Hailee is a 28-year-old originally from Plano, Texas, currently living in London. She has a master’s degree in Marketing from Queen Mary University and works for Vegan Friendly UK, a non-profit organization promoting veganism. Hailee was born and raised vegan by her animal-loving parents, who have been vegans for over 35 years.
Meatless Movement recently had a chat with her.
Tell us more about yourself, please
Hello 🙂 I am Hailee. I am 28 years old and currently living in London.

I am originally from Plano, Texas. I moved to London almost three years ago now. I got my masters in Marketing at Queen Mary University of London and am currently working for Vegan Friendly UK – a nonprofit organization striving to make veganism more accessible and spread awareness.
What challenges did you face as a vegan growing up in Texas
I was born and raised vegan by two hippie, earth and animal loving parents. Both of my parents have been vegan for over 35 years now!
As you can imagine, Texas was not the ideal place to parade around about a vegan lifestyle. Growing up, I was always embarrassed to be vegan because everyone in school and all of my friends were “normal”. Like everyone else throughout adolescence, I desperately wanted to fit in and disliked everything that made me different.

How do you think societal attitudes towards plant-based food have changed over the years?
As time went on and I became more comfortable in who I am, I (obviously) saw the reasoning behind and ultimately applauded my parents’ conscious and compassionate decisions.
I remember eating Tofurkey in school and a couple of kids made fun of me for eating “fake meat”. Which, when I look back at it now, is a bit ironic because plant-based meat is so trendy and people are significantly more accepting. I also remember when Starbucks would never have soy milk and, as a kid, I was always so disappointed I couldn’t enjoy hot chocolate or frappuccinos like everyone else. I am very grateful now to live in a world where you have a choice of at least three different plant milks and everyone can enjoy a sweet treat! I have so many memories like the two I mentioned above and, to this day, my family and I are so excited when we see new developments in the plant based world and reminisce on how far we have come!
I moved to the UK for its vast vegan options and overwhelming acceptance of the lifestyle choice
I must admit that one of the reasons I moved to the UK (and will forever live in the UK) is due to the vast amount of vegan options and overwhelming acceptance of the lifestyle choice. I rarely go anywhere where I cannot find a vegan option on the menu which is such a dichotomy from living in Texas.
It’s refreshing to live here and not have to look up the restaurant beforehand just to make sure I’ll have something I can eat.

Truth be told, I do not know a world where I am not “the vegan friend” so, fortunately, I have always found friends who are so accommodating towards my dietary restrictions when going out to eat. If I am ever in a circumstance where I am with someone who isn’t aware that I am vegan, well, after 28 years of practice – it comes out pretty quickly and naturally to say “I am vegan!”

What advice would you give to someone who is considering transitioning to a vegan lifestyle, but is worried about the potential challenges and social pressures that may arise?
As I mentioned previously, growing up, the last thing I ever wanted to be was vegan. I never wanted friends to come over and I always had such anxiety at birthday parties and social occasions because I never wanted to stand out.
To be completely honest, I would say my vegan journey was pretty complex and not always easy. I would always feel guilty if I ever accidently ate something that turned out not to be vegan and felt shame if something that wasn’t vegan looked appetizing.
I wish I could go back and tell my younger self (similar to what I tell myself now) that being vegan can look however makes the most sense to me, my lifestyle habits and I do not have to justify anything to anyone (including myself). For example, I try my best to actively purchase vegan and cruelty free products. However, if I am staying somewhere abroad in a hotel and I am not sure if the products in the bathroom are vegan or cruelty free, well, I am not going to beat myself up for needing to shower on holiday.
I think a conscious effort is all you can do and it is up to you what that inevitably looks like.

What are some common misconceptions about a vegan diet and how would you address them for someone who is considering trying it out?
I would say there are SO many vegan products and meals you eat on a regular basis that are unintentionally vegan. For example, pasta with tomato sauce or the ever-so-trendy avocado toast.
If someone is sincerely interested in trying to go vegan, I would suggest making similar meals just without dairy or meat. If you are thinking about adding cheese, I would use a plant-based alternative or just enjoy your bowl without it! The idea of not having dairy or meat is always more frightening than putting it into practice.
Additionally and arguably the most important advice, is to not be angry or upset with yourself if you make mistakes in the process. I would recommend being patient and gentle with yourself and not expect immediate change to happen over night.
Everything was out of this world delicious!
Hailee | food & beauty
I am an advocate for cooking at home most of the time but I do love to treat myself on special occasions. My favorite places for something sweet in London are The After School Cookie Club (cookie dough and ice cream…enough said) and Pastan’s dough balls (they are INSANE!).

When I cook at home, I love to make healthy salads with not too many ingredients. My go-to salad is spinach, beetroot, tomatoes, cucumbers, chickpeas tofu, vegan greek cheese with some sort of apple cider vinaigrette.

Remember that everyone’s journey towards a vegan lifestyle is unique, and it’s okay to make mistakes and learn along the way.
I must say, being raised vegan in beef-country-Texas, you hear a lot of ignorant comments. I have been told all kinds of things like my bones will not grow correctly or I will forever live being protein deficient.
To be completely honest, I didn’t know what to think at a young age, but the older I’ve gotten and many, many successful health visits to the doctor later… I realized a vegan diet has not only improved my energy and overall health but given me thicker skin when it comes to naysayers 🙂

I want to wish the best of luck to everyone at any point of their journey with a vegan lifestyle – if that is just exploring the idea or identifying as a passionate activist, I strongly believe all efforts are important and make a difference towards a more loving earth 🙂
Hailee | food & beauty
Born & raised vegan 👽🌱
From Texas 🤠
Living across the pond in London 🇬🇧
all images courtesy of Hailee | food & beauty