Write for Meatless Movement
Got something you want to write about? We welcome you to submit articles on topics that are relevant and related to Veganism or Vegetarianism.
想要撰寫各式美味素食食譜, 推介蔬食餐廳或分享正能量信息? 歡迎加入成為我們的專欄撰寫人.
Meatless Movement is an online platform that supports and promotes a meatless lifestyle! 🌱🌱🌱. We would like to acknowledge the following passionate content writers for inspiring more people to abstain from meat consumption.
<無肉更歡> 線上平台的設立, 是為了讓更多人願意嘗試不吃肉,並接受素食作為一種生活方式和健康經驗. 我們衷心感謝以下撰寫人, 為推動素食所做出的努力.

Hi 😊 My name is Bea, short for Beáta. I was born in Slovakia, but I consider myself an Earthling because I have lived and stayed long-term in several countries. I have two children, both of whom are vegan. I speak Slovak, Czech, English, Turkish, and Chinese – still learning. Becoming vegan was inevitable for me. I never enjoyed eating meat, always had trouble handling eggs, and couldn’t stand the aftertaste of milk.

I am Maria a certified Vegan Nutritionist with a huge love for colourful meals, we all know that eating healthy begins with knowing what’s in your food. Although going to a restaurant is easy and fun, there’s nothing like enjoying a freshly cooked homemade meal. I believe that healthy food doesn’t have to be boring and gourmet food doesn’t have to be difficult. My kitchen combines them both, offering easy-to-follow recipes while putting your dietary choices first. Are you ready to turn your kitchen into a culinary playground? Explore my blog for new ideas you’ll want to make again and again. I really hope that you will enjoy making my recipes as much as I do enjoy creating them

芳媽咪的素食料理 FangMommy.viggie 烹飪時光 × 家常料理 💚 讓你找尋做菜的靈感問卷填答中

28yo plant-based enthusiast living in Austin, TX USA. I’ve been plant-based for 5 years! I love teaching others how to easily incorporate plant-based meals into their life.

Healthy and Simple Vegan Way 簡易、健康、多樣化的純素家常料理: 0% 蛋奶 0% 五辛 0%酒精。100% VEGAN.
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Love life, eat simply. Be inspired to live a meat-free lifestyle.
Hi, I am Josephine from Singapore! I have been a vegetarian for more than 20 years and blessed to find my other half who joined me on this vegetarian journey. We have 2 vegetarian kids whom we taught to love Mother Earth and be kind to people around them which includes animals.


走肉不光是飲食方式,亦是生活態度。但願大家愛自己、愛身邊的人事與動物,更學懂惜食 ~ 喜歡一切有滋味的事物,藝術嘗新者,廚藝創新人。Enjoys tasting life to its fullest and is an arts freshman also an innovator for food recipes.