Nicoal is a dedicated lifelong social justice activist who has passionately championed various causes, including animal liberation, women’s equality, and environmental justice, for over two decades. Through her work, she has been associated with numerous organizations, both large and small, making a significant impact in the pursuit of a fairer world.

Apart from her advocacy work, Nicoal is also a certified yoga instructor, bringing mindfulness and wellness to her life. For the past three years, she has embraced a completely raw vegan lifestyle, combining her passion for ethical choices with health-conscious living. As a self-published author, self-taught DIY living foods and vegan chef, she shares her expertise and love for plant-based cuisine.

But that’s not all – beyond her profound commitments, Nicoal’s heart is filled with affection for feline friends. She cherishes cats and finds joy in their companionship.

Meatless Movement had the opportunity to chat with Nicoal recently.

Tell us more about yourself, please


Nicoal Renée Sheen
Nicoal Renée Sheen

I am lifelong social justice activist and have worked on a variety of issues including animal liberation,
women’s equality, and environmental justice over the last two decades for many organizations big
and small.

I am also certified yoga instructor and completely raw vegan for the past 3 years. I am a self-
published author, self-taught DIY living foods and vegan chef, and I absolutely adore cats!

Nicoal Renée Sheen

You can connect with me on Instagram @punkrawkyogi where I have my raw vegan recipe zine, Do
No Harm, Eat No Crap, available for purchase.

My FIRST EVER raw vegan no-cook zine is here!

My recipe zine emphasizes quick, simple, no-fuss raw vegan recipes made with easily accessible, clean, and minimal ingredients found in your everyday grocery store. With more than 27 recipes included, Do No Harm, Eat No Crap is perfect for folx with allergies and sensitivities as the zine is entirely free of nuts, oil, yeast, soy, gluten, grains, and refined sugar.

Want to incorporate more raw, living foods into your every day?

Nicoal Renée Sheen

Born and raised in Southern California, I currently reside in Long Beach. I have lived in Long Beach
now for almost 18 years after attending college and graduating from California State University Long
Beach with a degree in Political Science.

I went ethically vegetarian in high school after a friend showed me PETA’s “Meet Your Meat” one day
after school. For the first time in my life, I witnessed the horrid, gritty reality of factory farming. I was

See also  Implement small changes into your life to reduce your meat intake, and you never know, you may love the vegan lifestyle!

Up until that moment, I had willingly participated in – but had been wildly ignorant of – animal cruelty. I
had always considered myself an “animal lover”, yet I was oblivious to how I actively contributed to
the pain and suffering of other animals – especially animals who were considered “food” for humans.
Immediately after the five-minute video ended, I pledged to stop eating meat and cease my
complacency in such cruelty. I was vegetarian three years until my freshman year in college, when I
became vegan. Feminist ideals were the catalyst.

Nicoal Renée Sheen

Food that heals and provides long lasting health.

Nicoal Renée Sheen

I was a member of a grassroots feminist club on campus at Cal State and we were organizing a few
events surrounding sexual assault awareness, choice, and reproductive rights. By then, I had
observed ethical vegetarianism for a few years, abstaining from eating meat and gelatin, yet I still ate
eggs and dairy products.

I don’t remember exactly how it all unfolded in any perfect or sequential order. However, I do
remember the eye-opening realization I had when I finally made the connection; eggs and dairy are a
direct result of reproductive exploitation and the manipulation of female-bodied animals and a gross
violation of their choice and consent.

In that moment I realized, by eating eggs and dairy, my beliefs and actions lacked consistency and
ethical integrity. Here I was organizing to uphold an individual’s right to self-govern their own body,
make their own choices, and for consent, yet I disregarded other species.

I made that critical connection almost 18 years ago – and I have been vegan ever since.

Nicoal Renée Sheen

What challenges do you face in finding vegan food?

If we’re defining “vegan food” to mean vegan meat and dairy substitutes, accessibility today is greater
than it has ever been – from major fast-food chains to your neighborhood groceries stores. I
remember almost 20 years ago when many people did not even know what a vegan was.

However, such accessibility and popularity of vegan substitutes has come at a cost. Unfortunately,
just because it’s labeled vegan nowadays does not mean that it is healthy for you or that it should
actually even be considered vegan (e.g., companies who make the product are major players in
animal agriculture and abuse).

See also  Love and compassion knows no species. Be kind to every kind!

To ensure everyone has the opportunity to experience and harness true wellness.

Nicoal Renée Sheen

I also do not promote or encourage people to eat a lot of pre-packaged vegan substitutes, as many of
the substitutes are made with processed, artificial ingredients, refined oils and sugars, an
preservatives, which can have major impacts on a person’s health.
Rather, I advocate for people to eat an abundance of fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, seeds, and
whole grains – the original vegan food! Foods that cause no harm to the animals or your body.

In addition, as an ethical vegan, I cannot encourage others to purchase meat and dairy substitutes
from the convenience of a drive-thru, as major fast-food chains and corporations directly profit from
animal cruelty and exploitation as well as keeping people sick and addicted to their “food” which
contains no nutritional value whatsoever.

Nicoal Renée Sheen
Nicoal Renée Sheen

My goal is to make raw vegan food easy and accessible for all

Nicoal Renée Sheen

Rather, I highly recommend and advocate for people to instead

  1. invest in and support small vegan businesses and restaurants if they are going out to eat and
  2. invest in themselves, their health, and own well-being by making, prepping and eating the majority of their whole-food, plant-based meals at home.

If you are entertaining friends, make your gathering a vegan potluck or find a local vegan/vegetarian
restaurant you can patron. If you don’t know how to cook or prep food, find a vegan chef or expert
you resonate with and purchase their recipe books and how-to guides to learn how.

I am very much about the DIY ethic and there are so many resources available now to support us in
our journey as aspiring or already established vegans and vegetarians. I believe it is absolutely
essential that we take advantage of and utilize the resources afforded to us.

Some people ask me if I am ever “disappointed” that I can’t really go out to eat … and I say no way!

Nicoal Renée Sheen

I absolutely love being vegan. I am empowered, vibrant, and feel so alive!

I reclaimed my health through a clean, whole-foods, low-fat, plant-based vegan lifestyle. I suffered
from chronic stomach issues my entire life and accompanying issues related to what I eventually
discovered was candida overgrowth and dysbiosis. After years of many trials and tribulations and
hours upon hours of research, I am finally living the lifestyle that allows me to thrive!

See also  Introducing Eve: A Bulgarian Vegan Advocate in the UK, Inspiring Health, Yoga, and Plant-Based Living

From such experiences, I am currently writing a guide focused on the vital link between gut health
and sexual health called Plant Powered Pussy, which will be released very, very soon. Plant Powered
Pussy is a collection of all my wisdom, research, tools, methods, and applications gathered from my
personal experience to help others reclaim their overall health and well-being.

My goal is to make raw vegan food easy and accessible for all

Nicoal Renée Sheen

I often lovingly tease people that they have already eaten “vegan food” without calling it vegan. So, I
might ask someone if they have eaten a piece of fruit, rice and beans, or a peanut-butter and jam

I also strongly believe good food makes for great conversation and is a key motivator to encourage
someone to try something new.

Although, I have found in all my years of experience that most people cannot simply be “told” to do
something. Rather, they are motivated by either seeing someone else living the lifestyle and thriving,
or on their own timeline, sometimes out of necessity (i.e., a health scare).

Nicoal Renée Sheen

My kitchen is my absolute favorite restaurant to eat at 😋

Nicoal Renée Sheen

If you’re out and about and in sunny San Diego, CA, Peace Pies is an absolute must. They are
completely raw and vegan, with a variety of amazing living foods to try including pizza, burgers,
wraps, shakes, kale chips, and endless mouth-watering desserts. I also love Au Lac in Fountain
Valley and Downtown Los Angeles, CA, who are also completely vegan, with a huge selection of raw

If you’re eating at home, I highly recommend getting yourself a copy of my recipe zine Do No Harm,
Eat No Crap and try out some of my all-time favorite and staple homemade recipes including the
Tahini Pad Thai, Classic Acai Blueberry Smoothie, and Blondie Bars.

What advice would you give to someone who is new to the idea of going meatless?

Food that enhances your life.
Food that heals and provides long lasting health.
Food that loves you back!

Nicoal Renée Sheen
Nicoal Renée Sheen
Nicoal Renée Sheen

My number one piece of advice is to genuinely understand your reasoning behind going vegetarian or
vegan. Your “why” is your strongest motivator and will continue to encourage, inspire, and drive you to
stay on track, consistent, and dedicated. No one else can decide the reasons why for you; it can only
come from within you. Knowing exactly where you stand is one of best ways to stay committed and
live your life in authenticity and in alignment with your own values.

Nicoal Renée Sheen

punk rawk yogi kitten. 😺💖🤘
200hr E-RYT yoga instructor.
17 yrs ethical #vegan. #WFPB raw, fruit junkie
raw fruity treats & sweets @rawbynicoalrenee

all images courtesy of Nicoal Renée Sheen