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Mei 🌱 Plant-Based Nutrition & Hacks

Mei – a dedicated yoga teacher and life coach – has switched between being vegan, vegetarian and flexetarian most of her life. In 2019, when she found out about the various health benefits of a vegan diet, she went all in, and has reaped the benefits ever since. Meatless MovementRead More →

Lentil & Lime

Despite initial perceptions that it might be a passing phase, Lotte’s commitment to a vegetarian lifestyle not only endured but evolved into a predominantly vegan one. Lotte’s motivation stems from her deep love for animals, steering her towards a plant-based diet. Despite the common misconception that plant-based food lacks nutrientsRead More →

Nene The Stoned Vegan 💕

Battling illness during the early stages of the pandemic, Nene decided to embark on a 30-day vegan challenge, discovering that she could still enjoy familiar flavors. However, faced with criticism and teasing, her first attempt proved challenging. Undeterred, Nene gave it another shot, delving into experimenting with various recipes andRead More →