小小蔬房 Xiao Xiao Place:老宅內純樸又不簡單的蔬食料理
小小蔬房 Xiao Xiao Place 地址: 台北市萬華區漢口街二段125號 電話: 02 2311 1168 營業時間:12:00-22:00 (四,五,六)(日~三公休)Read More →
小小蔬房 Xiao Xiao Place 地址: 台北市萬華區漢口街二段125號 電話: 02 2311 1168 營業時間:12:00-22:00 (四,五,六)(日~三公休)Read More →
Ms Tamjiak Veggiez is an active vegetarian food blogger since 2008. Born into a vegetarian family, she is passionate about sharing good meatless places from Singapore. Meatless Movement recently had the opportunity to chat with her. Tell us more about yourself please I was raised a vegetarian from young sinceRead More →
B.I.A. cafe is located at Kathmandu, Nepal’s capital, a valley surrounded by the Himalayan mountains. The vegetarian cafe serves coffee, tea and Nepal Himalayan culture and peaceful vibes. Meatless Movement recently had a chance to chat with Chogyal, owner of the B.I.A cafe. He told Meatless Movement that a peacefulRead More →
June lives in Paris, France. She is a vegan graphic designer and a volunteer at Nature Rights. She enjoys sharing vegan recipes on IG. Meatless Movement recently had a chance to chat with her. Tell us more about yourself please Hi! I’m June, a 27 year old French vegan womanRead More →
不捨長輩留下來的草山(陽明山閩南語舊稱)橘子園荒廢,秀光與安心夫妻經過15年的退休歲月,為5公頃餘的園區,整理一條能上山的道路。並以父母「梅」與「居」的名字,創辦「梅居」休閒農場,營運6 年來,也獲致各種官方授予的榮譽。Read More →
2016年一個偶發的念頭,蔬食冷凍食品 RicoRico 的品牌創辦人 Sophie,開始親身體驗無肉生活。從那餐開始,Sophie 就遵循著這個內心的呼聲,第二餐、第三餐也都選擇了素食,就這樣吃了7年素食,超過2000頓餐。Read More →
Maya 是日本人, 目前生活在台灣。大概一年前成為一名純素者。Maya 最近接受了 Meatless Movement 無肉更歡 的採訪. 她說自己之所以會轉葷為素, 最主要是因為不忍心看見動物被剝削與虐待。Read More →
BRIAN 是 Eat Green Today 的創辦人. 他覺得現代人越來越注重健康,而對抗三高 ,甚至需要Keep Fit 減肥的話,就要改變一般飲食習慣。改吃低升糖食物,如蔬菜、糙米等原型食物,減少攝取醣類,穩定血糖。Read More →
來自台灣的 Annanbel 自從吃素以後,開始在 IG分享自己的素食料理食譜。 她也會推薦台中的異國蔬食餐館, 如泰國, 義式風味和日式的料理等等。 Purchase Pet Products, Promote the Meatless Movement!Read More →
an initiative by meatlessmovement @2025