Chef Xila is an Executive Chef at Etérea | Vegan Tapas & Tequila/Mezcal Bar. Meatless Movement recently had a chat with her.
Please tell us more about yourself
I was born and Raised in southern california. I moved to NYC in 2016 and fell in love with the city and have been here ever since.

In highschool I turned to a plant based diet at the age of 15. I’ve dabbled between vegan and vegetarian for the last 13 years.
In 2015 I did do an internship with Animal place where I lived on site an animal sanctuary for two months taking care of animals rescued from the egg Industry. Then another two month internship with Mercy for Animals on outreach.
At this point I feel like I don’t have any challenges finding vegan/vegetarian option. Now a days it’s so easy.
Xila Caudillo | Chef
I think the biggest thing for many people is they think it won’t taste good, and that we just eat lettuce. I think the best way is just show casing amazing food. When I went to culinary school that was my whole objective. So I would just talk about how one particular dish taste so good.
One of my favorite places is Weis in Williamsburg. They have a vegetarian/ vegan menu and my favorite dishes are the spicy veg peanut wontons and the weis spicy tofu.

100% Vegan, Mexican-inspired tapas
Xila Caudillo | Chef
Etérea was a passion project for me. It was a way to reconnect with my roots and learn more about my culture. The menu is inspired by my Tex mex cuisine, things from my childhood and influences from different regions in Mexico. The entire menu is not only vegan but along with Gluten free.

My first TV interview was really fun. So much going on and I was so nervous the entire time. I was happy to do it, to get vegan cuisine into the mainstream. I’m always happy to do that.
I’m about to open my second restaurant with my company overthrow hospitality at the age of 28 in the east village. Rabbit is my second restaurant with the company I work for and it will be raw vegan.
It’s just crazy how doing something like changing the way you eat can transform your whole life. Going veg really helped me find my path in life.
Xila Caudillo | Chef she/her
Executive Chef @etereany @rabbit.newyork
Third Generation Xicana
Plant-Based Cuisine
all images and videos courtesy of Xila Caudillo | Chef