Having embraced veganism for nearly four years, Marie celebrates Valentine’s Day as her “veganniversary.”
Prior to this, she spent three years as a pescatarian and another three as a vegetarian, reflecting a gradual but determined shift towards a cruelty-free diet.
Even in her childhood, Marie flirted with vegetarianism intermittently, guided by an innate sense that consuming animal products was ethically wrong.
Despite being the lone vegetarian in her family, Marie cherishes the profound satisfaction that comes with making food choices aligned with her values.
For her, being vegan is not just a dietary choice; it’s a conscious commitment to avoid contributing to the unnecessary suffering of innocent beings.
Meatless Movement recently had the opportunity to chat with her.
Marie finds solace in the fact that, while there may be many uncontrollable aspects in the world, she has the power to shape a compassionate world through her mindful eating habits.
Please tell us more about yourself
Always searching for the perfect bite
Hi! My name is Marie and I am from Nashville, Tennessee, but I currently live in Los Angeles, California.

I love fashion, makeup, designing tablescapes, hosting parties, cooking, crafting, and gardening. I share my tips and tricks for doing all these things (on a tight budget!) on my instagram and TikTok @vegentertaining.
I have been vegan for almost 4 years (Valentine’s Day is my veganniversary). I was pescatarian for 3 years before that and vegetarian for 3 years before that. As a child, I would go vegetarian for a month or two here and there, but it never really stuck. No one in my family is vegetarian, but something in my gut always told me that eating animals was wrong.
I can usually find something on a menu at any restaurant that I can eat. I mean, I don’t go to steakhouses or meat and threes, so usually the restaurant can accommodate my diet even if they don’t have any vegan options on the menu. I struggle sometimes with feeling like a burden when going to dinner with a group. I have friends who will worry about what restaurant to go to, making sure the restaurant picked is one with vegan options. I know this is a very kind gesture and my friends mean well, but sometimes it makes me feel alienated.
That being said… I love being vegan! I wouldn’t have it any other way. I can go to sleep at night knowing my food choices did not contribute to the senseless suffering of innocents. That is an amazing feeling. There are many horrible things we can’t control in this world, but we can control what we eat!

Some of my favorite restaurants:
- Coletta- New York, NY
- Délice & Sarrasin- New York, NY
- Mildred’s- London, UK
- The Southern V- Nashville, TN
- Avo- Nashville, TN
- Niko Nashi- Los Angeles, CA
- Ubuntu- Los Angeles, CA
- Nic’s On Beverly- Los Angeles, CA
- Crossroads Kitchen- Los Angeles, CA
- Olivia- Los Angeles, CA
Misconceptions about being vegan: I don’t like the taste of meat. I love the taste of meat. And I love all the plant-based meats (meati is the absolute best- you have to try it). I just don’t think that taste is worth another’s life- especially when there are delicious vegan alternatives!

Next misconception: I wear leather and use other animal-based products. Nope, I use all vegan and cruelty-free cosmetics, cleaners, etc. and do not wear leather, fur, or wool. Finding vegan leather shoes can be difficult, but I highly recommend Lulu’s for super cute, trendy, and affordable vegan shoes.
Another misconception that I think turns people away from veganism is that you have to make it your entire identity, or that you have to be well educated on it to try it. Veganism is not an exclusive club. You do not have to be an activist to be vegan. Veganism is open to everyone and is accessible to everyone, now more than ever. I give YOU permission to be vegan!

I am a big proponent of watching undercover videos of what goes on behind the scenes in animal agriculture. I think the biggest issue holding veganism back from growth is the general lack of awareness of the atrocities animals and humans in the industry endure every single day.
People don’t want to see where their food comes from, which I understand. But if you are going to make a choice three times a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner) to consume animal products, the least you can do is watch where that food came from.

I believe if you’re going to consume animals or their products, you owe it to those animals you are consuming. Plus, food is something that goes into your body and nourishes you! Shouldn’t you be able to watch how it’s made without the fear of being traumatized?

Final thoughts: I highly recommend Purple Carrot and Thistle meal delivery services if you’re starting out with a plant-based diet and you’re lost, don’t love to cook, or don’t have a lot of time. Lastly, I love getting messages from fellow vegans, those who are just getting started on their vegan journey, or those who haven’t even begun their journey! You can find me on Instagram and TikTok @vegentertaining.
🌱guide to classic entertaining, the plant-based way
💝love a good theme
all images courtesy of Marie🌱