Since turning vegan, Anne has been spreading love and light through plant-based food, wellness and lifestyle and yoga classes. She loves what she eats and sharing that with everyone. Anne told Meatless Movement that there’s so much to be thankful for.

Tell us more about yourself, please

Hello! I’m Anne and I’m 26 years old. My dad was a diplomat from Taiwan so I travelled with my family growing up. I was born in Belgium and grew up in Brussels, Ottawa, Paris and Taipei.

Life can be plain and simple just like that!

Anne🍀安|瑜珈ॐ | Vegan 療癒飲食
Anne🍀安|瑜珈ॐ | Vegan 療癒飲食

I’ve been vegan for around 8 years. My friend Victoria had a vegan lunch at school and she briefly said that it was good for the environment, that I can look into it. I then tried a very healthy and simple vegan diet because I had eczema and I heard it would improve on the diet. Later, I went fully vegan because I read the book “Eating Animals”.

My parents thought I was crazy because they are not really religious and they didn’t know anyone who is not a meat-eater nor a Buddhist.

Anne🍀安|瑜珈ॐ | Vegan 療癒飲食

After I started my vegan journey, I became more and more in tune with myself and the environment. I used to not understand when people say you can feel the energy of an object, like a piece of crystal. Now I totally can! This increased awareness helps me respond to situations.

Challenges of being vegan you need to prepare for

Nowadays it is pretty simple. I would say that the only challenge is that I cannot just walk into any restaurant with my friends and expect to be totally satisfied by the food. I always do my research ahead of time and I am more selective with what I put into my body. That turns out to be a great thing because I feel lighter and happier.

See also  One way to help Mother Earth is to reduce or stop consuming animal products

There are so many meatless food options nowadays. Go find the ones you love! Treat it like a fun game/experiment, life’s more enjoyable that way.

Whatever comes your way today, enjoy it well!

Anne🍀安|瑜珈ॐ | Vegan 療癒飲食
Anne🍀安|瑜珈ॐ | Vegan 療癒飲食

Some people may think ,when they meet me, that all vegans eat like me (or act like me). That’s not true! For the past 8 years I altered my diet a lot, even within the vegan diet. You can eat any vegan diet you want and still be kind to animals. You can be you AND be vegan.

I’ve been incorporating a lot of Medical Medium Protocol friendly foods into my diet for the past two years. I really recommend it to those who would like to heal illnesses in a safe and effective way. I’ve been having celery juice almost daily recently. I’ve grown to really enjoy it!

I talk about celery juice in the English interview. Here’s a video reference:

how to make celery juice

You’ve got my support! That’s amazing!

Anne🍀安|瑜珈ॐ | Vegan 療癒飲食

I love being vegan! Although it is not always rainbow and butterflies, as life also isn’t always. It’s kind of like the stock market where it goes up and down, and when you zoom out, in general it is going up! I think because I am giving life to animals, to the environment, to myself, life is also giving back to me.

To me, going vegan is like finding the right life partner and staying committed to it. I just didn’t expect so many great things to come out of this decision!

Anne🍀安|瑜珈ॐ | Vegan 療癒飲食

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all images courtesy of Anne