This follow-up interview features Anilla Till, a notable figure previously interviewed by Meatless Movement. For those eager to delve deeper into her story, the initial article can be accessed through the following link.

Anilla’s journey within the realm of plant-based living has undoubtedly evolved since her first feature, offering readers a chance to witness her growth and insights firsthand. Stay tuned for an enriching continuation of her narrative in this latest installment.

Reflecting on Your Continued Journey:

I am vegan for over six and a half years now, and I never felt better!

Anilla | utazás · túra · természetvédelem
Anilla | utazás · túra · természetvédelem

One significant achievement I reached was completing a 72-day-long hike around Hungary, which was 2550 kilometers long. I did it as someone eating plant based, which was sometimes challenging in the countryside, but eventually I managed to keep being vegan for the entire trip – just as I’ve been vegan for the past six years. I think it inspired some people that being vegan is a matter of flexibility and if you make it a priority, you can achieve great things physically and mentally as well.

Navigating Nutrition and Health:

I’m not an expert on nutrition, but what I always try to make sure is that I listen to my body: whatever it craves I am trying to provide. Of course I always stay a vegan, but I actually don’t even crave any nonvegan foods.So I try to eat intuitively, and so far it’s been working for me!

Anilla | utazás · túra · természetvédelem
Anilla | utazás · túra · természetvédelem

Inspiring Others Through Challenges:

I’m trying to make my veganism as natural as possible. I don’t make a big deal about it anymore, I’m just showing that it’s possible to have a very wholesome and healthy life. I don’t try to convince others to adopt my lifestyle, but I’m happy to see that often my friends and family are very open to vegan lifestyle choices and they try out more and more things!

See also  Choose compassion and let's end speciesism together!
Anilla | utazás · túra · természetvédelem
Anilla | utazás · túra · természetvédelem

Ethical and Environmental Impact:

I first became vegan for the welfare of animals, but of course the more I read about veganism, the more I got into the environmental aspects as well. I believe dropping meat out of your diet is one of the simplest, yet the most powerful things that you can do for planetary health. I hope more and more people try out meatless dishes, and even if they don’t become vegetarians or vegans for good, they can still contribute so much by opting for delicious meatless meals!

Anilla | utazás · túra · természetvédelem
Anilla | utazás · túra · természetvédelem

Diverse Culinary Adventures:

I don’t cook a lot, sometimes I cook some traditional veganized Hungarian dishes from my home country. But I travel a lot and I try my best to explore local cuisine, so whenever I have the chance, I visit those
restaurants that offer some veganized versions of the destination. Those restaurant visits are usually the best parts of my travels!

Anilla | utazás · túra · természetvédelem
Anilla | utazás · túra · természetvédelem

Empowering Lifestyle Choices:

There is no one-size-fits all, and no brand is perfect. I usually look for a good product, not necessariliy just the brand. Of course it’s great to choose the products and services that have some certifications, such as
the BCorp, Cruelty Free and Vegan labels, but sometimes there are smaller companies that equally care, but don’t have the budget to brand themselves vegan or purchase the necessary audits and labels. So I try to dig deep when I choose a product or service, and make the best decision for that one specific purchase.

Anilla | utazás · túra · természetvédelem
Anilla | utazás · túra · természetvédelem

Advocacy and Education:

I study communication of planetary health on a PhD level, so every day I’m trying to find new ways to effectively communicate about sustainability. But I also try to share these findings and whatever inspires me within the topic to my social media community. In my opinion, the best way is if do not try to convince people to do something, but rather try to inspire by showing a good example.

See also  To all those wondering, it’s not a fad, it’s an awakening. Proudly doing my own bit in preventing cruelty to animals
Anilla | utazás · túra · természetvédelem
Anilla | utazás · túra · természetvédelem

Balancing Passion and Compassion:

Luckily my partner is also vegan, and I share the most meals with him. 🙂 Otherwise my family and friends are already quite used to me being vegan, so there isn’t much hassle around it anymore.

Meatless Movement in Popular Culture:

I admire everyone that speaks up for vegetarianism and veganism! 🙂

A Vision for the Future:

Anilla | utazás · túra · természetvédelem
Anilla | utazás · túra · természetvédelem

I will continue to share my experiences being a vegan, mostly by showing the amazing travel destinations, cafés, and restaurants that provide delicious options for vegans. I truly believe it’s getting easier every day with a lot more to explore around the vegan world! 🙂

Anilla | utazás · túra · természetvédelem

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🎓PhD: a bolygóegészség kommunikációja🌳
🌱vegán & fenntartható utazás

all images courtesy of Anilla | utazás · túra · természetvédelem