Currently residing in the vibrant Southern Louisiana, Taylor’s journey involves a dedicated effort to introduce veganism to their community through the organization of impactful vegan festivals and compelling content creation. With a commitment to promoting a plant-based lifestyle, Taylor is not only an advocate for ethical living but also a driving force behind positive change in the community.

Meatless Movement recently had the opportunity to chat with her.

Tell us more about yourself, please.

My name is Taylor Harris. I’m a passionate vegan content creator and event coordinator from Rochester, NY. I currently live in Southern Louisiana and I’ve worked to introduce veganism to my community through vegan festivals and content creation. 


I was a curious freshman in college and I stumbled upon What the Health on Netflix, which changed my life. I never chose to eat animal products again. I quit cold turkey (pun intended)! I started my vegan journey on October 31, 2017 (which happens to be the day before World Vegan Day).

I was so fascinated with all the health benefits of being vegan and found out that, at the time, Black people were the fastest-growing demographic of vegans so I co-founded my HBCU’s first vegan club, Vegan AF. The club was an attempt to spread knowledge about a lifestyle that could help remedy some of the illnesses that Black people are disproportionately affected by. 

Fruit - taylor
Fruit – taylor

Before I was vegan I dealt with severe stomach pain after eating, what I thought was IBS was actually EBS (eating bull-you know the rest). I also dealt with intense symptoms of PCOS and I was extremely disappointed when my doctor only wanted to treat the symptoms and not the root cause, so I knew that taking my health into my own hands was the best way for me to heal. I no longer deal with stomach pain and I’m more in tune with my body and what affects my hormones and blood sugar, so my symptoms from PCOS have drastically improved. 

See also  From Bodybuilding Competitions to Inspiring Plant-Based Living: The Journey of Vegan Fitness Model Crissi Carvalho
Cocha lasagna - taylor
Cocha lasagna – taylor

I like to think I became vegan at the perfect time because in 2017 the availability of plant based products seemed to skyrocket. Not only that, but I had a community of baby vegans to support me during this time. I went vegan with my sister, my best friend, and two of our mutual friends. Support is a major factor in success in this lifestyle that I think is often overlooked. It’s hard being the only one doing something so drastically different than everyone around you. The holidays have been challenging and something I’ve just come back around to attending. I’ve found that while your family may want your presence, they may not always consider your experience. I always say you wouldn’t invite a Muslim to a pig roast, so why invite a vegan to a turkey dinner if you have not prepared something they can eat too? One of the best ways to combat being left out of social events and holidays is to stay prepared. You may have to cook your own meals to take or eat before you attend but do not isolate yourself from your loved ones just because they’re not on this journey with you.

Red Beans and Rice - taylor
Red Beans and Rice – taylor

I feel extremely blissful that I found this way of life. I love it and I am so proud to be a passionate vegan who is vegan for all the reasons: personal health, animal rights, and the environment!

Cocha in downtown Baton Rouge is one of my favorite places to get vegan food. The food and ambiance are always so great and unique. Pictured is a roasted vegetable lasagna!

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A lot of people claim that being vegan is super expensive which I couldn’t agree with less. The amount of money you save by simply not being able to eat out at many places is enough, but overall, meals made with whole fruits and vegetables are much cheaper than meat meals. I do my best to share my vegan experience online and by answering questions as they arise from others. 


My advice to anyone going meatless is to get creative! Cooking while using colorful veggies in the kitchen is so fun and rewarding. Also try not to focus on what you’re “losing” and focus on all that you’re gaining by cutting meat out, like vitality and compassion! 

I think one of the funniest things about being vegan is the amount of people who will list their reasons for not being able to go vegan to you completely unprovoked. It never fails!

Choosing a lifestyle like this gives you the most beautiful appreciation of the Earth, its people, and yourself, so remember to always give yourself grace. Whether you’re a health junkie or a junk food vegan, you’re doing great! 

Taylor Harris

Experience Curator, Influencer + Content Creator