Ece’s journey towards veganism began in childhood when witnessing the slaughter of an animal led to a profound realization about the origins of meat consumption. This early experience sparked a decision to abstain from meat, but it wasn’t until her early twenties that she encountered a video exposing the harsh realities of the dairy industry and animal farming.
This revelation deeply affected her, evoking a strong sense of sadness and horror at the suffering endured by animals for milk and dairy products. Motivated by compassion and a desire to align her actions with her values, Ece made the immediate choice to embrace veganism as a lifestyle. Her journey reflects a deep empathy for the plight of animals and a commitment to ethical living.
Tell us more about yourself, please
Hello, I’m Ece from Istanbul, Türkiye. I’m illustrator and graphic designer.

I also have an instagram page where I share on my own recipes. And they’re a series. I called them cruelty-free recipes.

All of them gulluten and sugar-free. Also sometimes I organize raw-cookies and art workshops. I’m vegan for animals. My process was traumatic.

As a child, I saw the animal being killed, and I stopped consuming meat, and then I realized what people really ate. I mean, I understand that people eat dead bodies. Then I saw a video in my early twenties. And this video was about the dairy industry and animal farms. And the real face of milk I understand the cruelty to animals. I had a really bad sadness. I was horrified by the cruelty that animals suffered for milk and dairy products. I immediately became vegan.
Yes, everyone around me and some family members, even my doctor, said I would die. I said don’t worry about this. I can’t support animal cruelty. I wasn’t know it was healthier at that times. I have been struggling with allergies since childhood and unfortunately I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia.

I see that I am better with plant-based diet and of course I live.:) My blood test has been really great for over 10 years and my allergy is better now. I haven’t faced challanges in finding vegan food. I’m allergic to gulluten and this make me force a bit.
But we can always find fresh fruits nuts and of course delicious vegetables. meeting non-vegan people problem for me if they’re not vegan with me. I don’t go any meeting or gathering if there are cruelty plates. and sometimes people blame me for this. they thought I’m cruel because I couldn’t sit wit them while they’re eating animals corpse or drinking tear.

Equitable and peacefull… this is what it should be. I hope one day everyone will be vegan, cruelty to animals will end. They have emotions just like us. I hope one day people will understand that there is no difference between a cat and a pig or a cow.
Don’t hesitate. You can do this. Don’t listen non-vegan people around you. Think innocent animals. A lot of options with us. Don’t need to animals for feeding. Serving animals or animals product decorated does not change the fact that they are corpses. this is brutality and cruelty.

Also know this. this is healthy for your body. Dairy products have no benefit to human health. On the contrary, it is carcinogenic. Tofu, legumes and vegetables also contain protein. and this is much more than animal foods.

Sesame products such as tahini also contain more iron than animal products.
If you consciously eat vegan, you will be healthier. also your conscience will be with you. I’m allergic to gulluten and don’t comsume any sugar. This is why mostly I bake on my own food. And actually I love this.
Especially I love bake cookies. Cookies are passion for me. I think, we need to treat ourselves with healthier food.

Even though I can recommend some good places. These places have healty foods and gulluten free options.
First Asian Vegan Kitchnen in Cihangir. Vegan Food Cartel in Taksim. Cin bufe in Taksim. Community Kitchen. Vegan dukkan lokanta. Vegan dukkan lokanta has also vegan shop. And you can find a lot of vegan products.

Yuzu in Kadıköy. My favorite food Tempeh with buckwheat. This is on my own recipe.

And another one buckwheat vegetable noodle this is from cin bufe in taksim. I’m sweet-tooth. This one is also my favorite recipe. Apple-pecan cake with banana cream.

The other one chocolate beet raw cookies. this one is also on my own recipe. You can see on my instagram page.

In general, people think vegans are unhealthy and weak, we dont get enough protein, but this doesn’t mean it’s true. veganism is healthier for people. and most plant products have more protein content. Many diseases are associated with animal products. like high cholesterol. or blood pressure. Ibs. Cronic bowel problems. You can fix it with healty vegan diet.

Please don’t listen non vegan people around you. You’re on right way with your conscience. They serve the animals product with decorated plates. But it doesn’t change the truth. That plates have tear of animals and cruelty. They were concious body and they were live. Animals have emotions like us.

ece 🌻 Vegan for animals💚
Someone who tries to live a healthy, is an animal lover and respects all life.🌱
all images courtesy of yemeksecenvegan