As a dedicated model, Alex has discovered a source of unparalleled energy and vitality through adopting a plant-based diet. Beyond its physical benefits, this lifestyle change has brought about profound transformations in both the mental and spiritual aspects of Alex’s life. Believing that a diet centered around plants is the key to harmonizing the entire body and spirit, Alex sees it as a beautiful way to honor all species and Mother Earth, fostering a win-win situation for all.

Shop with Purpose, Support the Meatless Movement

For Alex, life’s purpose revolves around radiating love and light into the world. Embracing the notion that love is the true essence of existence, Alex empathizes with those navigating through the challenges of a noisy, dark, and sometimes lonely world. With an unwavering belief in the interconnectedness of all beings, Alex views life as a collective consciousness where unity prevails among humans, animals, and the entire planet.

A guiding light for anyone seeking solace, Alex extends a heartfelt assurance that no one is ever alone in their journey. By candidly sharing personal experiences, moments of growth, and times of darkness, Alex aims to inspire others with the powerful message of togetherness and unity. Through this profound sense of togetherness, Alex hopes to illuminate the path towards a more compassionate and peaceful world.

Join Alex in discovering the transformative power of plant-based living and embracing the eternal thread that binds us all as one united consciousness. Let the journey of unity, love, and light commence.

See also  The Inspiring Journey of Gina Fontana: From Nursing School to Gluten-Free Plant-Based Chef

Tell us more about yourself, please

Hi fam! I thought I would introduce myself to all who are new or would like to know more.👍🏼🤓

Alex Romney

Hi there! My name is Alex Romney, also known as Lovely Vegan, & I’m from Salt Lake City, Utah.

Alex Romney by Alex Rosenkreuz
Alex Romney by Alex Rosenkreuz

I’ve been vegan about 7-8 years. I slowly starting transitioning well over a decade ago. I eliminated meat & dairy from my diet & was only occasionally consuming eggs & fish. I watched ‘Cowspiracy’ & it was a game-changer for me. After watching, I immediately emailed the documentary to everyone I knew. My only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner — a common sentiment.💯

Alex Romney by Alex Rosenkreuz
Alex Romney by Alex Rosenkreuz

Could you share any intriguing stories or experiences from the time when you transitioned to a vegan lifestyle?

Not specifically. After making the swap, I was all in & committed. It wasn’t hard at all… it became the normal way of living & I felt really good. I was traveling a lot & finding vegan restaurants was a very exciting experience for me… there are endless options & they’re all SO GOOD!😊❤️

Alex Romney by Alex Rosenkreuz
Alex Romney by Alex Rosenkreuz
Alex Romney by Alex Rosenkreuz
Alex Romney by Alex Rosenkreuz

What challenges do you face when trying to find vegan food or dining out with friends?

Be brave. Be resilient.

Alex Romney
Alex Romney by Alex Rosenkreuz
Alex Romney by Alex Rosenkreuz

Hm, not a lot that I can think of. I don’t do well with soy/tofu & this is a staple for a lot of vegans. It’s not really a challenge because there are so many other choices. I’m also gluten-free, so it makes my decisions even more specific, but again, it’s no trouble because there’s a lot to choose from… &, once I find what I love, I’m all in.😆❤️ I am pretty routine-based with eating habits.

See also  I feel good about being a vegan, both health wise and for ethical reasons

With family or friends, it’s no challenge at all. I’m pretty sure everyone who knows me knows I’m vegan. It’s invisibly tattooed on my forehead because I’m very open about it.😂🥰

How would you encourage someone who isn’t vegan/vegetarian to give meatless food a try?

I tell them that they’re going to love it. I suggest options… heck, sometimes I’ll even send bags of groceries to friends/family to sample and show them it’s very delicious + ALL the other benefits. There isn’t anything lost… only gained. It’s positive & impactful from the inside-out. Physical, mental, emotional, & SPIRITUAL. 🙏🏼🌞

Alex Romney
Alex Romney

I feel fantastic! I feel aligned with all of LIFE… with Creation… It’s a beautiful way of living life & a peaceful way of BE-ing!

Alex Romney
Alex Romney
Alex Romney
Alex Romney
Alex Romney

Here’s the funny & truthful thing I think a lot of vegans discover: you can simply mix a lot of different veggies, grains, legumes, seasonings, etc…. & it just WORKS. It tastes amazing & you feel so good! You feel as though your body is saying “THANK YOU…”😌

You can also roll with all the premade vegan items… meats, burgers, hotdogs… & those are super tasty! It’s all just so delicious.❤️

Alex Romney
Alex Romney

What are some common misconceptions about vegans? How do you go about explaining or educating others to dispel these misconceptions?

I think the word veganism is a misconception in itself, lol. We should really just call is COMPASSION.❤️

I focus mostly on inspiring others by setting an example — I’m 35 year’s old & the healthiest I’ve ever been: mind, body, & soul.💫

Veganism aka “compassion” is at the root of this. What we consume & engage ourselves with energetically (beyond food), is the energy we radiate, become, & send out into the collective.🤝✨

What advice would you give to someone who is just starting their journey to go meatless?

Be true. Be you.

Alex Romney
Alex Romney by Alex Rosenkreuz
Alex Romney by Alex Rosenkreuz

The best advice I can think of is how much their life is going to transition from the inside-out. When one chooses to embrace the world with compassion as their leading value, everything changes.

See also  I became a vegan because of my baby
Alex Romney
Alex Romney
Alex Romney
Alex Romney
Alex Romney by Alex Rosenkreuz
Alex Romney by Alex Rosenkreuz
Alex Romney by Alex Rosenkreuz
Alex Romney by Alex Rosenkreuz

God is love. You are love.

You feel more peaceful & connected from all directions: emotional, mental, spiritual, & physical.

Alex Romney
Alex Romney
Alex Romney
Alex Romney

Take things a day at a time & remember veganism isn’t about perfection — it’s about making choices that respect all beings & our shared planet.🌎🌍🌏

Alex Romney by Alex Rosenkreuz
Alex Romney by Alex Rosenkreuz

You will eat more variety in foods than you ever did previously and enjoy incredible vegan products/fashion/etc…. Plus, you will walk this earth knowing YOU ARE THE CHANGE for a better world.🙏🏼

Alex Romney by Alex Rosenkreuz
Alex Romney by Alex Rosenkreuz

Shop with Purpose, Support the Meatless Movement

Alex Romney

Sunshine 🌞 from the inside-out 💛
Current time zone: positive jam sesh o’clock 🕺🎶
Other: @alexandraromney
Blog + fun stuff 🤓👇🏼

all images courtesy of Alex Romney