Seaina has been in awe of this planet since she began to appreciate everything as if it were the first time! imagine coming from another planet and seeing the colors of the sunsets, the ocean waves, the cute little animals and the huge ones, the clouds, fruits, the smell of lemons or lavender, all the types of flowers that exist and each one of them so perfectly well designed!

Seaina enjoys sharing pics of her food to show the world that being vegan is easy and you can eat delicious food. She knows she’s doing this for a good reason and it’s because of the animals and the voice they do not have.

Meatless Movement recently had a chat with Seaina.

She told Meatless Movement that there are many things that make life so simple and easy and she’s learning to be grateful for all of them instead of focusing on the bad!

We usually forget that waking up every morning is the first thing we should be grateful for!

Tell us more about yourself, please

Hi, I am Seaina from Spain! I went vegan in 2015 and I am so happy I did and since then I feel like my life purpose is to be the voice of the voiceless! I am a very creative person and I like making creative food to show the world eating vegan is easy and fun!


 I feel sad because many animals here don’t have the freedom they deserve and that breaks my heart


I have loved animals for as long as I can remember but I just didn’t make the connection of what I was actually putting on my plate. I realised this when I moved out and I started to cook for myself without my parents doing it for me! This is a little explicit but one night I was gonna make an omelette and I took an egg from the fridge! It was an egg from my family’s chickens but it was heavier than usuarl and harder to crack! I cracked it and inside it had a very tiny baby chicken. It made me stop eating eggs and I started thinking a lot! Then I decided to educate myself and after watching 101 reasons to go vegan I decided to just do it!

See also  It is the culmination of my lifelong journey that I present her healthy passport to the world, as I share my experiences eating and cooking plant-based food

Eating vegan is easy, delicious & cruelty free


Finding vegan food is quite easy, there is always a couple of options in almost every restaurant and every time we are getting more options! Being vegan now is much easier than it was 3 or 5 years ago! To be honest the hardest part of being vegan is dealing with non-vegan people. It will never cease to amaze me how people become doctors and nutritionists once they realise you do not eat animals. They’re also very worried and concerned about plants having feelings too! In the past it affected me a lot because some of my closest friends kept fighting me because they thought I was feeling I was superior to them but then I realised that was their own conscience talking to them!

I have never tried to force veganism on others all I do is try to make people realise how the meat and dairy industry work. Animals are conscious, precious creatures that do not want to give their life for us to enjoy a 5 minutes meal.

The more grateful I am the more beauty I see! 


Being vegan is the best decision I have ever made. It makes me sad everyday to see how animals are treated and killed but I find peace in the thought that I am not a part of that. I am an animal lover and to be completely honest I think that it’s the least I can do.
My only regret is not doing it earlier!

I am never alone wherever I am


People commonly think that because vegans have to take vitamin b12 that means being vegan is unhealthy. This is far from reality. Vitamin b12 is injected into animals, they also do not have it naturally so it is obvious that if you eat meat you will have that vitamin in your body and if you do not eat it then you will have to take it manually. The only difference is that if you take it manually you do not harm any other living being.

See also  Join the movement, dine guilt-free, and let your love for animals shine bright

When it comes to people you’re close to the best thing you can do is just cook your favorite more tasty recipes and make them try them!Once they realise vegan food is not lettuce and grass and it’s actually a burst of flavours you could proceed to educate them about how the meat and dairy industry work. And of course help them as much as they need if they decide to try vegetarism or veganism! That’s why I also share vegan food/recipes on my instagram page!

To open up your mind, you must open up your heart first, so developing compassion is where we gotta start


To someone who has just went vegan or vegetarian, I would say that they have made one of the best decisions for themselves, animals and the planet. That it is normal and okay to make mistakes because we learn and improve from them. I would also tell them that there is too much information on the internet but if you have any doubts, I am sure that any other vegan person would help you without problem. At the end of the day we all have the same goal!

Seaina 🌱

Vegan food inspiration 🌿
Animal rights, life & sunsets 🧡
↓ 🐘Help protect Asian elephants from abuse🐘

all images courtesy of Seaina