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Evelyne Mertens | Diëtiste ProVeg België

Evelyne Mertens is a passionate and knowledgeable dietitian specializing in plant-based nutrition. With a deep commitment to helping individuals make informed, health-conscious food choices, Evelyne empowers people to thrive on plant-based diets. Whether she’s debunking common myths or providing practical advice, her expertise spans across essential nutrients like iron, omega-3s,Read More →

Wayne Askew

Wayne Askew has transformed his life in remarkable ways. Once grappling with decades of alcohol addiction, Wayne now leads a fulfilling and purpose-driven life, embracing sobriety, health, and veganism. His journey of recovery and self-discovery has not only reshaped his physical and emotional well-being but has also inspired him toRead More →

Kerri | Vegan & Gluten-Free

In her journey toward a more ethical and compassionate lifestyle, her path to veganism began with a strong commitment to ethical living and a lifelong love for animals. Starting as a vegetarian at a young age, she eventually transitioned to veganism to deepen her dedication to compassion. When she wasRead More →