In her first interview, Lea shared her inspiring philosophy on health and wellness, emphasizing the importance of adapting a healthy lifestyle through diet, staying hydrated, and regular exercise. She spoke about treating our bodies as temples, nurturing both physical and mental well-being to lead a happier life. A nature enthusiast, Lea finds peace wandering among trees, connecting deeply with the earth, and often bringing along her beloved furry companions. Her commitment to running, swimming, and working out reflects her passion for self-empowerment and constant personal growth.

Now, in this follow-up article, Lea opens up about her journey as a vegan—a lifestyle she has embraced with compassion and purpose for nearly a decade. She delves deeper into what being vegan means to her, sharing her love for animals, her growing passion for sustainability, and the joy she finds in cooking and fitness. Read on to learn more about Lea’s transformative journey and how she continues to inspire others to live kinder, more mindful lives.

An Honored Opportunity to Share My Vegan Journey


When meatless movement reached out to me, to write a follow up article about my journey as a vegan,  I was honoured. I’m always excited and passionate to talk about being vegan and what that  means to me.

A Growing Love for Animals 

The beauty we see in others is a reflection of us 💕🌸


I have lived a vegan lifestyle for 8 years and was vegetarian for several years prior. As my journey continues I find my love for animals grows stronger and deepens. Having 3 dogs and seeing how unique their personalities are, this truly puts into perspective how incredible these creatures are. They feel happiness, fear, love, pain and anger just like humans. My dogs are a part of my family and bring so much love and joy to our home. I can’t imagine having a home without a pup or several pups.

See also  I love writing about delicious vegan food! I am based in the New York City metropolitan area

Challenging the Double Standards Toward Animals

In my opinion there is no difference between the soul of a dog or a cow, or any animals. My question is how can we justify killing one for food or  abuse it for it’s milk and not the other? Animals are sentient beings that are full of love and have feelings. There is no such thing as humane slaughter. Animals sense their death and you can often see fear and tears in their eyes before being murdered. 

The Heartbreaking Reality of Dairy Farming


Being a mother, when I see all animals with their young, that love and need to protect their babies is universal. I feel heartbroken that the greed and desire by humans to consume dairy out weighs the cruelty and abuse that mother cows endure. Along with the pain they feel when their babies are ripped away from them, all so humans can enjoy dairy products. 

A Growing Movement of Change

Veganism is a lifestyle, it’s not just eating animal products. It’s also making ethical choices in the clothing you wear and all products you use. Choose compassion 🌱💚


However it is exciting that the vegan movement is becoming stronger and more people are adopting this lifestyle. Many people are becoming a lot more health conscious, and environmentally friendly.  A vegan diet offers both. 

A Family Passion for Cooking and Sustainability

Our bodies are our temples, we must nourish them with good thoughts, good food, nature and exercise 🌸


My daughters and I all being vegan share a love for cooking and trying new recipes. I’m always amazed at how many new and terrific vegan options there are.  We have also adopted a zero waste mentality and are trying very hard to be very mindful of our carbon footprint. 

See also  I certainly never thought I would become a vegan

A Growing Love for Animals

Be kind to all living creatures 🌱💚


I have lived a vegan lifestyle for 8 years, after being vegetarian for several years prior. My love for animals has only grown stronger as my journey continues. Having three dogs and witnessing their unique personalities has deepened my perspective on how incredible these creatures are. They feel happiness, fear, love, pain, and anger just like humans. My dogs are family members, bringing immense love and joy to our home—I can’t imagine life without them.

Challenging the Double Standards Toward Animals

When people ask me why I’m vegan..first and foremost it’s my life long love of animals. I don’t see a difference between a dog or a cow. They are all full of love and are sentient beings 🌸 🌱


In my opinion, there is no difference between the soul of a dog and that of a cow—or any other animal. How can we justify killing one for food or abusing another for its milk? Animals are sentient beings with emotions and the capacity to love. There is no such thing as humane slaughter; animals sense their impending death, and their fear and tears make this heartbreakingly clear.

The Heartbreaking Reality of Dairy Farming

As a mother, I recognize that the love and instinct to protect one’s young are universal among all species. I feel heartbroken knowing that greed for dairy products causes mother cows to endure cruelty and separation from their babies. The pain these animals experience so humans can enjoy milk or cheese is something I cannot ignore.

See also  Yes we can! - Plants have Power

A Growing Movement of Change

Have kind loving energy that brings goodness to others 🌸


It’s encouraging to see the vegan movement gaining momentum, with more people adopting this lifestyle. Many are becoming more health-conscious and environmentally friendly, and a vegan diet supports both goals.


A Family Passion for Cooking and Sustainability

My daughters and I, all being vegan, love experimenting with new recipes. I’m always amazed at the abundance of delicious vegan options available. We’ve also embraced a zero-waste mentality, striving to minimize our carbon footprint and live more sustainably.

Empowering Fitness on a Vegan Diet

Vegan food is food for the soul


My fitness journey is evolving as I  have incorporated strength training into my workout regime. I love being able to lift weights and feeling stronger. It feels very empowering to be able to lift weights not only as a woman, also to show others that you can easily maintain a healthy strong body on a vegan diet! 

Connecting With Nature and All Living Creatures

Be guided in kindness and love 💚


I believe in spending a lot of time in nature and connecting with earth. I feel a deep connection with the earth and I feel we have a universal connection with all living creatures. I feel the kinder we live and are mindful of each other and all living creatures that earth will be a better place to live on. 

Veganism: A Lifestyle of Compassion

One of the best decisions I’ve ever made! Vegan for the animals, the planet and my health 🌱


Being vegan is not only a diet it is a way of life. It is a life driven by compassion and love for all living creatures. It is a conscious decision not to use any animal products on any level in our lives, this includes our diet, clothing, skin care products, and home furnishings. As I always say choosing a vegan lifestyle has been one of the best decisions I’ve made. 


Healthy aging through natural living 🌱vegan 🌱exercise 🌱DIY skin care 🌱gratitude 🌱mom 🌸Do small things with great love

all images courtesy of Leanne