MOD SANTORINI, MADE OF DREAMS – The First Vegan & Sustainable Accommodation in Santorini
Holidays are a precious break from the day-to-day, a chance to slow down, recharge and rebalance. And what better place to seek wellness than the enchanting island of Santorini? Let us introduce you to an eco-conscious way of holidaying and living, starting at MOD Santorini. Meatless Movement recently had theRead More →
This was the first time that I questioned my diet and my way of thinking. And that´s how Veganit started…
Veganit is a growing collection of plant-based, painless and delicious recipes for a better well-being, alongside with simple and straightforward articles that present the upside of plant-based food and the use of brainpower tools, like meditation and mindfulness. Meatless Movement recently had the opportunity to chat with the founder ofRead More →
I found my true self in this way of life and know I could never go back to blindly consuming animal products
Gem is from the UK. She enjoys sharing her good stuff vegan creations on her IG page, particularly the budget friendly, vegan and delicious kind! Meatless Movement recently had a chance to chat with her. Here’s what she had to say – If you aren’t yet vegan, there is noRead More →
I would love the whole world to be vegan
To Susanna, being a vegan is not just about the food we eat (or don’t eat) but about eliminating and avoiding using anything derived from animals or animal products in all areas of life.. Meatless Movement recently had the opportunity to chat with her. She told Meatless Movement that promotingRead More →
No living being is suffering for me to eat which once again makes eating enjoyable.
Lauren Karl is an actress, a model and a very successful voice-over artist. Lauren currently manages Just Veganin, a youtube channel that looks at different aspects of Vegan life. Meatless Movement recently had a chat with her. Please tell us more about yourself Passionate about veganism & animals Lauren Karl🌱Vegan Youtuber IRead More →
Going vegan has opened so many more doors than I thought it would, and I’m thrilled I made the switch
Heather lives in Australia. She recently became a vegan and actively shares her recipes on her iG account. To her, love is about being kind to others & the planet. Meatless Movement recently had a chat with her. She told Meatless Movement she is such an ocean baby and sheRead More →
Deep down, I had always known that eliminating meat from my diet would generate a better outcome for the animals, the environment, and my health
Born and raised in the sunny island called Singapore, Yifeng identifies herself as a vegan on an eager hunt for wholesome, yummy-licious food. Besides prowling through the local (and, occasionally, non-local) food scenes, she also loves exercising and reading during her free time. Meatless Movement recently had a chance toRead More →
It’s important that athletes are well informed of what it means to eat plant based as an athlete and educated in doing it properly
Do you know why you are not achieving your health, wellness, or performance goals? Could it be?…. If you can relate to any of these and realize you need more support through community or a personalized training or nutrition plan, Coach Kayla is glad to help! Plant Based Performance NutritionRead More →