Sara is a passionate advocate for veganism and animal rights. At 29 years old, Sara hails from Finland and has been following a vegan lifestyle for over six years. Her journey to veganism is one that is filled with personal realizations, a growing awareness of the animal-based food industry, and a deep commitment to living a compassionate life.

With love and compassion, Sara encourages you to explore veganism and experience the transformative power it can have on your life. So, why not give it a try? Take that first step toward a more compassionate world.

Meatless Movement recently had the opportunity to chat with her.

Please tell us more about yourself

Hi 😘
My name is Sara, I’m 29 and from Finland. I’ve been vegan for over six years.

The power is love.
It’s always love.
For yourself, for others, for life.
Love, ain’t no other thing that’s as powerful.


Before I went vegan I was that person who said “I could never go vegan. NEVER!”
Honestly the best decision I’ve ever made.

It all started when I just got disgusted with eating meat. Somehow I just thought – seriously this is someone that I’m eating, this used to be someone’s leg and they walked with it, there was blood flowing in here and it used to be a living thing.

Disgusting and wrong.

Feel what they did, feel what that made you feel.
Then choose to love. ❤️‍🩹


My eyes started to open to the cruelty of animal based food industry. Soon I quit dairy products too and started to think about veganism all around.

See also  Stefanie's Melodic Bridge Between Veganism and Music Ethics

I’ve never been much of a promoter of this because I know the choice to do this comes from inside.
If someone doesn’t want to go vegan it’s really hard.
For me it’s not. It came quite naturally.
I don’t miss meat, cheese or milk,
I don’t struggle.
The choice not to participate in raping, torturing, locking living and feeling animals in cages and killing is like breathing for me.


My life and wellbeing isn’t depending on hunting – like humans maybe once was –
but I can walk into the store and buy things that didn’t include violence and arrogance of just taking what people think humans deserve.

I’m happy I am able to do this. Happy my eyes were opened.


Funny because they say vegans shouldn’t be able to do that 🤔🤭😆


Few things that bothers me is that some people still to this day think veganism is a thing from outer space.
Many restaurants and grocery stores don’t include much vegan options.
And some meat-replacement products are expensive.
And omg they don’t need that 1% milk”protein” to make cinnamon rolls or eggs to bake a cake!
And you will have more flavour with vegetables in your casserole than you will with cheese.
It’s ridiculous, we are not living in a stone age.


I wish people would understand this.
I wish more people would try and if they don’t want to be fully vegan, they could make those foods that they feel they can with vegan incredients. That way they could reduce the amount of animal products they use.

See also  A Happy Life with a Balanced Vegan Diet

To try and understand that animal based industry is cruel and is based on humans early survival skill of taking what you have to in order to survive and we don’t live in that age anymore.
We don’t have to do that.
We can be kind.

Don’t dim your light
to make it more comfortable for others.
Keep on shining.
If your light is too bright,
then let them put on some shades. ✌️😘


And for the boys: real men don’t need to eat meat to be masculine, it is the biggest scam you have heard and animal industry has nothing to do with masculinity and I think it’s quite opposite if you start to think about it – weak insecure boys think they need to tame an animal to be superior.
Just sad really that most of the men still rely their masculinity on meat.
Should we change that? I would like to. 💪😘

I could write an endless list of reasons why you should go vegan but I think you should just try and make your own realisations in your own pace.

💞 Anyways, much love, try veganism 💞 xoxo Sara


Woman on a mission ❤️‍🔥
Winning battles & in love with life 🥰
Your daily dose of pink sunshine 💕

all images courtesy of Sara