Cortney Palm, a versatile figure known for her roles in various films, including the 2014 hit ‘Zombeavers,’ is not only an actress but also a model and author. Hailing from Colorado, Cortney has made her mark in the indie film industry, gaining recognition for her captivating performances.
In addition to her acting career, Cortney is a published author with two books available on Amazon. Her first book, a children’s tale titled “The Adventures of Aya & Friends: Garden of Patience,” imparts valuable lessons in mindfulness and patience. Her second work, a self-help book exploring spirituality and healing, is aptly titled “Flights of Non Fancy.”
Cortney’s journey toward embracing a vegan and cruelty-free lifestyle began as she transitioned from being an on-and-off vegetarian. Her commitment to ethical and compassionate living has spanned a decade, making her a dedicated advocate for the vegan cause.
Please tell us more about yourself
May we all turn towards a more compassionate way of living, by respecting all life & honoring the soul within
Cortney Palm
I am an Earthling, a starburst of energy from the great cosmic mother womb incarnating here on planet Earth to help humanity shift to a higher vibration of love and oneness.

Okay, really I am from Colorado and am best known for being an actress in indie films, most notably Zombeavers. I have two books available on Amazon. A children’s book teaching mindfulness and patience “The Adventures of Aya & Friends: Garden of Patience“ and a self-help book on spirituality and healing called “Flights of Non Fancy“.

I grew up as an on and off again vegetarian until instagram came to light and opened my eyes and I shifted to being full vegan & cruelty-free. Been vegan for 10 years.

As a vegan, animal lover, I have risked my life on freeways saving birds, turtles, bunnies and even a kitten. I stole a kitten from a horrible place and saved its life. I freed a chicken from a cage in Peru and rescued a kitten off the street. I rescued three dogs and raised them vegan, they lived a very long time.

I led meditations for activists at slaughterhouses. Led marches for animal rights. Got kicked out of, and banned from the Hilton hotel for boycotting their captive dolphins.

Participated in vigils for animals and gave water to pigs on slaughter trucks. I have volunteered many times around the US and in Greece at animal sanctuaries.

I have met incredible vegans and ate better food than I ever have before as a vegan. I feel healthy, young and vibrant.

What are a few hurdles encountered when searching for vegan/vegetarian meals or dining out with friends?
Honestly, I do not experience any challenges, most restaurants are accommodating, and those that are not, do not need my money or presence.

If I lose friends, so be it, but honestly most of my friends have gone vegan after spending time with me. Staying true to the plight for animals and my own beliefs is often more important than friends and making new vegan friends is even better.
Veganism is bigger than you or me – lives are at stake.

What are your sentiments regarding embracing a vegan way of life?
May we all turn towards a more compassionate way of living, by respecting all life & honoring the soul within
Cortney Palm
Actor Award-Winning actress #Zombeavers

INCREDIBLE!!!!! But also very sad because I feel powerless to stop the animal holocaust. But I do have hope, because so many more people are waking up, speaking out, and realizing that animals are not food and that whole, plant-foods are the future of health and vitality.
Eating high vibrational foods, like plants (not processed fake meat, but whole plants) keep you healthy, fit and vibrant. It brings me hope that we’re waking up to sustainability through regenerative agriculture and organic farming practices as well.

How could you motivate someone who hasn’t adopted a vegan or vegetarian diet to explore the world of meatless cuisine?
Enlightenment comes with eliminating animals off your plate
Cortney Palm
Actor Award-Winning actress #Zombeavers
Each person is different, so speaking to someone about vegan food really comes down to who that person is and what they need to hear. Sometimes it’s about health, sometimes it’s about the animals, or the environment. The best thing I can say is: Vegan = Love. Love for yourself, for the planet, and for all animals. Vegan food IS food, so there’s nothing to freak out about.

What are the best recommended vegan restaurants or dishes to try?
I am. We are. A voice for the voiceless
Cortney Palm
Actor Award-Winning actress #Zombeavers

- Slutty Vegan (Georgia)
- Cafe Gratitude, Veggie Grill, Sage Vegan Bistro (California)
- HeartBeet Organic Superfoods Cafe, Molly Moons ice cream, South, Tommyknocker’s, Goldie’s, Bloom, Habesha, Tina’s Place (Washington)
- Rabbit’s Cafe, Blossoming Lotus, The Celery (Oregon)
- Watercourse, City O’ City, The Vegan Van, Vital Root, Native Foods (Denver)
- Shouk Burger (Washington, DC)
- The Sprout Kitchen, Cafe Nutrients, Ethos Vegan Kitchen, Currito, Raw Press Juice, co., Living Vine Organic Cafe, Seed to Table, Downtown House of Pizza, Blaze Pizza, Curia on the Drag, Nic & Luc Cafe, Organically Twisted, The Bowl, Leguminati (Florida)
- Wizard Burger, (New York)
- Arctic Juice & Cafe (Montreaux), Tibits (Bern, Zurich), Petit Royal (Zermatt), Roots (Zurich) (Switzerland)
What misconceptions exist regarding vegans or vegetarians?
People have been brainwashed by pharmaceutical companies and the government believing they need dairy for calcium and animal flesh for iron, or B-12.

They also think no other foods but animals have protein. What they don’t understand is that heart disease is a number one killer of humans and there are mountains of studies that animal proteins, especially that of cow or pig are the direct cause. Dairy is also linked to osteoporosis, not stronger bones.
People live in fear because no one really thinks for themselves so they continue to eat animals and take pills. Plants have protein. Quinoa and buckwheat have all 9 essential amino acids. So add quinoa to some beans and broccoli and top with nutritional yeast and pepitas and you have everything you need from fiber, to protein to iron and b-12 without bringing harm to an animal and without consuming the fear, death, and decay from animal flesh.

What advice can you give to beginners transitioning to a meatless diet?
Eat plants instead of flesh in order to ascend to a higher consciousness and help heal the world. Let Love in
Cortney Palm Actor Award-Winning actress #Zombeavers
The transition may be hard at first to remove all animal foods at once, especially if you are an avid consumer.
The body does go through a resetting process, and if you can be patient you will be able to go through it. Also, once the body is receiving cleaner foods, the body will detox (which is why people say going vegan made them sick. In all actuality, people were sick beforehand, their lymph system and liver were overloaded. When they begin to eat healthy, the body will determine it’s strong enough to detox.) The detox can be rough, but once through it, you will feel incredible.

Also, dairy is addictive much like sugar and cigarettes, so dairy is always one of the hardest for people to give up, but once you do, the cravings will end.
Take it slow, be gentle with yourself, surround yourself with like-minded people. Attend vegan meetups. Be patient. Spend time with animals at sanctuaries to solidify your decision. Yes veganism can help your health (unless you are a junk food vegan) then veganism is all about the animals, so go get to know them and look into their eyes.

Earth. Air. Fire. Water. Spirit. Everything lives and dies. Everything is energy. Be love.
Cortney Palm Actor Award-Winning actress #Zombeavers
My acne is gone, my belly fat is gone, my energy levels are high, my body feels great, I look younger than my age, I recover from workouts quicker, I eat more colorful, and my relationship to animals has just been inspiring and beautiful.

Embrace the Green: Shop Meatless Movement Apparel Today!
Cortney Palm
𝙰𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚍-𝚆𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜 – #𝚉𝚘𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜 – one love, plant medicine, water is life, a cosmic traveler, earthling
My Children’s Book:
My Self-help Book;
all images courtesy of Cortney Palm