Bruna is a Brazilian pharmacist who lives in Rio de Janeiro and between her job and her volunteer work, she enjoys showing people around that veganism is not that hard and limited. Vegan since she was 29, she lost count how many times people asked how she could live a life full of restrictions, but she never felt this way because in veganism there is no “I can’t eat/ wear/ use it” there is just “I’ve chosen not to”.

She really believes that a better world just depends on ourselves and that veganism is a very important step, because it makes you work to be a better person: “When we understand that we are not better than any creature in this world, that every form of life must be respected and treated with love, we will understand everything”.

She told Meatless Movement how she started her journey at veganism, how it changes her way to see life and gives advice for those who are considering veganism.

Please tell us more about yourself

My name is Bruna and I´m a Brazilian pharmacist from Rio de Janeiro. I´m 36 years and since I was 29 I decided to become vegan and there’s no going back.

Getting inside this new world because of the animals

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The lights turned on when I adopted a dog, it became my entire world and I started thinking that it isn’t fair that so many animals have to suffer. I really believe in energy and once you realise that you are eating suffering, pain, inequity, that piece of meat doesn’t seem good at all.

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First I thought I was getting inside this new world because of the animals, and just this, but once you get in you realise that is much more than that: you become vegan because of the animals, because of the planet and everyone inside. It´s a whole new world full of new tastes, possibilities and perspective.

me and Zezinho, the one that started all this revolution in my heart


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So like almost everyone, I started with the food. I must say it was definitely not as hard as many people think, at least in my case: my mum is a nutritionist that loves cooking and decided to try new vegan recipes for me, she liked it so much that became a vegan too.

My dad started questioning why everyone was eating differently than him, and after watching one of those netflix documentaries, he decided that he would never eat meat again – VEGANISM IS CONTAGIOUS, at least in my family!!!

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I still remember what my dad told me after one week in veganism: “I thought it would be so hard, but I feel so happy”. Was exactly what I was feeling, I was happy because my energy was getting better just by taking out of my plate that piece of suffering, it’s a feeling hard to explain, you really need to experience it to understand (go vegan)!

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I love cooking so eating at home was never hard for me, when I’m with my family it’s ok too because everyone is vegan, but at work it is really hard ( I have to bring my own food because the hospital where I work does not have any option of vegan meal for employees) and when I decide to go out it is still hard although there are some really good options nowadays. If you are a vegan traveller I will love to give some tips (I know where you can find the best desserts in Rio or a vegan happy hour).

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So besides the food I started to pay attention to every detail of my life: what I wear, my cosmetics (at this stage, as a pharmacist, I started doing my own cosmetics, what is now becoming my new business) and each product I consume, and also what I do for fun… my lifestyle changed completely ( I must say that even most of my friends changed too, not everyone is able to understand and respect YET).

To be grateful for everything in my life

𝐵𝓇𝓊𝓃𝒶 𝒜𝓃𝓃

I´ve changed my food habits, I´ve changed my lifestyle, but when you are vegan you need more: you need to make the difference. Remember I told you about energy? In this world you really attract the energy you give off, so I´ve found a group of people that really want to do something good for our community: since 2019 we have brought to Rio a project called MORADORES DE RUA E SEUS CÃES (@moradoresderuaeseuscaes & @MRSCRIO).

It started in São Paulo with the photographer Edu Leporo, and his idea was so great that now it is in many cities in Brazil. Our main duty is to give support to homeless people and their animals. Today we are part of The United Nations Global Pact and we are certified by the International Committee on Fundraising Organizations. Working in the streets changed my world even more, it taught me how to be grateful for everything in my life, and the less you complain the more time you have for good things!

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Take care of our nature

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My advice for those who are considering veganism: take your time, start with one day during the week, be open to new flavours, and do it with a purpose (veganism is not a diet, is not fashion and is much more than leaving animals out of your plate).

See also  We do not need any animal products to survive and in fact being vegan has gotten easier and more adorable in today’s society

Don´t think it is a sacrifice, think of it as a whole new world full of possibilities. Be patient, as I said before, not everyone will understand but be ready to show it to those who really want to change (I usually offer food, and it works 99% of time, it is just the best way to show that we are not limited as they think).

Don´t waste your energy trying to force those who cannot accept. Save your energy to change the world! And work!!! Help your community, respect everyone, listen to everyone because it is the only way they are gonna listen to you!

Take care of our nature, because just eating vegan food and not rethinking your habits is not enough.

I really believe the future is vegan, it’s just a matter of time!

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“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”
💊Farmacêutica Clínica
🐶Mãe do @ze_bono

all images courtesy of bruna ann