Meet Crissi Carvalho, an accomplished vegan fitness model known for her impressive physique and dedication to plant-based living. With over 35 bikini bodybuilding competition wins internationally, Crissi has established herself as a leading figure in the bodybuilding industry. But her journey towards veganism and plant-based living is equally remarkable. After a cancer scare and the loss of a close friend to the disease, Crissi realized the impact of our food system on human health and animal cruelty. This realization led her to transition to a vegan lifestyle almost 11 years ago, and she has been thriving ever since.

Today, Crissi is not only an advocate for veganism but also a coach to many vegan bodybuilders and a source of inspiration for thousands of women looking to transition to a healthier and more compassionate lifestyle.

Meatless Movement recently had the opportunity to chat with her.

Tell us more about yourself, please

 I hope that, by sharing all that I have overcome and the story of how I re-educated myself I can now lead by example and inspire change in you too

Vegan Fitness Model
Vegan Fitness Model

Hello, I’m Crissi Carvalho, know online and on the bodybuilding industry as Vegan Fitness Model. I am
born 1973, and will be 50 this year…yet, I feel and look 10-20 years younger and biologically am around age 38.

I have competed in bikini bodybuilding competitions over 35 times, internationally, in the USA, Australia, Hong Kong, Europe and have placed and won in the biggest federations.

I have coached many vegan bodybuilders, and a few turned PRO. Over the past 9-10 years, I have had the privilege of transforming and transitioning thousands of women both online and through one-on-one coaching.

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Vegan Fitness Model

Shocked that I could be part of this system, I decided to stop eating meat, forever.

Vegan Fitness Model

I went plant based for health reason, a cancer scare at 36 and losing my best friend to the dis-ease at 38. This made me realise our food system, was making us ill. The me more I learned, the more I found out and was contributing to animal cruelty. This had me go vegan overnight. I have now been vegan almost 11 years now, and still thriving and in good health.

Vegan Fitness Model

The above journey, had me go back into the fitness industry for several reasons. One to educate those in
the industry, a plant=based diet was optimal. To prove this, I went in bodybuilding competitions at age 39 and started to win again women, 1⁄2 my age. I was known as that ‘Vegan Fitness Model’…and the name stuck.

Vegan Fitness Model

Back in the day, 10 years ago…I had to re-learn how to cook without eggs, dairy and animal products. Determined I started to experiment. I started with plants, so never needed fake animal product as substitutes. I still eat 90-95% of my daily diet like this.

What advice would you offer to someone who is not a vegan or vegetarian but wants to try meatless food?

I usually educate, not tell people to go vegan

Vegan Fitness Model

I lead by example and hope that my journey inspires others enough to give it a try to make it a sustainable healthy lifestyle.

My dietary approach involves primarily consuming plant-based foods, along with homemade sauces, moderate protein, and low-fat, high-fiber meals. I have created a Vegan Fitness Food meal prep ebook that includes meals I make for myself and my clients.

Vegan Fitness Model

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What are some misunderstandings people have about vegans and vegetarians? How do you go about clarifying and educating them?

That we cannot get enough protein or complete protein, which now there is enough proof to show it is superior in many ways. With the rise in competitive vegan bodybuilders competing, at an international
level, and PRO level, we are collectively proving this to be true. More so, athletes across ALL sports are transitioning and showing this also.

Vegan Fitness Model
Vegan Fitness Model

What advice would you give to someone who is new to adopting a meatless diet?

Wish I did it sooner…

Vegan Fitness Model

Follow vegan accounts on social media that inspire you, help you create delicious foods, that practice the lifestyle you want to create yourself and learn/educate yourself.

When I went vegan, there was only one soy yogurt, no vegan cheeses, no fake meat only TVP (Textured Vegetable Protein)…being wholefood plant based was generally how every vegan ate. If you want to be a great healthy advocate for veganism, this is the way to show people without telling them it is a positive lifestyle change for the individual and for the animals and environment.

The best and kindest thing we can do for our own health and well-being is to eat less meat, save animal lives and end the cruelty

Vegan Fitness Model
Vegan Fitness Model

Consider adopting a vegan lifestyle for a trial period of 3 months. If you’re already vegan, experiment with a plant-based vegan diet for the same duration and observe the noticeable positive changes in your health, appearance, and grocery expenses. Moreover, this eco-friendly choice is much better for the environment.

See also  Discovering the Benefits of a Vegan Lifestyle: A Personal Journey
Vegan Fitness Model
Vegan Fitness Model

Vegan Fitness Model

🏆IFBB PRO League Bikini Master
🖥1:1 Coaching + Fatloss plans
📚AuthorChef @veganfitnessfoods
🌱Vegan Athlete 10+yrs
☀️Reverse ageing @ 49

all images courtesy of Vegan Fitness Model