Amidst the overwhelming health challenges, Thecla discovered a profound truth – there is a root cause to every disease, and addressing this root cause is the key to recovery. Undeterred, she delved into the wonders of nature, realizing that healing is not only possible but achievable with knowledge and practical application.

Despite facing the worst state of her health, Thecla successfully reversed her problems with a combination of diet and herbal remedies, proving that healing is not only attainable but transformative. She celebrates the joy of welcoming a second child, emphasizing the blessing of fertility that was once deemed impossible.

Thecla’s story is one of determination, appetite control, and a willingness to change. She underscores the value of adopting a diet that aligns with the body’s natural needs – emphasizing highly energetic foods, alkalinity, and proper hydration. Her journey serves as an inspiring testament to the power of self-care, resilience, and the remarkable potential for positive transformation.

Please tell us more about yourself

Don’t be told that healing isn’t possible 🌿 because it is!

Thecla Sørum

Hey, I’m Thecla!

Thecla Sørum
Thecla Sørum

I am American and married a Norwegian guy in my early 20’s. I’ve now been living in Norway for the last 12 years.. and this is where my story of a plant based diet originated.

I currently am a stay at home mom with 2 beautiful kids! Our daughter is 4 and our son is 8 months old. We live in the country, grow a garden, forage berries, mushrooms and herbs from our beautiful woods, have 2 cats and live life connected to nature. We simply love it! We love to go hiking, swimming, canoeing, hanging at the beach in the summer & my daughter loves playing in the snow in the winter. We are more than blessed!

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Thecla Sørum

God has made our bodies able to heal themselves when we put our bodies in the right environment

Thecla Sørum
Thecla Sørum
Thecla Sørum

I was raised vegetarian to be “healthy”, not realizing that there was so much that I was eating that was not so healthy. Fast food, fried, cheesy, processed vege-meat.. and as the years went by, I found that I felt worse and worse. I never had a lot of energy. I often had aches and pains in my joints. I didn’t have the energy to run around like the other kids..

When I was 12 years old, I was diagnosed with Hypo-Thyroidism and hormonal imbalance. I was put on Thyroid medication and high doses of progesterone cream. It made me feel better for a few years, but as I got later into my teen years I was diagnosed with PCOS, Pre-Diabetes & Insulin Resistance. I was told that I would have to cut out quite a bit of my processed foods, fast foods and vegetarian meats or I would become Diabetic in the near future. But you know, being a teenager I felt I would never have Diabetes. I wasn’t motivated to take my health seriously. I didn’t know how to improve it, and I didn’t really care. I liked my food and wasn’t open for a change.

Thecla Sørum
Thecla Sørum

Around the time I got married, I started noticing other symptoms. I was getting pretty bad restless legs at night, and wasn’t able to sleep well! I was getting sick often, and started feeling very fatigued. This continued for a few years until one day, I went to bed and wasn’t able to sleep. I quit sleeping. I got 3-6 hours of sleep a week. My hair went gray, I had tremours, my blood pressure was 65/55, I had advanced Adrenal Fatigue, tests showed that I was post menopausal and had no cycle. My liver had hundreds of liver and gallstones, my digestion was a mess, I had fungal problems, and I was so exhausted that my cortisol levels were very high. Doctors couldn’t help me and I knew that if I was going to survive and have a life, I had to figure it out myself.

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Thecla Sørum
Thecla Sørum

Life is rich, life is precious, and we are so grateful to be in a better state of health!

Thecla Sørum

This set me on a path of healing that has been very challenging but in the end, so very worth it and rewarding! I’ve not only been able to understand this process to bring healing to myself, but to family members as well and friends. And now I have received certification in Detoxification & Lymphatic Iridology. I coach women and help them to understand how to use simple & wholesome plant based foods & herbs to put the body in an alkaline state, this allows the body to heal. It’s remarkable!

Thecla Sørum
Thecla Sørum

Lymphatic Iridology is an incredible tool to show us 2 things: Our areas of cellular weakness & the state of our lymphatic system. When our cells are damaged from weakness and/or acidity, our cells start to malfunction causing symptoms. These symptoms are what we call disease. So while Iridology doesn’t tell us what specific diseases you have, it shows us where we need to clean up and what we need to focus on with healing. This is the most thorough, in-depth and non-invasive way to see what each individual needs work on in their bodies to bring about healing and restoration.

Thecla Sørum

Health is cause and effect, we reap what we sow

Thecla Sørum
Thecla Sørum
Thecla Sørum

I also LOVE creating wholesome, simple, plant based, gluten free and oil free recipes, many raw recipes as well, to help people see that healthy food IS DELCIOUS! I have one ebook that I made with 50 recipes, and I am currently working on my second Ebook… and this is going to be good with so many amazing recipes. I can’t wait to share it with you all!

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Thecla Sørum
Thecla Sørum

When we prioritize our health & our environment, nature does its thing. We thrive, those around us thrive. For me, it’s been life-changing to bring about healing to myself and family and showing others that giving up unhealthy foods are not a deprovision, but it’s part of the key to set us free. Eating plant based is not limiting, it’s absolutely freeing!

Thecla Sørum
Thecla Sørum

If you are wanting an Iridology reading, or are interested in getting coaching from me, send me a message on Instagram @rawsome.thecla . I’d love to help you get on the path of healing. Getting your body healthy again is one of the best decisions you can make!

Thecla Sørum

🌿Help women heal from PCOS & infertility using food & herbs as medicine – Certified Detoxification Specialist
👁 Certified Iridologist

all images courtesy of Thecla Sørum