Stella, a passionate advocate for peace, human and animal rights, and equality, is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to championing the voiceless. Born and raised in the enchanting island of Malta, where she spent the first 26 years of her life, Stella carries her commitment to these causes with an unwavering spirit. Her heart beats for a world in harmony, symbolized by the peace sign she holds dear.

Her deep-rooted beliefs have fueled an undying flame within her, one that remains relentless in its pursuit of justice and compassion for all living beings. Stella’s unwavering dedication to addressing the myriad ways in which animals and humans are exploited is not bound by time. She envisions a future where change, even if it takes centuries, will bring about the transformation she so ardently desires.

Meatless Movement recently had the opportunity to chat with her.

Every summer, Stella returns to her beloved homeland, determined to be the voice for animals on the island that she cherishes. With her unyielding commitment, Stella embodies the very essence of what all beings yearn for – the chance to live in a world filled with peace, equality, and empathy.

Tell us more about yourself, please

Animals always bring joy to our heart & soul ♥️ don’t betray them

Stella Paris, BSc(Hons)

My name is Stella Paris and I’m originally from Malta but live in the UK. I am a singer songwriter, actress, restaurateur, tv presenter and published model.

From hippie to glam vixen.. I feel empowered and in my essence in both looks: Stella Paris, BSc(Hons)
From hippie to glam vixen.. I feel empowered and in my essence in both looks: Stella Paris, BSc(Hons)

I have been vegan for the past 6 years. Prior to that I was switching between being pescatarian and vegetarian for about 2 years. I wish I had switched sooner to being vegan. 8 years ago when I stopped eating land animals such as cows, pigs, chicken and duck as well as octopus was due to reading ancient Vedic texts. There were 10 days where I embarked on a deep spiritual journey, took time off work, meditated, and read a lot.

See also  Embracing Veganism: A Journey with Suz Yasmin

I did it out of compassion for the animals, reaching higher consciousness states and for my health. I learnt that as energy never dies, it is transmuted; the pain and frustration the animals feel when at the farm and at slaughterhouses; is transferred to us as anger and depression. So when we eat meat, we are not only inflicting pain on sentient beings but also taking it on in our chi and chakra energies. I also stopped buying cow’s milk and yoghurt at this point.

The hard working and lovely owners of @brinsley_animal_rescue introduced me to the animals living at the sanctuary and showed me how much work goes into saving wild life and taking care of permanent residents: Stella Paris, BSc(Hons)
The hard working and lovely owners of @brinsley_animal_rescue introduced me to the animals living at the sanctuary and showed me how much work goes into saving wild life and taking care of permanent residents: Stella Paris, BSc(Hons)

After about 1.5 years I also stopped eating crustaceans and fish as they too deserve to live. When eating a lobster, you are robbing the being of a 100 years of life as that is how long they live! I also got into heavy lifting and was training with Anais Zanotti in Miami. She taught me that eating eggs still supports the meat industry and that male chicks are killed horribly. Eggs and whey protein were the last things I stopped consuming before going fully vegan. I even discovered that vegan bodybuilding protein shakes & tofu scramble did a much better job at helping me grow muscle and I became even stronger as a vegan!! I am proud to say that I started being able to do unassisted pull-ups as a vegan in my 30s.

I carried on to share my lifestyle changes to my followers on Instagram and I have received a few messages from some who said they have become vegan or they are trying being vegetarian. The important thing is not to judge especially if a person is trying. We all had to start somewhere. I also opened my own vegan restaurant, called Mama Earth in November 2022. I am in the process of moving on from the current location to find a better and bigger establishment. I am also an activist and have organised outreaches against animal research with Camp Beagle in UK, as well as recently participated in an outreach in Malta against touristic horse-drawn carriages.

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What I care about is peace ☮️

Stella Paris, BSc(Hons)
5 month old puppies are being sold from MBR Acres to various laboratories in the UK: Stella Paris, BSc(Hons)
5 month old puppies are being sold from MBR Acres to various laboratories in the UK: Stella Paris, BSc(Hons)

I think the most difficult is when travelling to places outside the UK. A lot of servers abroad do not know what vegan is so one must learn words of that specific language like “no milk”, “no egg”, “no meat”. I always try to stick to vegan restaurants when I visit. I use Happy Cow app when travelling. I have found only one situation where someone was disrespectful towards my lifestyle. I was at an Italian wedding and a buffet was being served. I naturally had to ask regards what is vegan and what’s not. The chef commented that we are missing out on such good food. These kind of comments tend to anger me as the “good food” he is referring to is at the demise of the animals on the plate.

I am proud I have made the decision of going vegan as animals are not food and I’m not being part of the holocaust. Being vegan has opened doors to getting to know amazing people, going to new places and eating healthy food.

To someone who’s not yet vegan or vegetarian, I would mention that cows, pigs, chicken, duck, rabbit and other animals are no different or sentient to their dogs and cats at home. The only difference is tradition and the lack of making a connection. I usually explain what they have to go through at farms and slaughterhouses as well as mention health risks that come with meat and dairy. I would then recommend alternatives that have high protein, good carbs and good fats.

See also  One Cow's Lick That Sparked a Vegan Revolution
Stella Paris, BSc(Hons)
Stella Paris, BSc(Hons)

A lot of people are uneducated when it comes to distinguishing between vegan and vegetarian. They think veganism is about eating salads. When in fact, you can make anything vegan, including creating “fish n chips” by beer battering banana blossom or tofu and adding seaweed. Making omelettes is also possible by using chickpea flour and water. Other people believe eating organic is enough. Just because animals are given space and are left to roam “free” the end result is always the same. Death and suffering is inevitable in both the meat and dairy industry. Being vegetarian is not enough if you truly care for animals, as the dairy industry works hand in hand with the meat industry. The milk taken from a lactating cow belong to a calf which is separated from its mother and taken to its death.

Fire, Water, Earth & Air- and how we can utilise them to balance our inner world and connect with nature & the cosmos

Stella Paris, BSc(Hons)
I have been working on myself and my triggers these past few weeks and I’ve been very mindful and “ in the present “ to observe my thoughts & emotions: Stella Paris, BSc(Hons)
I have been working on myself and my triggers these past few weeks and I’ve been very mindful and “ in the present “ to observe my thoughts & emotions: Stella Paris, BSc(Hons)

Online vegans are always ready to help with advice especially when it comes to new vegans. Stay strong and stick to it because it gets easier as time goes by. It might even be time to make new friends who support you, especially if you are being peer pressured and mocked by “friends” who are not real and vibing lower than you.

Stella Paris, BSc(Hons)

Singer-songwriter 🌞🌝 SUMMER MOONLIGHT single out now!
Vegan 🐮🌱 Restaurant Owner
Film & tv series actress
Published model
TV presenter

all images courtesy of Stella Paris, BSc(Hons)