Glowing Natural believes that natural food and products with a minimum amount of processing are the best choices for health. The team behind this sustainable lifestyle online shop recently told Meatless Movement that their products are made from carefully selected pollution-free ingredients, and they do their best to minimize packaging and use recyclable materials.

Tell us more about Glowing Natural, please

It is imperative that we support sustainability, not only environmental, but also economic and social

Glowing Natural

Broadly speaking Glowing Natural is a platform for promoting and enabling sustainable and ethical living. We want to help people eat better food and live more sustainably to enhance health and reduce damage to the Earth simultaneously.

Primarily we work towards this vision with our online store which sells a wide range of sustainable and ethical foods and consumer items; but we don’t just stop there! We also use Glowing Natural as a platform to educate the public on sustainability and to promote other businesses that are working towards sustainable living. For example we speak at conferences and at corporate events to demonstrate different ways that we as individuals can make sustainable and ethical choices in our life both easily and simply. 

Katie Tang at the Eco Asia Conference
Katie Tang at the Eco Asia Conference

Often people think that only people who are vegan are interested in buying our products but that’s actually a misconception. We know plenty of our regular customers quite well and a lot of them are trying to adopt a more flexitarian diet rather than being fully vegan, and we’re happy to support them.

Katie Tang - Founder of Glowing Natural
Katie Tang – Founder of Glowing Natural

We believe that small consistent changes are more likely to be made successfully on a population scale. So that’s why we try to appeal to as wide an audience as possible, and  I’m talking both individuals and businesses here.

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We want to get everyone moving in the right direction, towards sustainability, at once, even if we can’t all move at the same pace. 

Glowing Natural is based in Hong Kong and we sell all of our products to the Hong Kong market. While people here are keen to live “clean and green” as I like to call it, on a global scale HK is a bit behind the curve when it comes to ESG. So we know that accessing consumer products that are both sustainable and ethical can be a bit of a daunting challenge. And understanding the initial complexities of sustainable living can be more daunting still. So that’s why we set up Glowing Natural, to improve access to vegan products and to help educate the public and businesses on how to live sustainably. 

Glowing Natural Insect Repellent Set 天然草本蚊怕止痕套裝
Manufaktura – Daisy Facial Spa Set | 雛菊美容系列

Why do consumers buy sustainable products?

Great question! We love talking about this kind of stuff and broadly speaking we think there are three reasons why our customer base keeps growing”

We feature products that are carefully hand-picked by our team of sustainably-minded curators

Glowing Natural

First, over the last few decades there has been a gradual increase in environmental awareness in the general public. People are conscious of the damage that we as a species are causing the planet and want to live in a way that minimiszes or, better yet, reverses that damage.

Sustainable Nano Masks by Greenfield – IAMNANO | 環保納米織布口罩

Second, there is also a trend of increasing social responsibility in the general public. A lot of people don’t want to buy from amazon or big supermarkets, instead they want to support local businesses like us. Businesses that contribute to society and aren’t just focussed on inflating stock value.

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Lastly, even if you take away the sustainable and ethical aspects of our products, we would still be competitive in the market in terms of cost and quality. When you work with vendors who share the same passion for sustainability, veganism and integrity that we have at Glowing Natural, you find that making high quality products is much more affordable than you would expect! 

Customers can order individual items with just a few clicks through our website in the usual way; we have items sorted by category and even a few package deals for extra savings.

We believe that natural food and products with a minimum amount of processing are the best choices for health

Glowing Natural

One fun thing we’ve been trying lately is posting recipes on the blog section of our website and then including a link to buy all the ingredients necessary for that recipe straight away. This saves time and simplifies things for our customers, if they see a recipe they like the look of then with just a click they can have everything they need in their basket ready for checkout. Plus it means we get to have lots of fun devising tasty recipes using our ingredients! 

Katie Tang – Glowing Natural
Home Made Afternoon Tea Set Recipe – Totally Vegan Chocolate Cupcakes 純素朱古力杯裝蛋糕

Well first we would like to say thank you for having us for this interview, it’s been a lot of fun discussing Glowing Natural, veganism and Earth friendly living!

On a global scale, Hong Kong and most of Asia are behind the curve in terms of sustainability. But we believe that this attitude is shifting and momentum is picking up here. Glowing Natural’s goal is to run at the front of the pack, helping everyone move forward towards a sustainable coexistence with the plant and with one another.

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We want to educate and enable people to live better, from going fully vegan to even encouraging those die-hard carnivores to eat just a single plant-based meal per week.

Going meatless is a lifestyle that can be rewarding, delicious and sustainable and Glowing Natural is here to spread that joy to as many people as possible! 

Glowing Natural

Glowing Natural

Shopping & Retail
Vegan Sustainable Lifestyle Online Shop 純素天然健康生活網店 🌱
~Supplement 補充品
~Food & Beverage飲食
~Skincare 美體美容

all images courtesy of Glowing Natural