Kerri is a Long Island, New York resident through and through. Kerri’s journey towards a vegetarian lifestyle began in the 6th grade, around 2001/2002, during a rather repulsive science project. From that point on, she made the decision to abstain from consuming meat, opting for eggs and dairy instead.
However, it was approximately 15 years ago that Kerri took the next step and transitioned into a vegan lifestyle. This transformation was sparked by her encounter with the eye-opening book “Skinny Bitch,” which shed light on the mistreatment of animals and the hidden truths about our food.
Meatless Movement recently had the opportunity to chat with her.
Tell us more about yourself, please
My name is Kerri and I live on Long Island in New York. Born and raised.

I turned vegetarian in the 6th grade (around 2001/2002) due to science class. It was a gross project we had to work on and I didn’t eat meat after, only eggs and dairy. I became vegan around 15 years ago after reading the book “Skinny Bitch” which brought light to the harm done to animals and what’s really in our foods. I’m celiac and and gluten free as well.

My partners were never vegan but my current boyfriend loves any vegan foods. He’s very open to the concept and enjoys experimenting with different foods like I do.
In the beginning it was definitely more challenging than now. Harder to find different foods and as a kid I lived at home with a family who did not fully understand my lifestyle. Nowadays it’s much easier to find substitutes and I like to experiment with cooking. Eating out can sometimes be a challenge but luckily everyone around me puts my food requirements first so we pick based off menu choices.
How would you encourage someone to give meatless food a try?
I love it. I wouldn’t have it any other way
Kerri Marx
Some people its harder than others. However, my boyfriend and family are willing to try my foods since there are a lot of substitutes available to certain things like dressings, marinades, and meat-like products.

There is a place closely, Dirty Taco, that has an amazing vegan menu. I go there often. It’s easier to find places nowadays to eat. I can get vegan sushi, burgers, and pretty much anything else as long as I ask for it.

What advice would you give to someone who is new to adopting a meatless diet?
A lot of people ask, “where do you get your protein”? Honestly, from everything. Whether it’s tofu, broccoli, or beans.
Kerri Marx

Don’t give up. There are so many options. Many brands now make meatless burgers, eggs, desserts, sides, etc. and honestly most people don’t even know the difference.
I love the options that are now readily available. Burgers, eggs, cheeses, hot dogs, anything really. I can make “bacon and eggs” for breakfast or “bolognese sauce” for dinner.
Animal rescue and rehabilitation holds an immense significance in my life, shaping my core values and purpose. It is not just a mere hobby or interest; it is a profound passion that drives me every day. In fact, it has become a fundamental part of my identity, as I wholeheartedly dedicate myself to the well-being and protection of animals in need.
I’d never take a step back. For me this wasn’t just a diet or lifestyle change. Since the age of 11/12 (now being 35) I have not consumed meat. The more recent 15 years or so has been any dairy. While it’s easy to get caught up in the processed foods, that’s ok. Just as long as everything is in moderation.