Meatless Movement recently had an opportunity to chat with Harmita, the Founder and Director of Oatsi Overnight Oats. Her goal was to create a ready-to-eat snack that could be cleaner & better, not lesser. To her, healthy eating should not be a hassle, nor should it leave you hungry.

It’s a lifestyle!


Tell us more about Oatsi, please

Oatsi- first to Singapore, cold, creamy, pudding like, spoonable, ready-to-eat oats that make a perfect grab and go breakfast, pre/post workout snack or even dessert was officially launched in August 2021. My goal was to create a snack that could add functionality to the busy dynamic lifestyle of an individual. I wanted to normalise the presence of healthier options in the ready-to-eat aisle compared to the ones laden with sugar and preservatives! Making a simple change in your diet can really boost energy and keep the body & mind healthy. 

Harmita Singh, founder and director of Oatsi Overnight Oats- a product of Scotch Foods Pte Ltd

Vegan food can be delicious as well


Oatsi is a product is made to be easy and convenient. It makes the perfect grab and go snack or even a quick breakfast. It even comes with a mini foldable spoon. All you have to do is pop the top, peel the seal and enjoy! 


It’s what on the inside that counts


This creamy oatmeal has introduced a fresh snacking category that is different from the same old boring protein bar, and instant oatmeal that Is served hot. Oatsi has no preservatives, no artificial flavours or fillers! It also has NO ADDED SUGAR! How incredible is that! It is 100% natural and a healthier choice!

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The product is also not exposed to any kind of heat, therefore all nutrients are preserved within. This ready to eat, creamy oatmeal is for one and all. Children approved as it is super easy to digest being good for the gut!

The product has natural protein! Overnight oats is made by many at home. But it is impossible to achieve the creamy, spoonable texture. That is our secret method. However, the wild chocolate flavour as quoted by our oatsi customers, “So good you can’t stop eating it.”

I initially chose the name oats culture but then… realised I needed it so sound fun and one that appeals to all ages! Oatsi, I thought was playful, super catchy and easy to remember.

The product can be found at Little farms and Urban Tiller– delivered to your doorstep! 

all images courtesy of @eatoatsi