何欣芩医师,是一位在慈济医疗志业体担任职务的医生。她的职业道路不仅仅是医治疾病,更是关注人类与动物的共存与相互关系。观察到人类对动物的饲养与虐待的残酷画面,以及取得食物的不人道手段,特别是对鸡蛋与牛奶的获取方式,让她深感人类的杀业之重。Read More →
何欣芩医师,是一位在慈济医疗志业体担任职务的医生。她的职业道路不仅仅是医治疾病,更是关注人类与动物的共存与相互关系。观察到人类对动物的饲养与虐待的残酷画面,以及取得食物的不人道手段,特别是对鸡蛋与牛奶的获取方式,让她深感人类的杀业之重。Read More →
Embracing a lifelong passion for animals and a strong advocacy for their rights, Marisa Robinson, the founder of Wild & Cruelty Free, embarked on a mission to enlighten and motivate others to adopt cruelty-free beauty products, contributing to the fight against animal testing. Having transitioned to a cruelty-free lifestyle inRead More →
Stella, a passionate advocate for peace, human and animal rights, and equality, is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to championing the voiceless. Born and raised in the enchanting island of Malta, where she spent the first 26 years of her life, Stella carries her commitment toRead More →
Despite the initial challenges in her country, Анна gradually transitioned to a plant-based diet, experimenting with new ingredients and cooking methods. Her determination to make veganism accessible and enjoyable for everyone led her to create her own recipes suited to her climate zone. Over the years, friends and family adjustedRead More →
Jenn’s life is deeply intertwined with the world of compost and garden soil, as she passionately contributes to the thriving ecosystem of her community. At home, she tends to a lush and flourishing garden, nurturing a variety of plants that reflect her green thumb and love for all things botanical.Read More →
大愛天使,也叫做Angel,是一位金牛座女性,熱愛美食、旅行、公益事業和藝術,同時也是一名堅定的蔬食主義者。Read More →
In the pursuit of a more compassionate and ethical lifestyle, Niloufar underwent a transformative journey. It all began when she became aware of the cruelty inflicted upon animals in slaughterhouses, a revelation that left a lasting impact. Her perspective took a significant turn when a vegetarian friend shared eye-opening videosRead More →
Back in her school days, Mona had a sudden change of heart regarding her beloved tuna pizza when Greenpeace activists educated her about the impact on dolphins. Interestingly, Mona’s desire to go vegan had surfaced a year earlier, but her rheumatism treatment at a rehabilitation clinic led doctors to adviseRead More →
In a world where authenticity and respect can sometimes be hard to find, Azumi stands out as someone who consistently chooses to respond with sincerity and courtesy, no matter the circumstances. This dedication to genuine interactions, even when faced with challenges, sets a powerful example. Azumi believes in the potentialRead More →
an initiative by meatlessmovement @2025