Meatless Movement recently had the opportunity to chat with Jiayi, a vegetarian foodie guide and nature lover.

I am Jiayi, I enjoy life, food and nature.


Tell us about yourself please

i am Jiayi from Singapore! I started a vegetarian food IG blog @greens_hopper last year during the COVID period. I am always hunting for good vegetarian food and I love to share them. I want to show everyone that vegetarian food need not be just plain vegetables and they can be delicious too. And yes, you will see from my blog that there is a wide and tasty variety of vegetarian cuisine available.

I hope to see more people hopping on the green and meatless diet train  🙂


I turned vegetarian after watching extreme images of animals being slaughtered for food. After all, animals surely deserve to live their lives and we should stop contributing to this violence. If you are still not convinced, watch them, it may totally change your life.

I have been a vegetarian for more than 10 years now and have always been enjoying being one. Occasionally my friends would offer me non-vegetarian food but I always manage to resist the temptation.

Always happy to see vegetarian options in a non veg restaurant!! 


The only part of being a vegetarian that can be challenging is dining out with friends who are not. So far, most of my friends have been accommodating of me being one. I do not want to bother so I will be happy just with one or two dishes without meat whenever I am dining out with them.

I was at the Tsukiji Fish Market in Japan some years ago. While everyone was too busy with their seafood sushi, I was enjoying the vegetarian sushi specially prepared by the Master Chef for me. I ate them all by myself. Yummy!

vegetarian sushi specially prepared for me

I am blessed with friends who respect my choice so much. Hence I always make it a point to bring them to good vegetarian places. And my friends are so pleased there is always something new to try.

See also  I give others tools to live a sustainable vegan lifestyle!

I am proud to be a vegetarian and I feel good being one knowing that no animals need to die for my plate.

To all out there who aren’t vegetarian yet, I would say, give it a go, it’s worth trying 🙂
This spicy Mala mock chicken looks and taste almost like the real deal. Sometimes, my non vegetarian friends could not even tell the difference!

 spicy mala mock chicken

Where are some of your favourite vegetarian places in Singapore?

You see my foodie happy face whenever I see yummy food


One of my favourite places would surely be The kind bowl ( Vietnamese vegetarian food). They serve really good pho (the kind pho) with so flavourful broth. All my non-vegetarian friends love it too. Whenever I desire a comfort dish, I will surely go back for more!

Another place which I will recommend is The Goodburger. The burger is slightly crunchy on the outside with the patty so well seasoned and tasty on the inside. The Goodburger is Singapore’s food truck serving amazing plant-based Impossible burgers.

The Goodburger
The Goodburger

Before you jump on the meatless bandwagon, have small beginnings. Kick-starting a brand new diet requires determination and effort. Stick to it and eat well.

Whether for the animals, the planet, or your health reasons, stay true to being one.

For more vegetarian places recommendations, check out my IG

The Greens hopper

BloggerFlexi vegetarian foodie guide.
A lacto-ovo vegetarian foodie | Nature lover
Enjoy life, food, nature.

All images courtesy of Greens Hopper