Over the years, we see a larger coverage of the idea of a meatless lifestyle in the media. As we walk down the streets, we notice an increasing number of vegan restaurants opening up. Down the aisles of the grocery store, we find more products that are plant-based. What is the reason behind this big movement that is making even the largest of celebrities such as Joaquin Phoenix and Billie Eilish switch to going meatless? Simply, why are people going meatless?
Animal Exploitation 肉食使到更多的动物被残害
The production of meat, dairy and eggs involves putting innocent animals through lifelong pain and suffering. To sustain the diets of almost all the people on Earth, billions of animals are slaughtered a year. This does not include the millions of animals who die during the process but are unused because of high temperatures during transportation or being unable to handle the terrible conditions in the factory farms. No matter how many “humane” or “increased animal welfare” labels farmers stick on the packaging, it is unarguable that nothing in the process of inflicting unnecessary harm onto animals to eventually kill them before their life is up can never be humane.

In simplistic terms, animals breathe out carbon dioxide and plants produce oxygen. In reality this is obviously not as superficial as laid out. The production of most crops are not carbon neutral and put their own impacts on our environment. However, animals consume more of our crops than we do, destroying the environment much faster than the production of crops.

We are often reminded that we should reduce our use of plastic to save the marine wildlife, yet we forget that the best way to save the fish, is to not eat them. Bycatch and overfishing mean that commercial fishing catches way more fish than they could bring back to shore, resulting in the deaths of more of the ocean life than we could imagine, including the lives of the animals we do not consume such as dolphins and turtles. Coupled with the immense amounts of abandoned fishing gear constituting 70% of all ocean plastic, scientists estimate that we could see fishless oceans by 2048.

High levels of cholesterol increases the risk of heart disease, the leading cause of death in adults worldwide. By consuming a meatless diet, we can achieve all our nutritional needs while reducing our risks of cholesterol related diseases, including high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. While not a definitive prevention, adopting a meatless diet is the better option out of the two. It is also widely recognised by international organisations that a vegan diet is suitable for all stages of life including pregnancy and infancy, providing all the necessary nutrients required to sustain a healthy lifestyle.
- Protein: While more abundant in protein-rich foods like beans and legumes, most plant sources contain sufficient protein for an average human.
- Iron: Beans, legumes and leafy greens are a rich source of iron. Iron absorption is also shown to increase significantly from Vitamin C intake.
- Calcium: Most vegetables and beans are rich in calcium.
- Vitamin B12: It is recommended for everyone, meatless or not, to supplement B12, since it is difficult to come across in general. Some bread and plant milks are also fortified with B12.

How Can I Help?
By going meatless, we are decreasing the global demand for animal products, forcing supply to react accordingly. Simultaneously, we are also decreasing global prices of meatless food, allowing a larger group of people to adopt a plant-based diet. If you pledge to go meatless for a month, you can help save an estimated 30 animals’ lives, 60kg of carbon emissions, 600kg of grain and 83.4sqm of trees.
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