Carry never misses any opportunity to challenge everybody this new year and new month to take on the goal of eating more plant based foods! This can mean meats, pizzas, cupcakes… you name it! Almost any food you can think of has a vegan version!! Same goes for drinks! Meatless Movement recently had a chance to chat with her.
She told Meatless Movement that she is so happy to have moved to Tacoma knowing that she is in a better environment now. She has since bought so many new vegan foods and gone to so many thrift stores.
Please tell us more about yourself
Hi everyone, my name is Carry! I grew up in a military family so I’m really from all over… Wisconsin, Georgia, Alaska, Washington… but I like to think of Georgia as my “home.”

I graduated early from high school and am currently a freshman at the University of Alaska Southeast where I study environmental science. After college I plan to attend law school in Washington in hopes to become an environmental lawyer. I find myself thrifting constantly and love cooking vegan at home with my partner Hunter.

I gave up meat at quite a young age actually. I spent about 10 years of my childhood on a large farm in Northern Wisconsin where I was able to spend an abundance of time with horses, alpaca, sheep, chickens, rabbits, etc. My parents really dedicated their time and money into making sure I had constant interaction with animals. The best part was they never sold or killed any of them. They served no financial purpose and were solely there for pets and giggles…so I really developed a great connection towards them as a kid.

I have gone farther in life than I thought possible
A year or so later I remember seeing a video on Facebook of male chicks being thrown into one of those mass industrial shredders and became FREAKED OUT. I was so disgustingly appalled that I became a vegetarian that same day. It took me five years later, at 16, to become vegan. From the beginning I knew I wanted to become vegan, but without support from my family, and a lack of knowledge on the diet, I really struggled for a while trying to get where I am currently. But I am so happy to be where I am now. I wake up feeling refreshed inside everyday knowing what I put in my body is good.
During high school, after comprehending what speciesism actually was, I became pretty onerous towards my school’s lunch menu (they never offered whole meals without meat or cheese) and started challenging my principal and the student council to bring “more diversity to the table.” Ha-ha. I also remember getting a lot of “she’s vegan but loves meat” comments after I first started dating my partner. Ohhhh…. High school days.
The Challenge of Going Vegan
Sometimes you are the odd one left out. From my sophomore to senior year of high school I lived on a small island in Alaska called “Sitka.” The population is just barely over 8,000 and the people there largely follow “traditional” or conservative views. That meant no meat or dairy alternatives at ANY restaurants I went to. It was basically a vegan’s hell. But that only inspired me to stop relying on the catering industry and start cooking for myself! Since then, I’ve learned so many new skills and recipes and have been able to cook many meals for both family and friends.
Following my move to Washington (or the “real” united states as Alaskan’s call it), I also found that there were so many restaurants simply dedicated to veganism itself and a lot more grocery options.
I feel conscious, enlightened, and compassionate
I love being able to call myself a vegan and be a part of all the local and online vegan communities. Becoming vegan really showed me who I was as a person and what I stand for. The major I chose in college (environmental science) and future career goals (environmental lawyer and animal rights activist) have both been influenced by veganism. I wouldn’t be who I am today without it!

How can we encourage people to eat less meat?
Tell people how great the vegan life really is! We all know it’s never good to force your beliefs on anyone… but from my experience… the best thing you can do is to educate people In a positive way that makes veganism seem like a “good” thing, ya know? I have had lots of experiences trying to “lightly” convert my family and boyfriend and have been able to influence a great deal of their diet simply through having friendly conversations (:

Some Vegan food that has brought me happiness 🌱✌🏽🍝🍣🍕🍪🍔🥪🍎😌
I’ve only been to one vegan restaurant in my entire life, “Viva Vegan Cuisine” in Tacoma WA, and now I want them to cater my wedding!
I love the jackfruit BBQ the best because it mimics the texture of meat so well!

(Jackfruit BBQ sandwich with potato chips, coleslaw, and onion) nearest to me
(Tofu BLT) on the left
(Garlic Cheese Bread with French herb butter and marinara sauce) on the right
My favourite at-home meal to cook has been fried rice with Just Egg and faux chicken as substitutes. I also enjoy making chickpea chocolate mousse for dessert with my partner!
It’s so easy to create and brings back memories from when I would pick up Chinese food with my Dad. (:

I got this recipe from @fitgreenmind on Instagram. I love this desert because it’s so light and fluffy with that twist of sweet fruit.

What advice would you give a person just starting the meatless lifestyle?
Don’t be afraid and take your time! My partner, Hunter, for example did not become vegetarian from the get-go. He spent a good year transitioning… giving up the foods he didn’t care for as much and only keeping what he really wanted. Overtime this really helped him drop the desire for animal meat and helped start a desire for plant-based alternatives. It’s hard to give up the foods you grew up with knowing and loving, but it really takes self-discipline and a slow-but-steady pace to make it work.
I think one of the biggest misconceptions about vegans is that our range of food is so different from non-vegans. But in reality, we as a community have replicated almost every non-vegan food in a plant-based form. And no… most of us are not protein deficient. Ha-ha.
I am always here to help guide anyone who is having trouble starting their journey or just has questions
Since I started my meat-free journey I’ve become a whole lot more environmentally aware. I re-use what I can and recycle what I can’t… even my makeup brush containers are made from my own old plastics! It may not be the most “aesthetic”, but it sure does make me feel closer to mother earth.

I have gained nothing but positive skills and mindsets from veganism. It has helped guide me through many life decisions and urge me to stand up for what I believe in. If you are even considering becoming more plant-based you are already doing awesome!
Remember to take small steps and always reach out for help if you need it. The vegan community is here for ya! Feel free to follow me on Instagram @vegan_carry, and as always, sending positive vibes your way <3

ᑕᗩᖇᖇY 🌱 she/her/hers
All my clothes are thrifted 🛍
Environmental Sci Major🌍
UAS c/o 2024
all images courtesy of @vegan_carry