Armed with a B.S. in Nutrition Science, Sarah’s journey is guided by a plant-centric philosophy, evident in her plant-filled day on the plate. With a focus on simplicity and protein prioritization, Sarah’s meals feature a diverse array of ingredients including soy milk, lentil pasta, edamame, and tofu.

Beyond the kitchen, Sarah’s dedication to her craft shines through in her approach to physical fitness and mental well-being.

She shares insights into her yoga journey, emphasizing the importance of persistence and self-acceptance.

Sarah embodies the essence of resilience and growth. Her holistic approach to fitness encompasses not just rigorous workouts but also moments of stillness, stretching, and mindful breathing, reminding us that true wellness encompasses both strength and serenity.

Please tell us more about yourself

I am from Brisbane, Australia! I live with my husband and two fur babies. I work as an online health and fitness coach, and a pilates and yoga instructor. I have the the ongoing goal of inspiring as many people as I can to optimize their health in any and every way!

Sarah Harper
Sarah Harper

I have been vegan now for just over 6 years. Initially was vegetarian for 3 years before that and then when I was travelling abroad I had somewhat of an epiphany moment where I just made the decision both for health and for the animals that the things I thought I couldn’t give up like cheese and ice cream, didn’t outweigh the reasons to go vegan in my mind anymore.

I initially went meat-free for health reasons but as I continue along this path, my compassion and passion for helping animals continues to grow.

Sarah Harper
Sarah Harper

When I met my husband, he was an avid meat eater. 3 years into our relationship, he made the shift to a vegan diet also and he is now a strong, healthy vegan!

See also  My Seven-Year Vegan Journey and the Profound Reflections that Ignited Change

At first it can be challenging when you are learning what to ‘swap the meat for’. But once you learn that there are many ways to craft a creative meal out, it’s really quite simple. I also find looking up menus before attending restaurants really helps + always carrying a snack with you.

How might you encourage someone who isn’t vegan or vegetarian to give meatless food a try?

I have never felt better and more aligned with my values

Sarah Harper

That it doesn’t have to be ‘all-or-nothing’. Can just add a swap in for a plant-based meal once a week and/or try non-animal based milk to see if you enjoy it. Every small change makes a BIG difference.

Sarah Harper
Sarah Harper

What misconceptions exist about vegans or vegetarians, and how do you address or educate people about them?

That vegan’s are ‘weak’ and lacking in nutrients. I always have the discussion that the body wants nutrients but it doesn’t care if they are from meat or not. It is entirely possible to meet all nutritional needs on a vegan diet. -including protein!

Sarah Harper
Sarah Harper

For someone who is just starting to transition to a meatless diet, what guidance would you offer?

I’m all about easy ‘throw together’ meals, with the aim always to keep it simple + to prioritise protein 💪

Sarah Harper

Don’t give up and don’t be too hard on yourself if your transition isn’t ‘perfect’. Every step forward helps the animals and the planet.

Don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and try new dishes!

Becoming a vegan led me to study my Bachelors in Nutrition and toward the career I am in now. I am so grateful for this.

See also  Most people don’t realize how much protein you can get from eating plant foods

Sarah Harper

🧘‍♀️ Yoga + Pilates instructor
🌱 Coach @thevegangym
🎓 B.S. Nutrition Science

all images courtesy of Sarah Harper