Through all my medical training, I can still say that plants truly are the best medicine
In 2020, James and his wife Lina started “Elixir Shots” from their home-base in Newport Beach, CA. Lina is a Family Medicine Physician with a passion for lifestyle and integrative medicine. She has been influential in helping James thrive with a whole food plant-based diet, which helps him power throughRead More →
Charlie 是一名從葷轉素的女生。透過飲食習慣的改變後,她活得更自在,心靈更自由。Charlie喜歡吃甜品,常在家中嘗試製作不同統素甜點,希望透過vegan.studyroom紀錄作品和內心的小世界,期望能在網絡平台聯結更多素食同行者。Read More →
They say being vegan in Japan is challenging- Masami recommends 16 eating places with vegan options
Masami is a living-abroad Japanese who goes back to Japan periodically. And every time she finds more and more vegan options popping out here and there. She tells us with a big smile. Recommended Vegan Restaurants in Japan Veganic to Go “Veganic to Go” in Nogizaka, Tokyo is a tinyRead More →
于綸是一名從荤轉素的女生。 自從改變飲食習慣後,她漸漸地找到更完整的自己。關注動物議題後開始決定吃素。 她最近接受了 無肉更歡 的採訪。于綸告訴我們選擇蔬食是她人生中做過最正確的決定。Read More →
Mandy 是一名在香港澳門生活的素食者。 作為時裝設計師以及修讀營養學的她,不但注重外表的美,內心的善、也十分注重身體內在的健康。 已經茹素近二十年的她希望透過 Vegefoxx 分享自己的日常生活,讓更多人認識現代的素食生活,不但健康美味,而且也十分多姿多彩,從而鼓勵更多人嘗試茹素。Read More →
Vivi是一名台灣的素食主義者,她最近接受了無肉更歡的採訪,她跟我們分享了她茹素以及分享韓國素食/蔬食資訊的過程。Read More →