Waltraud truly embraced life’s challenges and emerged stronger, more optimistic, and full of belief. Life hasn’t always been easy for her—she’s faced numerous obstacles, including health issues that tested her resilience. But instead of letting these difficulties defeat her, she used them as opportunities to grow.
At 45 years old, she radiates the vitality and energy of someone much younger. Her journey to mental and physical wellness took a significant turn when she chose to go vegan, a decision that has brought her to a place of true happiness and well-being. Now, she’s in the best shape of her life, both physically and mentally, without the need to count calories. Her joy, knowledge, and sense of gratitude are something she’s eager to share with others, spreading positivity and wellness wherever she goes.
Tell us more about yourself, please
For healthy nutrition as well as physical and mental fitness. It is not about a diet, it is about a lifestyle!
Waltraud Koné
Hello, my name is Waltraud Koné and I’m in my 45s. I was born and grew up in Austria, in a small town.

My parents’ house was just outside the city in the countryside. My mum loved to grow, freeze and preserve her own vegetables. My parents tried to live self-sufficiently, which I didn’t always find funny. My mum and grandmother taught me how to make great meals with few ingredients and they both taught me how to cook without wasting food.

We ate a lot of vegetables, fruits and cereals – all home-grown and very little meat. When we did eat meat, my parents only bought it from the farmer next door, as well as milk and cheese. We always had fresh eggs, as my father always had several hens.
Of course, we also had other pets such as cats, mice and ducks, but we also took in wild animals, took them to the vet and looked after them until they were fit again.

After my pregnancy, I became a vegetarian step by step. I didn’t miss meat at all, but I still enjoyed eating yoghurt, eggs and cheese. I especially loved eggs, but only those from my father’s hens.

There are many more benefits, but these are the most common diseases of civilization that could be eliminated with a plant-based, vegan diet
Waltraud Koné
One day a friend urged me to read the book ‘Peacefood – Ruediger Dahlke’. I started reading this book and couldn’t stop – within two nights I had read it through, and in view of all the cruelty and pain inflicted on animals, I started to live vegan. I was aware of this huge change and at the same time started to learn more about vegan nutrition and the food combinations necessary to eat wholesome and healthy food.

My journey started overnight and still continues! I have never regretted taking this step. It was the best decision for me. But of course, everyone must decide that for themselves.

My bowel problems have disappeared, my digestive system works better, I sleep better, my hormones are in balance, I have no skin or weight problems…. and many other positive effects. But of course, there are always two sides to the coin. Eating out or being invited to friends’ houses is often difficult.

Still I am often confronted with the argument, that a vegan can’t get enough protein and can’t gain muscles
Waltraud Koné

I’m the only vegan and some people still can’t understand that. So, when we meet up, we don’t go to a vegan restaurant, but to a normal restaurant and I must eat side dishes. So, I often eat at home so I’m not so hungry.

Becoming a vegetarian is no problem at all. There are so many options, whether at the supermarket, in a restaurant or when travelling. If, on the other hand, you start with a vegan diet, it’s best to find an ally who can advise you on the best way to eat so that you get enough protein, vitamins and minerals.

It is extremely important to make the most of the various wonderful foods that are available to you. Don’t be afraid of nuts, seeds and fats either. Living vegan is not a diet where you count calories, eating vegan means taking care of yourself and your body.

As you may know, there is a distinction between food (living food) and food (processed food). I make sure that my diet consists of at least 80 % living food. When it’s warm outside, I even like to enjoy raw vegan food. You learn to listen to your body more every day – so don’t worry – everyone was at the beginning!

Again, according to many claims, it’s not a problem to build muscle if you learn how to eat enough plant-based protein.

Sure, it’s slower, but it’s healthy and sustainable. I have to admit that my stamina has improved since I started eating a vegan diet. I eat a lot of broccolis, mushrooms, tofu, tempeh, edamame, oats, beans and lentils. All these foods are wonderful plant-based sources of protein. Additionally, I have found a vegan protein powder that I love because it is sweetener free. I try to avoid sweeteners and additives.

Final words to all newbies!
Follow me and change your diet to “clean” and “wholesome” food and enjoy the positive effects such as a better immune system, less hormonal issues, more power, better skin, slow down aging …..
Waltraud Koné

Start when you feel ready and learn to listen to your body. You will notice the positive changes very quickly! If you need support, turn to people with the same attitude. Don’t be afraid to ask for help – we are a big community that supports each other.
My mission is to eat as naturally and healthily as possible without causing animal suffering. Start your transformation because you are worth it!
Waltraud Koné
unraveling triggers for disharmony, crafting personalized plans for optimal health & strength
all images courtesy of Waltraud Koné