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2023年初,曹祐興與樂團主唱、音樂精靈Mify米非攜手合唱全新單曲〈日光窺探〉,展現了兩位音樂天才的完美結合。隨後,在四月份,曹祐興與知名Youtuber夫夫之道攜手推出新單曲〈蔬服的一天〉,呼籲永續關懷土地和環境的責任,這首歌由夫夫之道阿凱首次擔任作詞,推廣蔬食永續環境、多元族群共創的共同演唱使這首歌成為了一次跨界合作的亮點。 2023年底曹祐興推出個人首張EP《路過的人說的話》,將對世界的愛、對每個人、每個生命的珍惜,以及對美好未來的嚮往傳達給聽眾。 請你自我介紹 每個人的人生都是一本書只是我們要如何豐富精彩內容無論現在正經歷著什麼上天都會有最好的安排❤️ 曹祐興 我是曹祐興,來自桃園平鎮,目前正職是電動工具販售商,協槓是蔬食歌手。Read More →

山茶花 / Camélia

With a well-traveled background spanning Costa Rica, Australia, the UK, and Tunisia, Camélia brings a rich tapestry of cultural influences to her lifestyle. Her expertise lies in creating delectable vegan dishes effortlessly, reflecting her passion for sustainability and conscious living. Meatless Movement recently had a chat with her. Beyond theRead More →

Sarah Harper

Armed with a B.S. in Nutrition Science, Sarah’s journey is guided by a plant-centric philosophy, evident in her plant-filled day on the plate. With a focus on simplicity and protein prioritization, Sarah’s meals feature a diverse array of ingredients including soy milk, lentil pasta, edamame, and tofu. Beyond the kitchen,Read More →