Renee 是香港人, 也是一名胎裏素。她平時非常積極地在各社交平台推廣素食, 分享不同資訊及影片,吸引大眾去了解素食。Read More →
Renee 是香港人, 也是一名胎裏素。她平時非常積極地在各社交平台推廣素食, 分享不同資訊及影片,吸引大眾去了解素食。Read More →
Meatless Movement recently spoke with the team behind Veganxoxo, a food manufacturer in Hong Kong, which produces the vegan version of the XO sauce. Most XO sauces in the market are made from ingredients of seafood sources. This guilt-free version features the same cast of spices and mushrooms to createRead More →
兩位馬來西亞的台灣媳婦最近接受了 Meatless Movement 無肉更歡 的採訪. 她們希望用家鄉的南洋蔬食產品,征服大家味蕾。Read More →
Veganlove queen is from London. She enjoys sharing good and amazing vegan recipes on Instagram. Colourful, balanced and, most importantly, delicious meals always make her happy 😋 and uplifted. Meatless Movement recently had the opportunity to chat with her. She told Meatless Movement that one good way to brighten upRead More →
Sophie is a forever friend to the animals. Her journey to becoming vegan started with her feather babies, for without them she would have never made the connection. Meatless Movement recently had a chat with her. Sophie told Meatless Movement that “It costs us nothing to be kind to anRead More →
Holidays are a precious break from the day-to-day, a chance to slow down, recharge and rebalance. And what better place to seek wellness than the enchanting island of Santorini? Let us introduce you to an eco-conscious way of holidaying and living, starting at MOD Santorini. Meatless Movement recently had theRead More →
Veganit is a growing collection of plant-based, painless and delicious recipes for a better well-being, alongside with simple and straightforward articles that present the upside of plant-based food and the use of brainpower tools, like meditation and mindfulness. Meatless Movement recently had the opportunity to chat with the founder ofRead More →
an initiative by meatlessmovement @2025