感谢Masami (优美) 的朋友将以下这篇英文原文本翻译成中文,让更多人能够读懂她的素食故事,从鱼素改吃全素的心路历程!。Read More →
感谢Masami (优美) 的朋友将以下这篇英文原文本翻译成中文,让更多人能够读懂她的素食故事,从鱼素改吃全素的心路历程!。Read More →
Allie is a 28 year old plant-based lifestyle enthusiast who loves eating well and feeling great! Her journey with eating whole plant foods started 5 years ago. Originally she focused on veganism specifically but has drifted towards a lifestyle focus of eating nourishing, whole, plant-based foods with lots of micronutrientsRead More →
Diana 現為蔬食烹飪導師、健康生活、飲食營養、花藥、水晶、能量諮詢師;以水晶、花藥、草藥及精油等,製作和設計一系列的療癒工具和服務,去協助大家喚醒自我療癒的力量!Diana 熱愛研究養生、自然療法及斷捨離。Read More →
Abbie is a Geography teacher. She enjoys eating around the world on a vegan diet. She has been to over 20 countries, chasing waterfalls and ascending endless mountains in Canada, exploring the Scottish Highlands, and surfing in Indonesia. Meatless Movement recently had a chat with her. Please tell us moreRead More →
Kali shares mostly plant-based recipes on her IG account. As a vegetarian of 11 years, she told Meatless Movement she sometimes struggle with iron deficiency, but soon found out Spinach and Kale to be good sources. Please tell us more about yourself I grew up in the city – downtownRead More →
Masami is a Japanese currently living in China. Many people have been asking her how it is to be Vegan in China. Is it difficult? Do they understand it? She would say it’s actually not too difficult as people anticipate. Meatless Movement recently had a chat with her. She toldRead More →
華倩來自馬來西亞,目前就讀於台灣清大幼兒教育學系。華倩6歲開始吃素,經常在IG上分享自己煮/買的蔬食、醬料、甜湯。她告訴 Meatless Movement 無肉更歡 , 蔬食雖然變化多,但最愛還是Sambal臭豆。Read More →
Jessica is a hungry girl who monches on plants. She enjoys veganising meals from around the world. Meatless Movement recently had a chat with her. Please tell us more about yourself Hello. My name is Jessica and I am currently 25 years old. I was born and raised in theRead More →
宮島 萌 / Moe is a vegan athlete in Japan. She enjoys running, cooking and body building. Meatless Movement recently had the opportunity to chat with her. Tell us more about yourself, please I’m from Ishigaki island in Japan. 菜食ごはんで HEALTHY HAPPY LIFE 宮島 萌 / Moe I have beenRead More →
an initiative by meatlessmovement @2025