Having worked with more than 200 clients, Jessica Karwat, as a certified vegan nutritionist, fitness trainer, yoga instructor, and reiki master, has developed a thorough understanding of the tools and techniques required for women to thrive. Her expertise enables women to get fit, understand their bodies’ workings by syncing with their menstrual cycle, heal their relationship with food, and regain their confidence.

Before becoming an online coach, Jessica faced significant personal struggles, including hormonal acne on my face, neck, and back, as well as gut and digestive issues. Furthermore, she struggled with an eating disorder. Although transitioning to a vegan diet helped alleviate some of her problems, it was only after delving deeper that she was able to make a significant difference.

Meatless Movement recently had the opportunity to chat with her.

Tell us more about yourself, please

My name is Jessica Karwat. I was born and grew up in Germany, but my family is polish. Currently I am based in Dubai but living as a Digital Nomad and always somewhere else 🙂


Jessica Karwat CEO & Founder of Women’s Academy of Transformation
Jessica Karwat CEO & Founder of Women’s Academy of Transformation


Jessica Karwat CEO & Founder of Women’s Academy of Transformation

I have been vegan for 5 years at this point.

Before that I have been struggling with health issues such as hormonal imbalances, bloating and acne.

Jessica Karwat
CEO & Founder of Women’s Academy of Transformation
Jessica Karwat CEO & Founder of Women’s Academy of Transformation

Up to going vegan I tried everything from creams, pills, doctors and nothing seemed to work.

One night I was doing some more research on the benefits of a vegan diet. Meanwhile, I stumbled upon many videos of animal agriculture and horrible images that were extremely shocking. I ended up crying my eyes out.

See also  If you think it’s wrong to hurt animals, you already believe in being vegan

That was the turning point for me when I decided to no longer support what I saw and I became vegan over night.

Ever since I have not looked back.

Jessica Karwat CEO & Founder of Women’s Academy of Transformation

Attention all beautiful vegan women!

Jessica Karwat CEO & Founder of Women’s Academy of Transformation

After only 2-3 months of going vegan my skin cleared up almost entirely. And the funniest part is that I didn’t pay such big attention to exactly what I was eating.

I was so excited that I was vegan that I was eating out a lot and eating things like burgers, donuts, etc.

I do believe there is more to going vegan than just the change of food.

Your energy changes entirely. You are no longer consuming the death flesh of an animal. You are no longer eating such a low frequency.

This can do a lot to the human body.

Jessica Karwat CEO & Founder of Women’s Academy of Transformation

Nourish your beautiful body with amazing vegan food and learn how to sustain this lifestyle for your entire life

Jessica Karwat CEO & Founder of Women’s Academy of Transformation

As a Vegan Nutritionist and Vegan Health Coach for Women I see some challenges that women face.

First, when we go vegan from a primarily omnivore diet, we tend to reduce our protein intake massively and increase our fiber intake.

This can lead to not only digestive problems, but also a deregulation of hormones and low energy levels.

When we consume too much fiber, bloating can follow, which is not only uncomfortable but it also causes the body to not digest all the nutrients of what we are consuming.

As far as eating out and travelling goes. Being a digital nomad I have never encountered any problems of finding vegan food in places. Anywhere I have went, supermarkets and restaurants have at least some vegan options at this point. And if not I have seen restaurants being super accommodating, if you ask for help.

Jessica Karwat CEO & Founder of Women’s Academy of Transformation

Going vegan was the best decision I could have made.

Jessica Karwat CEO & Founder of Women’s Academy of Transformation

I truly believe in it and I think everyone can do it.

See also  Veganism is not a diet: it’s a whole set of values that many vegans find a must have in a partner

Well, I actually always loved food but when I went vegan, I started loving food even more as I was finally ready to cooking and experimenting more.

If people are scared to go vegan, I would recommend just trying out some alternatives here and there and see how they like it.

Jessica Karwat CEO & Founder of Women’s Academy of Transformation

Veganism is not about perfection but about having an open mind, trying recipes, and also connecting with other vegans!

Jessica Karwat CEO & Founder of Women’s Academy of Transformation

Well I love all the recipes that we have in my vegan health coaching program.

All these dishes are healthy, balanced, nutritious and so yummy.

And the best part, they take super quick to prepare and cook.

See below:

Tofu Scramble in a Burrito
Protein Vegan Choco Mug Cake
Asian Seitan with Peanut Sauce and Rice Noodles

To someone who’s just beginning to go meatless, what is your advice?

  1. Start small. It is not about perfection but about your intention behind it.
  2. Sometimes it helps starting with veganizing one meal a day first like for example breakfast or dinner.
  3. This way it seems a lot more feasible and little less overwhelming.
  4. Hiring someone to help you with it, is also super helpful!

That vegans can not get enough nutrients or can get sick quicker

Together, we will create a lifestyle that supports you every day, where you can nourish your body with nutritious foods while still enjoying the foods you love.

Jessica Karwat CEO & Founder of Women’s Academy of Transformation
Jessica Karwat CEO & Founder of Women’s Academy of Transformation
Jessica Karwat CEO & Founder of Women’s Academy of Transformation

As a Vegan Health Coach it is my job to educate people on the vegan diet and help them not only understand but implement all the right things so they can feel and look great on a vegan diet.

See also  Mommy's Cooking Healthy: Inspiring Cajun Vegan Recipes for a Healthier Life

Give me a follow on Instagram @iamjessicakarwat

Have a listen to my Podcast, The Plantiful Goddess Podcast:

The Plantiful Goddess Podcast • A podcast on Anchor

Email or Visit my Website here:

Jessica Karwat
CEO & Founder of Women’s Academy of Transformation

Jessica Karwat
CEO & Founder of Women’s Academy of Transformation

Vegan Women‘s Health Coach

Lose weight, sync with your cycle and become the healthiest vegan you!🫶🏼

all images courtesy of Jessica Karwat