover if you continue to eat dairy and meat.

See also  The feeling of no longer contributing to the pain & suffering of animals is one of total peace

It has been a challenge finding vegan food out and about especially in a regional town in Australia – this is why I choose to cook and meal prep meals at home most of the time. This prompted me to share some of my recipes online – hopefully to inspire others ☺️

swapping eggs on toast for veggies on toast
Vegan Protein Pancakes

Before becoming vegan I was a huge chocolate and cheese lover (this was a challenge to give up!) But now I wouldn’t look back. There are so many alternative options out there.

If you’re just starting to go meatless…

Charlotte 💚🌿

There are so many benefits to going meat free! Being vegan helps me choose healthier options & I have been able to lose 10kg over the last two years.

If you are interested in trying out a veggie diet I recommend trying ‘meatless Mondays’ and then see how it goes!

Charlotte 💚🌿

I would recommend cutting down at first as it may feel a bit daunting to completely change your diet overnight. Practice cooking veggie meals and experiment with alternative meatless ingredients to see what things you enjoy the most.

If you are on a budget, stock up on beans, pulses, and chickpeas.

Also, if you are trying to go vegan for the first time, strive for progress not perfection! You may make mistakes along the way. I like to think that if everyone ate a veggie/vegan diet 90% of the time – the impacts on the planet / animal welfare in general would be huge.

Charlotte 💚🌿

Charlotte 💚🌿

📍NSW, Australia
💚 Plant based
🥗 Occasionally sharing recipes

all images courtesy of Charlotte 💚🌿