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華倩來自馬來西亞,目前就讀於台灣清大幼兒教育學系。華倩6歲開始吃素,經常在IG上分享自己煮/買的蔬食、醬料、甜湯。她告訴 Meatless Movement 無肉更歡 , 蔬食雖然變化多,但最愛還是Sambal臭豆。Read More →

the london veganist

Jessica is a hungry girl who monches on plants. She enjoys veganising meals from around the world. Meatless Movement recently had a chat with her. Please tell us more about yourself Hello. My name is Jessica and I am currently 25 years old. I was born and raised in theRead More →

宮島 萌 / Moe

宮島 萌 / Moe is a vegan athlete in Japan. She enjoys running, cooking and body building. Meatless Movement recently had the opportunity to chat with her. Tell us more about yourself, please I’m from Ishigaki island in Japan. 菜食ごはんで HEALTHY HAPPY LIFE 宮島 萌 / Moe I have beenRead More →


Carry never misses any opportunity to challenge everybody this new year and new month to take on the goal of eating more plant based foods! This can mean meats, pizzas, cupcakes… you name it! Almost any food you can think of has a vegan version!! Same goes for drinks! MeatlessRead More →


Jill 和 Kame 是一對吃貨姐妹花,她們喜歡一起探索好吃的蔬食料理,也喜歡一起旅行拍照紀錄生活。 對於她們來說,吃素是一種選擇,是一種習慣,更是一種態度。Read More →

老楊的蔬食日記 VEGAN

老楊來自台灣。 家裡只有她一個人不吃肉不吃蛋奶。因為不想造成家人準備上的麻煩和負擔,也不想要自己只能挑著鍋邊菜吃得很委屈😢,因此開始喜歡分享「沒有肉沒有蛋奶也可以很好吃」的美食給家人們。Read More →